- resistant to destruction or fading; "fast colors"
- abstaining from food (同)fasting
- securely fixed in place; "the post was still firm after being hit by the car" (同)firm, immobile
- firmly or closely; "held fast to the rope"; "her foot was stuck fast"; "held tight" (同)tight
- (of a photographic lens or emulsion) causing a shortening of exposure time; "a fast lens"
- (of surfaces) conducive to rapid speeds; "a fast road"; "grass courts are faster than clay"
- (used of timepieces) indicating a time ahead of or later than the correct time; "my watch is fast"
- abstain from certain foods, as for religious or medical reasons; "Catholics sometimes fast during Lent"
- abstain from eating; "Before the medical exam, you must fast"
- acting or moving or capable of acting or moving quickly; "fast film"; "on the fast track in school"; "set a fast pace"; "a fast car"
- at a rapid tempo; "the band played a fast fox trot"
- quickly or rapidly (often used as a combining form); "how fast can he get here?"; "ran as fast as he could"; "needs medical help fast"; "fast-running rivers"; "fast-breaking news"; "fast-opening (or fast-closing) shutters"
- (microscopy) a dye or other coloring material that is used in microscopy to make structures visible
- color for microscopic study; "The laboratory worker dyed the specimen"
- color with a liquid dye or tint; "Stain this table a beautiful walnut color"; "people knew how to stain glass a beautiful blue in the middle ages"
- produce or leave stains; "Red wine stains the table cloth"
- a soiled or discolored appearance; "the wine left a dark stain" (同)discoloration, discolouration
- street name for lysergic acid diethylamide (同)back breaker, battery-acid, dose, dot, Elvis, loony toons, Lucy in the sky with diamonds, pane, superman, window pane, Zen
- any of various water-soluble compounds having a sour taste and capable of turning litmus red and reacting with a base to form a salt
- having the characteristics of an acid; "an acid reaction"
- marked or dyed or discolored with foreign matter; "a badly stained tablecloth"; "tear-stained cheeks"
- having a coating of stain or varnish (同)varnished
- the act of spotting or staining something (同)spotting, maculation
- (histology) the use of a dye to color specimens for microscopic study
- 『速い』,急速な,すばやい,敏速な / (時計が)『進んでいる』 / 『しっかりした』,ぐらつかない / 心の変わらない,忠実な(faithful) / (色が)あせない / 《古》(女性が)身持ちの悪い;《まれに》(生活が)享楽的な / (フイルムが)高感度の,(レンズが)高速撮影用の / 『速く』;すばやく(quickly) / 『しっかりと』,固く(firmly) / 『ぐっすりと』(soundly) / どしどし,ひっきりなしに
- 断食(だんじき),絶食 / (宗教的行事としての)断食日,断食期間 / 断食する,絶食する / (…で)精進する《+『on』+『名』》
- (…で)…‘を'『汚す』,‘に'しみをつける《+『名』+『with』+『名』》 / 〈ガラス・木材・布など〉‘に'『着色する』 / (…で)〈人格・名声など〉‘を'汚す,‘に'傷をつける《+『名』+『with』+『名』》 / 汚れる,しみがつく / 〈C〉〈U〉(…についた)『しみ』,汚れ《+『on』+『名』》 / 〈U〉〈C〉着色剤,染料 / 〈C〉(人格・名声などに対する)汚点,傷《+『on』(『upon』)+『名』》
- 酸性の / 酸味のある,すっぱい(sour) / (言葉・態度などが)厳しい,しんらつな / 酸 / すっぱいもの / 《俗》=LSD
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This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (April 2011) |
Mycobacterium tuberculosis visualization using the Ziehl–Neelsen stain.
The Ziehl–Neelsen stain, also known as the acid-fast stain, was first described by two German doctors; Franz Ziehl (1859 to 1926), a bacteriologist and Friedrich Neelsen (1854 to 1898), a pathologist. It is a special bacteriological stain used to identify acid-fast organisms, mainly Mycobacteria. Mycobacterium tuberculosis is the most important of this group, as it is responsible for the disease called tuberculosis (TB). Other important Mycobacterium species involved in human disease are Mycobacterium Kansasii, Mycobacterium Marinum, and members of the Mycobacterium Avium complex. Acid fast organisms like Mycobacterium, contain large amounts of lipid substances within their cell walls called mycolic acids. These acids, resist staining by ordinary methods like a Gram stain[1]. It can also be used to stain a few other bacteria like Nocardia. The reagents used are Ziehl–Neelsen carbolfuchsin, acid alcohol and methylene blue. Acid-fast bacilli will be bright red after staining.
A variation on this staining method is used in mycology to differentially stain acid-fast incrustations in the cuticular hyphae of certain species of fungi in the genus Russula[2][3]. It is also useful in the identification of some protozoa, namely Cryptosporidium and Isospora. The Ziehl-Neelsen stain can also hinder diagnosis in the case of Paragonimiasis, since the eggs in a ovum and parasite sputum sample, or "OnP", can be dissolved by the stain, and is often used in this clinical setting as signs and symptoms of Paragonimiasis closely resemble those of TB.
