- a single pulsation of an oscillation produced by adding two waves of different frequencies; has a frequency equal to the difference between the two oscillations
- strike (water or bushes) repeatedly to rouse animals for hunting
- a regular rate of repetition; "the cox raised the beat"
- a stroke or blow; "the signal was two beats on the steam pipe"
- the act of beating to windward; sailing as close as possible to the direction from which the wind is blowing
- a regular route for a sentry or policeman; "in the old days a policeman walked a beat and knew all his people by name" (同)round
- the sound of stroke or blow; "he heard the beat of a drum"
- come out better in a competition, race, or conflict; "Agassi beat Becker in the tennis championship"; "We beat the competition"; "Harvard defeated Yale in the last football game" (同)beat_out, crush, shell, trounce, vanquish
- give a beating to; subject to a beating, either as a punishment or as an act of aggression; "Thugs beat him up when he walked down the street late at night"; "The teacher used to beat the students" (同)beat_up, work over
- avoid paying; "beat the subway fare" (同)bunk
- move with a flapping motion; "The birds wings were flapping" (同)flap
- move with a thrashing motion; "The bird flapped its wings"; "The eagle beat its wings and soared high into the sky" (同)flap
- move rhythmically; "Her heart was beating fast" (同)pound, thump
- stir vigorously; "beat the egg whites"; "beat the cream" (同)scramble
- be superior; "Reading beats watching television"; "This sure beats work!"
- glare or strike with great intensity; "The sun was beating down on us"
- hit repeatedly; "beat on the door"; "beat the table with his shoe"
- indicate by beating, as with the fingers or drumsticks; "Beat the rhythm"
- make by pounding or trampling; "beat a path through the forest"
- produce a rhythm by striking repeatedly; "beat the drum"
- sail with much tacking or with difficulty; "The boat beat in the strong wind"
- shape by beating; "beat swords into ploughshares"
- strike (a part of ones own body) repeatedly, as in great emotion or in accompaniment to music; "beat ones breast"; "beat ones foot rhythmically"
- to remain unmolested, undisturbed, or uninterrupted -- used only in infinitive form; "let her be"
- work in a specific place, with a specific subject, or in a specific function; "He is a herpetologist"; "She is our resident philosopher" (同)follow
- have life, be alive; "Our great leader is no more"; "My grandfather lived until the end of war" (同)live
- be identical to; be someone or something; "The president of the company is John Smith"; "This is my house"
- happen, occur, take place; "I lost my wallet; this was during the visit to my parents house"; "There were two hundred people at his funeral"; "There was a lot of noise in the kitchen"
- have the quality of being; (copula, used with an adjective or a predicate noun); "John is rich"; "This is not a good answer"
- occupy a certain position or area; be somewhere; "Where is my umbrella?" "The toolshed is in the back"; "What is behind this behavior?"
- spend or use time; "I may be an hour"
- the act of inflicting corporal punishment with repeated blows (同)thrashing, licking, drubbing, lacing, trouncing, whacking
- the act of overcoming or outdoing (同)whipping
- of or relating to the heart; "cardiac arrest"
- the opening into the stomach and that part of the stomach connected to the esophagus
- (連続して)…'を'『たたく』,打つ(pound) / (…に)…'を'『たたきつける』,打ちつける《+『名』+『against』+『名』》 / (…に)…'を'たたいて作る《+『名』+『into』+『名』》;〈金属〉'を'打ち延ばす / …'を'勢いよくかき混ぜる / 〈リズム・拍子〉'を'手をたたいて(手を振って,足を踏んで)とる / 〈道〉'を'踏み固めて作る / 《話》〈人〉'を'困らせる,まいらせる / 〈風・雨・波などが〉(…に)『打ちつける』,〈人が〉(…を)ドンドン打つ《+『at』(『against』,『in』,『on』)+『名』》 / 〈心臓・脈が〉鼓動する,脈打つ / ドンドン鳴る / 〈船が〉風に逆らってジグザグに進む / 『続けて打つこと』,連打 / (心臓などの)鼓動 / (警官などの)巡回(担当)区域,持ち場 / 拍子;手拍子,足拍子 / =beatnik / 《補語にのみ用いて》《俗》疲れはてた,へとへとになった / 《名詞の前にのみ用いて》《話》ビート族の
