Focused Assessment with Sonography for Trauma
- resistant to destruction or fading; "fast colors"
- abstaining from food (同)fasting
- securely fixed in place; "the post was still firm after being hit by the car" (同)firm, immobile
- firmly or closely; "held fast to the rope"; "her foot was stuck fast"; "held tight" (同)tight
- (of a photographic lens or emulsion) causing a shortening of exposure time; "a fast lens"
- (of surfaces) conducive to rapid speeds; "a fast road"; "grass courts are faster than clay"
- (used of timepieces) indicating a time ahead of or later than the correct time; "my watch is fast"
- abstain from certain foods, as for religious or medical reasons; "Catholics sometimes fast during Lent"
- abstain from eating; "Before the medical exam, you must fast"
- acting or moving or capable of acting or moving quickly; "fast film"; "on the fast track in school"; "set a fast pace"; "a fast car"
- at a rapid tempo; "the band played a fast fox trot"
- quickly or rapidly (often used as a combining form); "how fast can he get here?"; "ran as fast as he could"; "needs medical help fast"; "fast-running rivers"; "fast-breaking news"; "fast-opening (or fast-closing) shutters"
- 『速い』,急速な,すばやい,敏速な / (時計が)『進んでいる』 / 『しっかりした』,ぐらつかない / 心の変わらない,忠実な(faithful) / (色が)あせない / 《古》(女性が)身持ちの悪い;《まれに》(生活が)享楽的な / (フイルムが)高感度の,(レンズが)高速撮影用の / 『速く』;すばやく(quickly) / 『しっかりと』,固く(firmly) / 『ぐっすりと』(soundly) / どしどし,ひっきりなしに
- 断食(だんじき),絶食 / (宗教的行事としての)断食日,断食期間 / 断食する,絶食する / (…で)精進する《+『on』+『名』》
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ファスト (FAST)
- 「速い」を意味する英単語。
- FAST (人工衛星) - NASAのオーロラ観測衛星。
- 現場急行支援システム (FAST:Fast Emergency Vehicle Preemption Systems) - 新交通管理システムの一つ。
- 腹腔内出血を迅速に検出するために行われる、FAST(:Focused Assessment with Sonography for Trauma)と呼ばれる超音波検査手法。
- ファストサーチ & トランスファ - 検索エンジンベンダ FAST Search & Transfer の日本法人。
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[Wiki en表示]
Look up Fast or fast in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
Fast may refer to:
- 1 Language
- 2 People
- 3 Sports
- 4 Companies and products
- 5 Banking
- 6 Library and information science
- 7 Music
- 8 Science
- 9 Software and computing
- 10 Organizations
- 11 Military
- Fast as in high speed or velocity, may be used with anything that has a speed.
- Fasting, abstaining from food
- Alexia Fast (1992- ), Canadian actress
- Howard Fast (1914-2003), American novelist and television writer
- Jonathan Fast (1948- ), American author, son of Howard Fast
- Molly Jong-Fast (1978- ), American author, daughter of Jonathan Fast
- Nacional Fast Clube, a Brazilian football club
- Fast bowling, a practice in cricket
- A speed racing for dirt horse racetracks
- Farmington Area Swim Team
- Fifteen and Send Time, a type of dog agility competition
Companies and products
- Fast Enterprises, an American company that produces tax software
- Fast Search & Transfer, a Norwegian company focusing on data search technologies
- Fast Product, a record label
- Fast, an independent 2010 film starring Charlyne Yi and Steve Clemmons
- The NASDAQ symbol for Fastenal company
- Fairfield and Suisun Transit
- Fast And Secure Transfers, a real time fund transfers service that allows customers to transfers SGD funds in Singapore
Library and information science
- Faceted Application of Subject Terminology, a thesaurus of subject headings
- "Fast", an album by the musician Custom
- Brian Leiser, nicknamed Fast, a musician in the band Fun Lovin' Criminals
FAST may stand for:
- Fast Auroral Snapshot Explorer, one in the series of NASA's Small Explorer spacecraft
- Facilitated Access to the Space Environment for Technology Development and Training, a NASA program
- Farnborough Air Sciences Trust
- Farpoint Asteroid Search Team, an asteroid search team located at the Farpoint Observatory
- Fatigue Avoidance Scheduling Tool
- Five hundred meter Aperture Spherical Telescope, the world's largest single-dish radio telescope (China)
- Focused assessment with sonography for trauma, an ultrasound used to examine the abdomen of a trauma patient
- Foundation for Advancement of Science and Technology, Pakistan
- Fourier amplitude sensitivity testing, a variance-based global sensitivity analysis method
- Fulbright Academy of Science & Technology
- Future Attribute Screening Technology
- FAST (stroke), (Face, Arm, Speech, and Time) a proposed method to detect the beginning of a stroke
- Fuel And Sensor Tactical (FAST) Packs, a type of Conformal Fuel Tank developed for the F-15.
