- condemn by attainder; "the man was attainted"
- (法律上)〈人〉‘の'私権を剥奪(はくだつ)する / 《古》〈名誉など〉'を'汚す / 私権喪失 / 《古》汚名
- 〈目的・望みなど〉'を'『達成する』,獲得する(gain, accomplish) / 〈高い所・ある年齢など〉‘に'『達する』(reach, come to) / (努力して)(…に)到達する《+『to』+『名』》
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Not to be confused with Bill of attainder.
A writ of attaint is an obsolete writ in English law, issued to inquire whether a jury had given a false verdict in a trial.
In criminal cases, the writ of attaint was issued at the suit of the Crown, and in civil cases at the suit of either party. The correctness of the verdict would be determined by a body known as the grand jury of attaint. This panel, consisting of twenty-four members, was twice the size of a normal trial jury. The party bringing the attaint could introduce only the same evidence that was originally given at trial while the jury whose verdict was questioned was allowed to present new matter.
If it were found that an erroneous verdict had been given, the wrong was redressed, and the original jury was punished. The punishment inflicted was quite severe; at the common law, the judgement was: "1. That they should lose their liberam legem, and become for ever infamous. 2. That they should forfeit all their goods and chattels. 3. That their lands and tenements should be seized into the king's hands. 4. That their wives and children should be thrown out of doors. 5. That their houses should be razed and thrown down. 6. That their trees should be rooted up. 7. That their meadows should be ploughed. 8. That their bodies should be cast into gaol"[1] However, during the reign of Henry VIII, Parliament passed an act reducing the punishment to perpetual infamy and a fine.
In criminal cases, it appears to have become obsolete by the end of the 15th century. Procedure by attaint in civil cases had also been gradually giving place to the practice of granting new trials, and after the decision in Bushell's Case in 1670 it became obsolete. The writ was finally abolished by the Juries Act 1825, except as regards jurors guilty of embracery.
- ^ Blackstone, Sir William. Commentaries on the Laws of England.
English Journal
- [Oncocytoma of submaxillary gland].
- Arias Cuchí G, Girons Bonells J, Foglia Fernández M, Dicenta M.SourceServicio de Otorrinolaringología del Hospital Prínceps D'Espanya, Bellvitge, Barcelona.
- Anales otorrinolaringológicos ibero-americanos.An Otorrinolaringol Ibero Am.1999;26(2):163-8.
- Oncocytoma of the salivary submaxillary gland is a well-known growth, but more frequently sitting on the parotid gland. Benign tumor which histological features are well-defined, but needing a thoroughly anatomo-pathological study in order to attaint a correct diagnosis. The AA. report one case of s
- PMID 10230087
- [Keratocysts of the jaws with an expansion to the skull base].
- Soost F, Stoll C, Gerhardt O, Neumann HJ.SourceUniversitätsklinikum Charité, Medizinische Fakultät der Humboldt-Universität, Berlin.
- Zentralblatt für Neurochirurgie.Zentralbl Neurochir.1999;60(1):11-4.
- Ceratocysts prefer attaint the jaws solitarily or multiply. Familiar heapings are described in connection with the naevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome (Gorlin-Goltz-Syndrome). In most of the patients they are removable simply by enucleation. The histological typing as a cyst suggests a harmlessnes
- PMID 10356719
Japanese Journal
- 機能別管理の原点を探る((1)システム系,<特集>品質管理事始め(ルーツを探る))
- 鐵 健司
- 品質 40(1), 18-22, 2010-01-15
- … is explained as "setting company-wide targets for basic management factors, such as quality, cost, quantity, or delivery, and then optimizing the distribution of work among departments and implementing horizontal collaboration and cooperation across departments to efficiently attaint those targets." Kaoru Ishikawa (1981), one of the pioneers of Japanese quality control, said that Japanese style quality control (TQC) is one of the revolutionary ideas of management and placed "cross-functional management" on the same level with "quality first," "customer …
- NAID 110007521318
- 一軸コンテナ船の船首底衝撃による過渡振動曲げモーメントと波浪曲げモーメントから見た可航限界について
- 田中 一雅
- 日本航海学会論文集 (63), 45-53, 1980-08-15
- … The wave conditions of critical navigation in the present paper are given in form of combination of significant wave height and average wave period of short-term seaway in which the sum of maximum whipping bending moment due to slamming and maximum wave bending moment at midship attaint to a given longitudinal strength in consideration of still water bending moment. …
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