- establish as valid or genuine; "Can you back up your claims?" (同)back_up
- strengthen by providing with a back or backing
- a support that you can lean against while sitting; "the back of the dental chair was adjustable" (同)backrest
- (American football) the position of a player on a football team who is stationed behind the line of scrimmage
- the part of a garment that covers the back of your body; "they pinned a `kick me sign on his back"
- travel backward; "back into the driveway"; "The car backed up and hit the tree"
- the posterior part of a human (or animal) body from the neck to the end of the spine; "his back was nicely tanned" (同)dorsum
- the part of something that is furthest from the normal viewer; "he stood at the back of the stage"; "it was hidden in the rear of the store" (同)rear
- (football) a person who plays in the backfield
- in or to or toward a past time; "set the clocks back an hour"; "never look back"; "lovers of the past looking fondly backward" (同)backward
- at or to or toward the back or rear; "he moved back"; "tripped when he stepped backward"; "she looked rearward out the window of the car" (同)backward, backwards, rearward, rearwards
- be behind; approve of; "He plumped for the Labor Party"; "I backed Kennedy in 1960" (同)endorse, indorse, plump for, plunk for, support
- located at or near the back of an animal; "back (or hind) legs"; "the hinder part of a carcass" (同)hind, hinder
- be in back of; "My garage backs their yard"
- cause to travel backward; "back the car into the parking spot"
- in or to or toward a former location; "she went back to her parents house"
- in or to or toward an original condition; "he went back to sleep"
- in repayment or retaliation; "we paid back everything we had borrowed"; "he hit me and I hit him back"; "I was kept in after school for talking back to the teacher"
- in reply; "he wrote back three days later"
- of an earlier date; "back issues of the magazine"
- related to or located at the back; "the back yard"; "the back entrance"
- shift to a counterclockwise direction; "the wind backed"
- support financial backing for; "back this enterprise"
- make ones way by force; "He muscled his way into the office"
- animal tissue consisting predominantly of contractile cells (同)muscular_tissue
- one of the contractile organs of the body (同)musculus
- authority or power or force (especially when used in a coercive way); "the senators used their muscle to get the party leader to resign"
- the condition of financial success; "the strength of the companys stock in recent weeks"
- the property of being physically or mentally strong; "fatigue sapped his strength"
- the act of providing approval and support; "his vigorous backing of the conservatives got him in trouble with progressives" (同)backup, championship, patronage
- something forming a back that is added for strengthening (同)mount
- used of film that is coated on the side opposite the emulsion with a substance to absorb light
- having a back or backing, usually of a specified type
- 〈C〉(人・動物の)『背』,『背中』,背部 / 《通例the~》(正面に対して)(…の)『後ろ』,『裏』,奥,後部《+『of』+『名』》 / 《通例the back》背に似たもの;(手足の)甲;(刀の)みね;(いす・本の)背 / 〈C〉〈U〉(フットボール・ホッケーなどの)後衛 / 《名詞の前にのみ用にて》『後ろの』,後部にある,裏の / 後もどりする,逆の / 遅れている,未払いの / (中心から)遠い,へんぴな,奥地の / (音声が)後舌音の / 『後方へ』,『後ろに』(backward) / (場所・状態が)『もとへ』,帰って,返して / (時間的に)『さかのぼって』,今から…前に(ago) / 〈車など〉'を'『後退させる』 / (…で)〈人・計画など〉'を'『後援する』,支持する(support)《+『名』+『in』+『名』》 / (競馬で)…に賭ける / (…で)…‘の'伴奏をする《+『名』+『by』+『名』》 / …‘の'裏手にある,背景をなす / 〈手形など〉‘に'裏書きする(endorse) / 《しばしば受動態で》〈本〉‘に'背をつける,(…で)…'を'裏打ちする《+『名』+『with』+『名』》 / 後ずさりする,後退する(move backward)
- 〈U〉(動物体の組織としての)『筋肉』,筋(きん);〈C〉(体の各部を動かす)筋肉 / 〈U〉力,(特に)筋力,腕力 / 《俗に》(…に)強引に割り込む《+『in on』(『into, through』)+『名』》
- (身体的な)『力』,体力,強さ / (精神的な)『力』,強,能力 / (物の)『耐久力』,抵抗力 / (酒などの)濃度,(電流などの)強さ,(薬などの)効力 / 兵力,兵員;(一般に)人数;定員 / 力(頼り)となる人(もの),強み,長所
- 〈U〉(本などの)裏打ち,背付け / 〈U〉後援,支持;《集合的に》後援者たち / 〈C〉(ポピュラー音楽で)伴奏
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English Journal
- Muscle Function Is Impaired in Patients With "Asymptomatic" Primary Hyperparathyroidism.
- Rolighed L, Amstrup AK, Jakobsen NF, Sikjaer T, Mosekilde L, Christiansen P, Rejnmark L.SourceDepartment of Surgery P, Aarhus University Hospital, Tage Hansens Gade 2, Aarhus C, 8000, Denmark, larsrolighed@gmail.com.
- World journal of surgery.World J Surg.2013 Oct 8. [Epub ahead of print]
- BACKGROUND: Patients with "asymptomatic" primary hyperparathyroidism (PHPT) often describe improvement after surgery.METHODS: We evaluated muscle and balance function, quality of life (QoL), and well-being in 58 PHPT patients and 58 population-based matched controls in a cross-sectional study. We te
- PMID 24101026
- Does lowering evening rectal temperature to morning levels offset the diurnal variation in muscle force production?
- Robinson WR, Pullinger SA, Kerry JW, Giacomoni M, Robertson CM, Burniston JG, Waterhouse JM, Edwards BJ.SourceResearch Institute for Sport and Exercise Sciences, Liverpool John Moores University , Liverpool , UK .
- Chronobiology international.Chronobiol Int.2013 Oct;30(8):998-1010. doi: 10.3109/07420528.2013.793197. Epub 2013 Jul 17.
- Muscle force production and power output in active males, regardless of the site of measurement (hand, leg, or back), are higher in the evening than the morning. This diurnal variation is attributed to motivational, peripheral, and central factors and higher core and, possibly, muscle temperatures i
- PMID 23863092
- The exploded hand syndrome: a report of five industrial injury cases.
- Al-Qattan MM.SourceDivision of Plastic Surgery, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
- The Journal of hand surgery, European volume.J Hand Surg Eur Vol.2013 Oct;38(8):880-7. doi: 10.1177/1753193412468577. Epub 2012 Nov 27.
- The term 'exploded hand syndrome' refers to a specific type of crush injury to the hand in which a high compressive force excessively flattens the hand leading to thenar muscle extrusion through burst lacerations. Out of 89 crushed hands seen over a period of seven years, only five had exploded hand
- PMID 23186863
Japanese Journal
- Effect of simultaneous application of postural techniques and expiratory muscle strength training on the enhancement of the swallowing function of patients with dysphagia caused by Parkinson's disease
- Impact of pregnancy on back pain and body posture in women
- Effect of combining passive muscle stretching and whole body vibration on spasticity and physical performance of children and adolescents with cerebral palsy
Related Links
- These exercises were developed by Roberta Lenard, Don't take back pain lying down. Learn four easy moves that will strengthen muscles and keep you injury- free. ... 4 Back- Strengthening Exercises. By Tracy Teare ...
- Largest range of free back workouts anywhere, designed by industry experts! Find the right workout for building your back!
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- 関
- energy、force、intensity、power