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- intracavitary、intraluminal、intraluminally
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English Journal
- Multimodality imaging of diseases of the duodenum.
- McNeeley MF1, Lalwani N, Dhakshina Moorthy G, Maki J, Dighe MK, Lehnert B, Prasad SR.
- Abdominal imaging.Abdom Imaging.2014 Dec;39(6):1330-49. doi: 10.1007/s00261-014-0157-2.
- The duodenum is a unique segment of intestine, occupying both intra and extra-peritoneal locations. There is a wide spectrum of abnormalities of the duodenum that range from congenital anomalies to traumatic, inflammatory, and neoplastic entities. The duodenum may be overlooked on cross-sectional im
- PMID 24811767
- Intimal sarcomas of the aorta and iliofemoral arteries: a clinicopathological study of 26 cases.
- Staats P1, Tavora F, Burke AP.
- Pathology.Pathology.2014 Dec;46(7):596-603. doi: 10.1097/PAT.0000000000000182.
- SUMMARY: Aortic sarcomas are predominantly endoluminal tumours that are believed derived from the intima. Because of their rarity, relatively little is known about their pathological features. We report a series of 26 aortic and iliofemoral tumours with histopathological and clinical data.Of the 26
- PMID 25393249
- A novel double-balloon catheter device for fully endoluminal intestinal lengthening.
- Demehri FR1, Wong PM, Freeman JJ, Fukatsu Y, Teitelbaum DH.
- Pediatric surgery international.Pediatr Surg Int.2014 Dec;30(12):1223-9. doi: 10.1007/s00383-014-3612-9. Epub 2014 Oct 16.
- OBJECTIVE: Distraction enterogenesis may provide a novel therapy for short bowel syndrome (SBS). Previously described methods have relied upon isolated intestinal segments or transmural fixation. Our objective was to develop a novel, fully endoluminal device, permitting placement and removal through
- PMID 25319796
Japanese Journal
- 胎児治療(教育講演3,第66回日本産科婦人科学会・学術講演会)
- 下大静脈閉塞を伴わない下大静脈嚢状瘤の3次元エコーによる仮想血管内視鏡所見
- 角田 聖,小田 洋平,光本 保英,山田 千尋
- 超音波医学, 2014
- 症例は20年来の反復するめまい発作で近医にて内服治療を受けている70歳,女性.持続するめまいと嘔吐を主訴に当院救急外来を独歩で受診した.身体所見は特に異常なく耳鳴りや眼振は認めず,頭部MRI検査でも急性の脳血管障害は指摘されなかったが,めまい症状が強いため観察入院となった.めまいは炭酸水素ナトリウム点滴などで改善し,嘔吐も自然に軽快したが,原因検索目的に施行した腹部超音波検査で,下大静脈(infe …
- NAID 130004687997
- PPI抵抗性GERDに対する内視鏡治療 (特集 PPI抵抗性胃食道逆流症の現状と治療戦略)
Related Links
- Endoluminal Sciences Pty Ltd | 2010 Endoluminal Sciences Pty Ltd | 2010
- GERDに対する endoluminal surgery 5章 逆流性食道炎 EndoluminalSurgeryforGERD SatoshiTokioka/EijiUmegaki/KazuhideHiguchi *大阪医科大学第2 内科(〒569-8686 大阪府高槻市大学町2-7) Key words:GERD,内視鏡的 Ⅰ ...
- 1. Surg Endosc. 1997 Apr;11(4):321-5. Endoluminal surgery. Spivak H, Hunter JG. Comment in Surg Endosc. 1998 May;12(5):471-2. BACKGROUND: Progress in laparoscopic surgery and the employment of minimally invasive ...
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- intraluminal、endoluminal、intracavitary、intraluminally
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- endoluminal、intracavitary、intraluminally
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- endoluminal、intraluminal、intraluminally
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- endoluminal、intracavitary、intraluminal