- 関
- bore、cavernous、cavity
- cause to be bored (同)tire
- a hole or passage made by a drill; usually made for exploratory purposes (同)bore-hole, drill hole
- diameter of a tube or gun barrel (同)gauge, caliber, calibre
- a person who evokes boredom (同)dullard
- make a hole, especially with a pointed power or hand tool; "dont drill here, theres a gas pipe"; "drill a hole into the wall"; "drill for oil"; "carpenter bees are boring holes into the wall" (同)drill
- being or suggesting a cavern; "vast cavernous chambers hollowed out of limestone"
- bear(実をつける)の過去形
- (…に)(きり・ドリルなどで)…‘に'『穴をあける』;〈トンネルなど〉'を'掘る《+『名』+『in』(『into, through』)+名》 / (…に)穴をあける《+in(into, through)+名》 / 穴があく / (穴をあけるように)押し分ける / きりであけた穴 / (穴・円筒・銃身の)内側 / (穴・円筒の)直径,(銃の)口径
- (…で)〈人〉'を'『うんざりさせる』,退屈させる《+『名』+『with』(『by』)+『名』(do-『ing』)》 / 《軽べつして》退屈な人(事)
- 高潮,潮津波
- ほら穴の多い / ほら穴のような
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English Journal
- Diagnosis and treatment of pulmonary aspergillosis syndromes.
- Patterson KC, Strek ME.
- Chest.Chest.2014 Nov 1;146(5):1358-68. doi: 10.1378/chest.14-0917.
- Both inherited and acquired immunodeficiency and chronic pulmonary disease predispose to the development of a variety of pulmonary syndromes in response to Aspergillus, a fungus that is ubiquitous in the environment. These syndromes include invasive aspergillosis, which is now recognized to occur in
- PMID 25367472
- Computed Tomography-guided Percutaneous Lung Biopsy: Impact of Lesion Proximity to Diaphragm on Biopsy Yield and Pneumothorax Rate.
- Patel MV1, Ahmed O, Jilani D, Zangan S.
- Journal of thoracic imaging.J Thorac Imaging.2014 Nov;29(6):344-9. doi: 10.1097/RTI.0000000000000112.
- PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of lesion proximity to the diaphragm on computed tomography (CT)-guided percutaneous biopsy yield and pneumothorax rates.MATERIALS AND METHODS: An Institutional Review Board-approved retrospective review of all CT-guided percutaneous c
- PMID 25314026
- Neonatal deep white matter venous infarction and liquefaction: a pseudo-abscess lesion.
- Ruess L1, Dent CM, Tiarks HJ, Yoshida MA, Rusin JA.
- Pediatric radiology.Pediatr Radiol.2014 Nov;44(11):1393-402. doi: 10.1007/s00247-014-3006-0. Epub 2014 Oct 11.
- BACKGROUND: Deep white matter hemorrhagic venous infarction with subsequent cavitation due to necrosis and liquefaction has been described in neonates and may be associated with infection and meningitis. In our experience, the MRI pattern of these lesions is confused with the pattern seen with cereb
- PMID 25304462
Japanese Journal
- 阿部 尚弘,伊関 憲,林田 昌子,清野 慶子,杉山 恵一郎,篠崎 克洋,阿部 修一
- 山形大学紀要. 医学 : 山形医学 30(2), 67-72, 2012-08-15
- 患者はフィリピン国籍の54歳、男性。3か月前に来日した。山形県内に滞在し、2か月前より咳嗽・血痰を訴えていた。血痰量が増加したため、救急隊を要請し、当院に来院した。血液・生化学検査では、WBC 9550 /μl,CRP 2.21 mg/dlと軽度の炎症反応と、随時血糖584 mg/dlと高血糖を認めた。胸部X線写真において右中肺野に空洞性病変、胸部CTにて右肺上葉、右肺中葉に空洞を伴う浸潤影を認め …
- NAID 110009445797
- 多発空洞性肺病変を呈した Hodgkin リンパ腫の1例
- 水守 康之,望月 吉郎,中原 保治,河村 哲治,佐々木 信,小橋 陽一郎
- 日本呼吸器学会誌 = Annals of the Japanese Respiratory Society 1(4), 337-342, 2012-05-10
- NAID 10030633661
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- cavitary /cav·i·ta·ry/ (kav´ĭ-tar-e) characterized by a cavity or cavities. cav·i·tar·y (k v-t r) adj. 1. Relating to or having a cavity or cavities. 2. Of, relating to, or being an animal parasite that has a body cavity and lives within the host's ...
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- 関
- caliber、cavitary、cavity、drill、perforate、perforation、tedious
- 英
- cavity、bore、cavitary
- 関
- うんざり、窩洞、空洞性、腔、穿孔、退屈、口径、穴を開ける
- 関
- cavitary
- 英
- cavernous、cavitary
- 関
- 空洞
- 関
- endoluminal、intraluminal、intraluminally