- 《連結語として補語を伴なって…『である』,…だ,…です / 《位置・場所を表す語句を伴って》(…に)『ある』,いる(occupy a place or situation) / 〈物事が〉『存在する』,ある(exist);〈生物が〉生存する,生きている(live) / 行われる,起こる,発生する(take place, occur) / 存続する,そのままでいる(remain as before) / 《『be to』 do》 / …する予定である,…することになっている / …すべきだ / 《受動態の不定詞を伴って》…できる / 《命令》…するのだ / 《条件節に》…する意図がある / 《『if…were to』 do》…するとしたなら / 《『be』 do『ing』》《進行形》 / 《進行中の動作》…している,しつつある / 《近い未来》…しようとしている,するつもり / 《動作の反復》(いつも)…している / 《『be』+『他動詞の過去分詞』》《受動態》…される,されている / 《『be』+『自動詞の過去分詞』》《完了形》…した[状態にある]
- 〈C〉打つこと;(罰としての)むち打ち / 〈C〉打ち負かすこと;敗北 / 〈U〉(心臓の)鼓動
- 心臓の
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English Journal
- Generation of mouse induced pluripotent stem cells from different genetic backgrounds using Sleeping beauty transposon mediated gene transfer.
- Muenthaisong S, Ujhelly O, Polgar Z, Varga E, Ivics Z, Pirity MK, Dinnyes A.SourceMolecular Animal Biotechnology Laboratory, Szent István University, Gödöllö 2100, Hungary; BioTalentum Ltd, Gödöllö 2100, Hungary. Electronic address: suchitra.muenthaisong@biotalentum.hu.
- Experimental cell research.Exp Cell Res.2012 Nov 15;318(19):2482-9. doi: 10.1016/j.yexcr.2012.07.014. Epub 2012 Jul 28.
- Induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cell technology involves reprogramming somatic cells to a pluripotent state. The original technology used to produce these cells requires viral gene transduction and results in the permanent integration of exogenous genes into the genome. This can lead to the developme
- PMID 22846649
- Cardiopulmonary exercise testing predicts 5 yr survival after major surgery.
- Colson M, Baglin J, Bolsin S, Grocott MP.SourceDepartment of Anaesthesia, The Geelong Hospital, Ryrie Street, Geelong, VIC 3220, Australia.
- British journal of anaesthesia.Br J Anaesth.2012 Nov;109(5):735-41. doi: 10.1093/bja/aes263. Epub 2012 Aug 21.
- BACKGROUND: /st> Cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET) is used to assess perioperative risk in surgical patients. While previous studies have looked at short-term outcomes, this paper explores the ability of CPET to predict 5 yr survival after major surgery.METHODS: /st> Over a period (1996-
- PMID 22910977
Japanese Journal
- 心臓突然死のリスク予測に有用な新指標 : beat-to-beat variability of repolarization
- 高原 章,中村 裕二,杉山 篤
- 日本薬理學雜誌 = Folia pharmacologica Japonica 138(1), 43-44, 2011-07-01
- NAID 10029417992
- Utility of Short-Term Variability of Repolarization as a Marker for Monitoring a Safe Exercise Training Program in Patients With Cardiac Diseases
- Nishi Isao,Sugiyama Atsushi,Takahara Akira,Kuroki Kenji,Igawa Masayuki,Enomoto Tsuyoshi,Iida Kaname,Koseki Susumu,Aonuma Kazutaka
- International Heart Journal 52(5), 304-307, 2011
- … In order to begin searching for new markers for safe exercise training in patients with cardiac diseases, we tested the sensitivity and reliability of the short-term variability of repolarization (STVQT) in comparison with QT interval, QTc, and Tpeak-Tend interval (Tp-e) in patients with cardiac diseases. … The cardiac rehabilitation (CR) program consisted of walking, bicycling on an ergometer, and calisthenics for 30-50 minutes/session and 3-5 sessions/week for 3 months. …
- NAID 130001088314
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- heart beat、cardiac beat
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- 胎児心拍動
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- beating、hit、strike
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- cardio、cardiotonic、heart、mind
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- beat