- an automatic instinctive unlearned reaction to a stimulus (同)reflex response, reflex action, instinctive reflex, innate reflex, inborn reflex, unconditioned_reflex, physiological reaction
- a remedy for hearing loss or deafness
- of or relating to the science of acoustics; "acoustic properties of a hall" (同)acoustical
- the starting point for a new state or experience; "on the threshold of manhood"
- the smallest detectable sensation (同)limen
- the study of the physical properties of sound
- (of leaves) bent downward and outward more than 90 degrees
- 反射(刺激に対する無意識の反応) / 《複数形で》反射的な動き / (光などの)反射,反射光;映像 / 反射性の / (カメラが)レフ鋼の,反射型の
- 音響の;聴覚の / (特に楽器が電気的に増幅・変化されていない)自然音を出す
- 『敷居』 / 《単数形で》(…の)『始め』,出発点,発端《+of+名》 / 閾(心理学で刺激に対して反応を示し始める点)
- 《単数扱い》音響学 / 《複数扱い》(劇場などの)音響効果
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English Journal
- Stressor-specific effects of sex on HPA axis hormones and activation of stress-related neurocircuitry.
- Babb JA, Masini CV, Day HE, Campeau S.SourceDepartment of Psychology and Neuroscience, University of Colorado at Boulder , Boulder, CO , USA.
- Stress (Amsterdam, Netherlands).Stress.2013 Oct 1. [Epub ahead of print]
- Abstract Experiencing stress can be physically and psychologically debilitating to an organism. Women have a higher prevalence of some stress-related mental illnesses, the reasons for which are unknown. These experiments explore differential HPA axis hormone release in male and female rats following
- PMID 23992519
- The effect of parvalbumin deficiency on the acoustic startle response and prepulse inhibition in mice.
- Popelář J, Rybalko N, Burianová J, Schwaller B, Syka J.SourceInstitute of Experimental Medicine, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Department of Auditory Neuroscience, 14220 Prague, Czech Republic. Electronic address: jpopelar@biomed.cas.cz.
- Neuroscience letters.Neurosci Lett.2013 Aug 30. pii: S0304-3940(13)00775-1. doi: 10.1016/j.neulet.2013.08.042. [Epub ahead of print]
- The strength of the acoustic startle response (ASR) to short bursts of broadband noise or tone pips (4, 8 and 16kHz) and the prepulse inhibition (PPI) of the ASR elicited by prepulse tones (4, 8 and 16kHz) were measured in parvalbumin-deficient (PV-/-) mice and in age-matched PV+/+ mice as controls.
- PMID 23999028
Japanese Journal
- 吉田 尚弘,小林 俊光
- 耳鼻咽喉科臨床 100(5), 323-331, 2007-05-01
- … Acoustic trauma remains a most important issue in technologically advanced countries. … Overexposure to intense sound damages the inner ear sensory cells and can lead to temporary threshold shift (TTS) or permanent threshold shift (PTS) if exposure is sufficiently intense or prolonged. …
- NAID 10020160956
- Functional Examination for Conductive Deafness without Perforation of the Tympanic Membrane.
- 原 晃
- 耳鼻咽喉科臨床 96(3), 191-196, 2003
- … Functional otological examinations, including pure tone audiometry (PTA), impedance measurement of the tympanic membrane, tympanometry, liquid test (LT) and acoustic reflex test (AR), were reviewed to evaluate their accuracy in the diagnosis of conductive deafness without perforation of the tympanic membrane. …
- NAID 130001814659
- Influence of choking and arm lock technique in judo on the acoustic reflex threshold (ART) in healthy well-trained male and female judoka
- Raschka Christoph,Koch Horst Josef/,Rau Rudiger
- Nagoya Journal of Medical Science 65(1/2), 29-36, 2002-05-00
- NAID 110000023226
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- The acoustic reflex (or stapedius reflex, attenuation reflex, or auditory reflex) is an involuntary muscle contraction that occurs in the middle ear of mammals in response to high-intensity sound stimuli. When presented with a high-intensity sound ...
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- 英
- stapedial reflex test SR test
- 同
- 耳小骨筋反射検査 acoustic reflex test AR test、鐙骨筋反射検査
- 関
- アブミ骨筋、インピーダンスオージオメトリー。鼓膜張筋
- インピーダンスオージオメトリーの1つ。
- 鼓膜のインピーダンス(コンプライアンス)からアブミ骨筋反射が起こっているかどうかを判定する検査。
- 外耳に入れる音をだんだん高くしていきある一定以上の音が鼓膜に届くと、アブミ骨筋反射が起こりアブミ骨を牽引して内耳への伝音を妨げる。同時に、これにより(出典不明であるが)鼓膜の振動も抑制される。このため、アブミ骨筋反射が起こったときに鼓膜のインピーダンスの増大(コンプライアンスの低下)として観察される。
- アブミ骨筋反射をおこす音の閾値は75-95dB(acoustic reflex threshold, ART)
- 顔面の障害部位の推定:病変がアブミ骨筋神経より中枢の顔面神経にある場合に陰性となる
- 伝音性難聴の判定:耳小骨の固着・離断がある場合、アブミ骨筋反射は陰性となる。
- 関
- acoustical、audition、auditory、hearing
- 関
- reflect、reflection、reflective
- 関
- threshold value