- (poetry) painful grief (同)dolour
- showing sorrow (同)dolourous, lachrymose, tearful, weeping
- a unit of pain intensity
- 悲しみを誘う,悲しそうな,悲しい,痛ましい
- 悲しみ,心の痛み
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2013/05/10 01:12:52」(JST)
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Dolor may refer to:
- Pain
- Suffering
- The unit of measurement in utilitarianism, see Felicific calculus#Hedons and dolors
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- 1. 急性期反応物質 acute phase reactants
- 2. 自然免疫系の概要 an overview of the innate immune system
English Journal
- The role of routinely given hyoscine-N-butylbromide in colonoscopy: a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, clinical trial.
- Ristikankare M1, Karinen-Mantila H1.
- Scandinavian journal of gastroenterology.Scand J Gastroenterol.2016 Mar;51(3):368-73. doi: 10.3109/00365521.2015.1083611. Epub 2015 Sep 11.
- OBJECTIVE: Hyoscine-N-butylbromide (HBB) has been proposed to ease colonoscopy and improve mucosal visualization, yet the results from previous studies are conflicting. In our prospective, double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized study we aimed at evaluating whether routine administration of HBB
- PMID 26554619
- A randomized multicenter study of minilaparotomy cholecystectomy versus laparoscopic cholecystectomy with ultrasonic dissection in both groups.
- Aspinen S1, Harju J2, Kinnunen M1, Juvonen P1, Kokki H3, Eskelinen M1.
- Scandinavian journal of gastroenterology.Scand J Gastroenterol.2016 Mar;51(3):354-9. doi: 10.3109/00365521.2015.1091496. Epub 2015 Sep 28.
- OBJECTIVE: Ultrasonic dissection (UsD) has been used in laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LC), though it is not the golden standard technique. Applying UsD to cholecystectomy by minilaparotomy (MC) is less common and there are no prospective randomized trials comparing these two techniques. Therefore, w
- PMID 26414236
- Palliative Care and Symptom Management in Older Patients with Cancer.
- Alexander K1, Goldberg J2, Korc-Grodzicki B3.
- Clinics in geriatric medicine.Clin Geriatr Med.2016 Feb;32(1):45-62. doi: 10.1016/j.cger.2015.08.004. Epub 2015 Oct 17.
- Older patients with cancer are best served by a multidisciplinary approach with palliative care (PC) playing an integral role. PC focuses on symptom control irrespective of its cause and should not be associated only with terminal care. It provides an additional layer of support in the care of patie
- PMID 26614860
Japanese Journal
- USabcdワークショップ参加体験記─新しい超音波ベッドサイド診断のワークショップ ABCD-sonography開催へ向けて─
- A Linguistic Commentary on Dante's Vita Nuova(IV)
- 痛み誘発負情動から考える"心"の起源 (第1土曜特集 原始感覚と情動--生体防御系としての情動機構とその破綻)
Related Links
- dolor. 出典: フリー多機能辞典『ウィクショナリー日本語版(Wiktionary)』. 移動: 案内, 検索. 目次. 1 スペイン語. 1.1 発音; 1.2 語源; 1.3 名詞; 1.4 関連語. [編集] スペイン語. [ 編集] 発音. IPA: /doˈloɾ/. [編集] 語源. ラテン語 dolor, doloris ...
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- 英
- pain, dolor
- 同
- 痛み
- 関
- 痛覚 pain sensation
- ゲートコントロール:Aδ線維とC線維による痛みはAβ線維による入力で中枢伝達細胞のレベルで抑制される。
- 下行性疼痛抑制系神経系:下行性疼痛抑制系神経系による入力で中枢伝達細胞のレベルで抑制される。
- 下行性疼痛抑制系神経系は中脳水道周辺灰白質からの脊髄への入力からなる。具体的には大縫線核(セロトニン作動性)、巨大細胞網様核・傍巨大細胞網様核(ノルアドレナリン作動性)がの2系統が起点となる。抗うつ薬はこれらの神経伝達物質の再吸収を妨げ鎮痛作用を発揮する。
- Adams and s Principles of Neurology, Ninth Edition Allan Ropper. table 8-2より抜粋
- dysesthesia : Any abnormal sensation described as unpleasant by the patient.
- hyperalgesia : Exaggerated pain response from a normally painful stimulus; usually includes aspects of summation with repeated stimulus of constant intensity and aftersensation.
- hyperpathia : Abnormally painful and exaggerated reaction to a painful stimulus; related to hyperalgesia.
- hyperesthesia (hypesthesia) : Exaggerated perception of touch stimulus.
- allodynia : Abnormal perception of pain from a normally nonpainful mechanical or thermal stimulus; usually has elements of delay in perception and of aftersensation.
- hypoalgesia (hypalgesia) : Decreased sensitivity and raised threshoid to painful stimuli.
- anesthesia : Reduced perception of all sensation, mainly touch.
- pallanesthesia : Loss of perception of vibration.
- analgesia : Reduced perception of pain stimulus.
- paresthesia : Mainly spontaneous abnormal sensation that is not unpleasant; usually described as "pins and needles".
- causalgia : Buming pain in the distribution of one or more peripheral nerves.
- 英
- inflammation
- 同
- 炎症反応 inflammatory reaction
- 関
- 急性炎症による有害な刺激物が除去され組織が修復されるが、障害が続けば慢性炎症となる。
主徴 (BPT.32)
- ウイルス、リケッチア、細菌、真菌、原虫、寄生虫
- 日光、放射線物質、電気的刺激、摩擦
- 酸・アルカリ
- 壊死物
- 異物
- 免疫学的な刺激(アレルギー、自己免疫疾患)
- 比較的短期間で終了し滲出と好中球浸潤が主体
- 長時間持続し、組織増殖とリンパ球・組織球浸潤が主体
急性炎症 (BPT.33)
- vasolilation
- increased vascular permeability
- cellular recruitment and activation
- 関
- painful