- 関
- press
- sell or promote the sale of (illegal goods such as drugs); "The guy hanging around the school is pushing drugs"
- the force used in pushing; "the push of the water on the walls of the tank"; "the thrust of the jet engines" (同)thrust
- the act of applying force in order to move something away; "he gave the door a hard push"; "the pushing is good exercise" (同)pushing
- an effort to advance; "the army made a push toward the sea"
- press, drive, or impel (someone) to action or completion of an action; "He pushed her to finish her doctorate" (同)bear on
- approach a certain age or speed; "She is pushing fifty" (同)crowd
- move with force, "He pushed the table into a corner" (同)force
- move strenuously and with effort; "The crowd pushed forward"
- press against forcefully without moving; "she pushed against the wall with all her strength"
- place between two surfaces and apply weight or pressure; "pressed flowers"
- any machine that exerts pressure to form or shape or cut materials or extract liquids or compress solids (同)mechanical press
- a weightlift in which the barbell is lifted to shoulder height and then smoothly lifted overhead (同)military press
- the act of pressing; the exertion of pressure; "he gave the button a press"; "he used pressure to stop the bleeding"; "at the pressing of a button" (同)pressure, pressing
- a machine used for printing (同)printing_press
- clamp to prevent wooden rackets from warping when not in use
- the print media responsible for gathering and publishing news in the form of newspapers or magazines (同)public press
- press from a plastic; "press a record" (同)press_out
- make strenuous pushing movements during birth to expel the baby; "`Now push hard, said the doctor to the woman" (同)push
- be urgent; "This is a pressing problem"
- create by pressing; "Press little holes into the soft clay"
- crowd closely; "The crowds pressed along the street"
- exert pressure or force to or upon; "He pressed down on the boards"; "press your thumb on this spot"
- a sandal attached to the foot by a thong over the toes (同)zori
- an unlicensed dealer in illegal drugs (同)drug peddler, peddler, drug dealer, drug trafficker
- someone who pushes (同)shover
- one who intrudes or pushes himself forward (同)thruster
- an electrical switch operated by pressing; "the elevator was operated by push buttons"; "the push beside the bed operated a buzzer at the desk" (同)push, button
- a clerk who does boring paperwork (同)pencil pusher
- a fluid product of inflammation (同)purulence, suppuration, ichor, sanies, festering
- 《副詞[句]を伴って》(動かすために)…‘を'『押す』,押して動かす / 〈提案・要求など〉‘を'押し進める,推進する / 〈人〉‘に'押しつける / …‘を'拡張する,伸ばす / 〈商品など〉‘を'押しつける / 《話》《進行形で》〈ある年齢〉‘に'近付く / (動かすために)(…を)『押す』,突く,押し動かす / 《方向を表す副詞[句]を伴って》押し進む / 〈C〉ひと押し / 〈C〉奮闘,努力
- (力・重量をかけて)…‘を'『押す,圧する』 / (…から)〈果汁・油など〉‘を'しぼり出す《+『名』+『from』(『out of』)+『名』》 / 〈服など〉‘に'アイロンをかける(iron) / (親愛・共感の表現として)…‘を'抱き締める,握り締める / (人をかきわけて)〈道〉‘を'押し進む / 《しばしば受動態で》…‘を'圧迫する,苦しめる(harass) / (人に)〈物事〉‘を'無理に押しつける,強要する《+『名』+『on』(『upon』)+『名』〈人〉》 / (物事を)〈人〉‘に'無理に押しつける,迫る,強要する / (…を)『押す,圧する』《+『on』(『upon, against』)+『名』》 / 《副詞を伴って》〈衣服が〉アイロンがかかる / 押し進む,突き進む;〈群衆などが〉押し寄せる,殺到する / 〈時間が〉切迫している;《話》〈物事が〉急を要する / (…を)しつこくせがむ,せきたてる《+『for』+『名』》 / 《a~》『押すこと』,『圧迫』;握り締めること / 〈C〉圧搾(縮),締め具,(果汁の)しぼり機 / 〈C〉《通例P-》印刷所,発行所 / 〈U〉印刷 / 《the~》(新聞・雑誌・ラジオ・テレビなどの)報道機関,言論界;《集合的に》報道陣,新聞(雑誌)記者 / 〈C〉《単数形で》(新聞での)論評,取り上げ方 / 〈U〉(押し合う)雑踏,人だかり,群衆 / 〈U〉(事態・仕事などの)切迫していること,火急,急迫 / 〈C〉《話》アイロンをかけること