- 1 Procedure
- 2 Modifications
- 3 See also
- 4 References
- 4.1 Online protocol examples
- 5 References
- 6 External links
- Drop suspension onto slide
- Air dry slide 10 minutes at 60 degrees C, heat fix slide 10 minutes at 90 degrees C
- Flood slide with Carbol Fuchsin
- Hold a flame beneath the slide until steam appears but do not allow it to boil
- Allow hot slide to sit for 3-5 minutes, rinse with tap water
- Flood slide with 30% hydrochloric acid in isopropol alcohol
- Allow to sit 1 minute, rinse with tap water
- Flood slide with Methylene Blue
- Allow to sit 1 minute, rinse with tap water
- Blot dry
- View under oil immersion lens
Studies have shown that an AFB stain without a culture has a poor negative predictive value. An AFB Culture should be performed along with an AFB stain; this has a much higher negative predictive value.
- 5% sulfuric acid is used for destaining Mycobacterium leprae instead of the 20% used for Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
- Kinyoun modification (or cold Ziehl–Neelsen technique) is also available.
- A protocol in which a detergent is substituted for the highly toxic phenol in the fuchsin staining solution.[4]
See also
- Kinyoun stain
- Lowenstein-Jensen medium
- "Microbiology with Diseases by Body System", Robert W. Bauman, 2009, Pearson Education, Inc.
- Morello, Josephine A., Paul A. Granato, Marion E. Wilson, and Verna Morton. Laboratory Manual and Workbook in Microbiology: Applications to Patient Car. 10th ed. Boston: McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 2006. Print.
Online protocol examples
- Ziehl–Neelsen protocol (PDF format).
- ^ Morello, Josephine A., Paul A. Granato, Marion E. Wilson, and Verna Morton. Laboratory Manual and Workbook in Microbiology: Applications to Patient Care. 10th ed. Boston: McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 2006. Print.
- ^ Romagnesi, H. (1967). Les Russules d'Europe et d'Afrique du Nord. Bordas. ISBN 0-934454-87-6.
- ^ Largent, D; D Johnson, R Watling. (1977). How to identify fungi to genus III: microscopic features. Mad River Press. ISBN 0-916422-09-7. p 25.
- ^ Ellis, RC; LA Zabrowarny. (1993). "Safer staining method for acid fast bacilli". Journal of Clinical Pathology 46: 559–560. doi:10.1136/jcp.46.6.559. PMC 501296. PMID 7687254. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC501296/pdf/jclinpath00207-0071.pdf.
External links
- Media related to Ziehl-Neelsen stain at Wikimedia Commons
Iron/Hemosiderin |
Prussian blue
Lipids |
Sudan stain (Sudan II, Sudan III, Sudan IV, Oil Red O, Sudan Black B)
Carbohydrates |
Periodic acid-Schiff stain
Amyloid |
Congo red
Bacteria |
Gram staining (Methyl violet/Gentian violet, Safranin) · Ziehl–Neelsen stain/acid-fast (Carbol fuchsin/Fuchsine, Methylene blue) · Auramine-rhodamine stain (Auramine O, Rhodamine B)
Connective tissue |
trichrome stain: Masson's trichrome stain/Lillie's trichrome (Light Green SF yellowish, Biebrich scarlet, Phosphomolybdic acid, Fast Green FCF)
Van Gieson's stain
Other |
H&E stain (Haematoxylin, Eosin Y) · Silver stain (Grocott's methenamine silver stain, Warthin–Starry stain) · Methyl blue · Wright's stain · Giemsa stain · Gömöri trichrome stain · Neutral red · Janus Green B · Alcian_blue
Tissue stainability |
Acidophilic · Basophilic · Chromophobic
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English Journal
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Japanese Journal
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Related Links
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- 英
- staining method for tuberculous bacilli
- 同
- 抗酸菌染色 acid-fast stain
- 英
- acid-fast stain
- 関
- 抗酸染色法
- 英
- acid-fast stain
- 関
- 抗酸染色
- 早い、急速な(opp. slow)
- すばやい、敏捷な。手の早い
- 短期間の
- 時間のかからない、手間の要らない
- (時間が)早い、進んでいる。(はかりが)実際より大きな値を示す。夏時間の
- 高速用の、敏速な動きに適した
- 固着した、しっかりした、ぐらつかない(opp. loose)
- 固く締まった。しっかりした(縫い目・握り方など)
- 心の変わらぬ(constant)、忠実な
- (色が)あせない、色あせしない、堅牢な。耐…性の。(菌)(破壊または染色に対して)耐性のある
- acid-fast bacteria 抗酸菌
- 関
- fasted、fasting、food deprivation、high speed、high-performance、high-speed、highperformance、quick、rapid、swift
- 関
- coloring agent、dye、staining、tissue stain
- 関
- fast、fasting、food deprivation
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