- 関
- energy balance
- (physics) a thermodynamic quantity equivalent to the capacity of a physical system to do work; the units of energy are joules or ergs; "energy can take a wide variety of forms" (同)free_energy
- a healthy capacity for vigorous activity; "jogging works off my excess energy"; "he seemed full of vim and vigor" (同)vim, vitality
- any source of usable power; "the DOE is responsible for maintaining the energy policy"
- an imaginative lively style (especially style of writing); "his writing conveys great energy"; "a remarkable muscularity of style" (同)muscularity, vigor, vigour, vim
- enterprising or ambitious drive; "Europeans often laugh at American energy" (同)push, get-up-and-go
- forceful exertion; "he plays tennis with great energy"; "hes full of zip" (同)vigor, vigour, zip
- make a budget
- a sum of money allocated for a particular purpose; "the laboratory runs on a budget of a million a year"
- a summary of intended expenditures along with proposals for how to meet them; "the president submitted the annual budget to Congress"
- (一般的な力としての)『精力』,気力,元気 / (個人の)精力,活動力 / エネルギー
- (…の)『予算』,予算案《+『for』+『名』》《形容詞的に》『budget book』{名}〈C〉予算書『budget plan』{名}〈C〉《米》予算案 / (ある期間の,ある事業の)予算を組む《+『for』+『名』》
- 《won't, wouldn'tと共に》ちょっと動く / 《can't, couldn'tと共に》…'を'ちょっと動かす
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2012/06/29 14:30:55」(JST)
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An energy budget is a balance sheet of energy income against expenditure. It is studied in the field of Energetics which deals with the study of energy transfer and transformation from one form to another. Calorie is the basic unit of measurement. An organism in a laboratory experiment is an open thermodynamic system, exchanging energy with its surroundings in three ways - heat, work and the potential energy of biochemical compounds.
Fishes, like all organisms, use ingested food resources (C=consumption) as building blocks in the synthesis of tissues (P=production) and as fuel in the metabolic process that power this synthesis and other physiological processes (R=respiratory loss). Some of the resources are lost as waste products (F=faecal loss, U=urinary loss). All these aspects of metabolism can be represented in energy units.[citation needed] The basic model of energy budget may be shown as:
P = C - R - U - F or
P = C - (R + U + F) or
C = P + R + U + F
All the aspects of metabolism can be represented in energy units (e.g. joules (J);1 food calorie = 4.2 kJ). Energy used for metabolism will be
R = C - (F + U + P)
Energy used in the maintenance will be
R + F + U = C - P
The compilation of energy budget for fish has a fairly short history, with the result that literature on the subject is limited.
- Kumar, Ranjan (1999): Studies on Bioenergics modelling in a fresh water fish, Mystus vittatus (Bloch), Ph.D thesis, Magadh University, Bodh Gaya.
- B.R. Braaten (1976): Bioenergetics - a review on Methodology. In: Halver J,E and K. Tiews (eds). Finfish nutrition and Finfish Technology vol. II, pp. 461-504. Berlin, Hennemann.
- Brett, J. R. (1962) and T. D. D. Groves (1979): Physiological energetics. In: W.S. Hoar, D.J. Randall and J. R. Brett(eds). In: Fish Physiology, Vol VII. PP.279-352. N.Y,; A.P.
- Cui, Y and R. J. Wootton (1988): Bioenergetics of growth of a cyprinid Phoxinus phoxinus : the effect of ration, temperature, and body size on food consumption, faecal and nitrogen excretion. J. Fish. Biol, 33: 431-443.
- Elliott, J.M. and L. Persson (1978): The estimation of daily rate of food consumption for fish. J. Anim. Ecol. 47,977.
- Fischer, Z (1983): The elements of energy of energy balance in grass carp (Ctenophayngodon idella) part-IV, consumption rate of grass carp fed on different types of food.
- Kerr, S.R. (1982): Estimating the energy budgets of actively predatory fish. Can. J.Fish Aqual. Sci, 39-371.
- Kleiber, M. (1961): The fire of life - An Introduction to animal Energetics. Wiley, Newyork
- Prabhakar, A. K. (1997): Studies on energy budget in a siluroid fish, Heteropneustes fossilis (Bloch), Ph.D thesis, Magadh University, Bodh Gaya.
- Ray, A. K and B. C. Patra (1987): Method for collecting fish faeces for studying the digestibility of feeds J. Inland. Fish Soc. India. 19 (I) 71-73.
- Sengupta, A. and Amitta Moitra (1996): Energy Budget in relation to various dietary conditions in snake headed murrel, Channa punctatus: Proc. 83rd ISCA: ABS No. 95: pp. 56.
- Staples, D.J. and M. Nomura (1976): Influence of body size and food ration on the energy budget of rainbow trout, Salmo gairdneri (Rechardson). J. Fish Biol. 9, 29.
- Von Bertalanfly, L. (1957): Quantitative law in Metabolism. Quartz. Rev. biol. 32: 217-231
- Warren, C.E. and G.E. Davies (1967): Laboratory studies on the feeding bioenergetics and growth of fish. In: Gerking, S.D. (eds). The biological basis for freshwater Fish Production. pp. 175-214. Oxford, Blackwell.
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- An energy budget is a balance sheet of energy income against expenditure. It is studied in the field of Energetics which deals with the study of energy transfer and transformation from one form to another. Calorie is the basic unit of ...
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- energy balance、energy budget
- 関
- エネルギー平衡
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