- 〈他〉強制徴兵する
- 押す人(もの) / 《俗》(麻薬などの)売人 / 《話》押しの強い人,でしゃばり
- 折りたたみ式うば車(《米》stroller)
- うみ,膿(のう)
- 押し迫られている,窮している,困っている
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[Wiki en表示]
- 1 Music
- 2 Film and television
- 3 Computing
- 4 Groups and organizations
- 5 Sports and gaming
- 6 Literature
- 7 Pictorial Representations
- 8 Other uses
- 9 See also
A push is an applied force intended to drive or impel.
Music [edit]
- Push (Bros album), an album by Bros
- Push (DJ), a Belgian disc jockey born Mike Dierickx
- Push (Gruntruck album), an album by Gruntruck
- "Push" (Enrique Iglesias song), a song by Enrique Iglesias
- "Push" (Ghostface Killah song), a song by Ghostface Killah
- "Push" (Matchbox Twenty song), a song by Matchbox Twenty
- "Push" (Moist song), a song by Moist
- "Push" (Pharoahe Monch song), a song by Pharoahe Monch
- "Push", a song by The Cure on the album The Head on the Door
- "Push", a song by Dannii Minogue on the album Neon Nights
- "Push", a song by Dio on the album Killing the Dragon
- "Push", a song by Avril Lavigne on the album Goodbye Lullaby
- "Push", a song by Madonna on the album Confessions on a Dance Floor
- "Push", a song by Sarah McLachlan on the album Afterglow
- "Push", a song by Prince on the album Diamonds and Pearls
- "Push", a song by Lenny Kravitz on the album Black and White America
- Pusha T, a rapper
Film and television [edit]
- Push (2009 film), a 2009 thriller starring Chris Evans and Dakota Fanning
- Precious (film), a 2009 drama film previously titled Push and Push: Based on a Novel by Sapphire
- Push (2006 film), starring Chad Lindberg
- Push, Nevada, a mystery television series starring Derek Cecil
- Push (TV series), a short-lived ABC 1998 TV series
Computing [edit]
- Push technology, a method of content delivery
- Push e-mail, a type of e-mail system
- A command used with a stack data structure
- PuSH is a shorthand for PubSubHubbub
- Push programming language, a programming language designed for evolutionary computation
Groups and organizations [edit]
- PUSH (university guide)
- Rainbow/PUSH, a social justice organization
- Rocks Push, a larrikin gang active in the 1800s
- Sydney Push, an intellectual subculture
Sports and gaming [edit]
- Push (professional wrestling)
- Double push, an inline speed skating technique
- A tie in the game of blackjack
- A term in sports betting
- Understeer in auto racing
Literature [edit]
- Push (novel), a novel by Sapphire
Pictorial Representations [edit]
- Pictorial push pull signs for doors, pictogram for push (PUSH & PULL MAN)
Other uses [edit]
- Push approach in management, see push-pull strategy
- Push!!, a Japanese magazine
- Push the Talking Trash Can, a Disney theme park robot
- Push processing, a photographic technique
See also [edit]
- Push Push (disambiguation)
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English Journal
- The push and pull of grief: Approach and avoidance in bereavement.
- Maccallum F1, Sawday S2, Rinck M3, Bryant RA2.
- Journal of behavior therapy and experimental psychiatry.J Behav Ther Exp Psychiatry.2015 Sep;48:105-9. doi: 10.1016/j.jbtep.2015.02.010. Epub 2015 Mar 2.
- BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Prolonged Grief (PG) is recognized as a post-bereavement syndrome that is associated with significant impairment. Although approach and avoidance tendencies have both been hypothesized to play key roles in maintaining PG symptoms, understanding of these relationships has b
- PMID 25797028
- Signs and symptoms after temporomandibular joint washing and cannula placement assessed by cone beam computerized tomography.
- Kristensen KD1, Stoustrup P, Alstergren P, Küseler A, Herlin T, Pedersen TK.
- Acta odontologica Scandinavica.Acta Odontol Scand.2015 Aug;73(6):454-60. doi: 10.3109/00016357.2014.983542. Epub 2014 Nov 27.
- OBJECTIVE: Analyses of temporomandibular joint synovial fluid using the hydroxocobalamin push-pull technique are increasingly used. However, objective complications and subjective experiences from this procedure have not been described. Firstly, this study aimed to describe discomfort and potential
- PMID 25428626
- Bond strength of self-adhesive resin cement to root dentin. Comparison of photon-initiated photoacoustic streaming technique with needle and ultrasonic irrigation.
- Arslan H1, Akcay M, Saygili G, Keskı A, MeŞe İT, Gok A, Dalli M.
- Acta odontologica Scandinavica.Acta Odontol Scand.2015 Jul;73(5):348-52. doi: 10.3109/00016357.2014.967717. Epub 2015 Feb 2.
- OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of photon-initiated photoacoustic streaming (PIPS) with various irrigating solutions on the bond strength of a self-adhesive resin cement to root dentin.MATERIALS AND METHODS: Seventy-two mandibular premolar roots were divided into six
- PMID 25644092
- Effects of dentin surface treatments including Er,Cr:YSGG laser irradiation with different intensities on the push-out bond strength of the glass fiber posts to root dentin.
- Kirmali O1, Kustarci A, Kapdan A, Er K.
- Acta odontologica Scandinavica.Acta Odontol Scand.2015 Jul;73(5):380-6. doi: 10.3109/00016357.2014.968872. Epub 2014 Oct 20.
- OBJECTIVE: Intra-canal post systems are commonly used to restore root-filled teeth. Bond strengths of the posts can be affected by various surface treatments of the post or the dentin. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of dentin surface treatments including erbium-chromium; yttrium-s
- PMID 25330165
Japanese Journal
- 道内109ヵ所のカメラを「d」ボタンでチェック!「道カメラ」システムの開発 (放送技術)
- 久保田 佳輝
- 映像情報メディア学会技術報告 = ITE technical report 39(28), 47-49, 2015-07
- NAID 40020562826
- 通信ジッタを考慮した同時受信型プッシュ配信制御方式の配信時刻再調整手法 (放送技術)
- 田中 壮,西村 敏,遠藤 洋介
- 映像情報メディア学会技術報告 = ITE technical report 39(28), 5-8, 2015-07
- NAID 40020562678
- PCキーボードのキースイッチの操作性評価に関する研究 : タッチタイピングによる打鍵法の差異がもたらす操作性評価の相違について
- 富田 新,大原 貴弘
- 応用心理学研究 = Japanese journal of applied psychology 41(1), 87-97, 2015-07
- NAID 40020549348
- 中国対外構想を支える広報戦略の実体 (中国の大戦略を検証する)
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- PUSH -プッシュ- (バンド) official site TOP info biography biography LIVE movie mail photo goods blog - PUSHより大事なお知らせ - @info_PUSH からのツイート Copyright © PUSH. All Rights Reserved ...
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- 関
- impose、issue、piezo、pressure、publication、publish、push
- 英
- push、press
- 関
- 圧力、出版、強要、プレス