Software and computing
- FAST Enterprise Search Platform (ESP), a product of the Fast Search & Transfer division of Microsoft
- FAST protocol, an adaptation of the FIX protocol, optimized for streaming
- Feedback Arc Set in Tournaments, a computational problem in graph theory
- Federation Against Software Theft, a UK organization that pursues those who illegally distribute software
- USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies
- Facilitated Application Specification Techniques, a team-oriented approach for requirement gathering
- FAST TCP, a TCP congestion avoidance algorithm
- FAST Corner Detection, see Interest point detection and AST-based Corner detection
- Firefighter Assist and Search Team, a team of firefighters dedicated to the rescue of other firefighters
- Finance Alliance for Sustainable Trade
- Free and Secure Trade, a Canada-United States program to facilitate faster cross border trade
- Fleet Antiterrorism Security Team, a branch of the United States Marine Corps
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English Journal
- Fast, easy ethanomethanolysis of Jatropha curcus oil for biodiesel production due to the better solubility of oil with ethanol in reaction mixture assisted by ultrasonication.
- Kumar D, Kumar G, Johari R, Kumar P.SourceDepartment of Chemistry, Vardhman College, Bijnor 246701, UP, India.
- Ultrasonics sonochemistry.Ultrason Sonochem.2012 Jul;19(4):816-22. Epub 2011 Dec 8.
- Biodiesel was obtained by transesterification of Jatropha curcus oil with anhydrous methanol, ethanol, and various mixtures of methanol/ethanol system. The present research work ultrasonic assisted transesterification of J. curcus oil was carried out in the presence of various mixtures of methanol/e
- PMID 22204977
- Rapid discrimination of Bifidobacterium animalis subspecies by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry.
- Ruiz-Moyano S, Tao N, Underwood MA, Mills DA.SourceDepartment of Viticulture and Enology, University of California, Davis, CA 95616, USA; Robert Mondavi Institute for Wine and Food Science, University of California, Davis, CA 95616, USA.
- Food microbiology.Food Microbiol.2012 Jun;30(2):432-7. Epub 2011 Dec 26.
- Currently, the species Bifidobacterium animalis consists of two subspecies, B. animalis subsp. lactis and B. animalis subsp. animalis. Among these two subspecies, B. animalis subsp. lactis is especially important because it is widely used in the manufacture of probiotic dairy products. The applic
- PMID 22365357
- Nanoparticle uptake and gene transfer efficiency for MSCs on chitosan and chitosan-hyaluronan substrates.
- Hsu SH, Ho TT, Tseng TC.SourceInstitute of Polymer Science and Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan; Research Center for Developmental Biology and Regenerative Medicine, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Biomaterials.Biomaterials.2012 May;33(14):3639-50. Epub 2012 Feb 23.
- Nanoparticles (NPs) are usually surface modified to increase endocytosis for applications in cellular imaging and gene delivery. The influence of cell culture substrates on endocytosis remains relatively unexplored. This study investigated the substrate-mediated effects on the uptake of NPs by mesen
- PMID 22364729
- Microalgae biofuels: A critical review of issues, problems and the way forward.
- Lam MK, Lee KT.AbstractCulturing of microalgae as an alternative feedstock for biofuel production has received a lot of attention in recent years due to their fast growth rate and ability to accumulate high quantity of lipid and carbohydrate inside their cells for biodiesel and bioethanol production, respectively. In addition, this superior feedstock offers several environmental benefits, such as effective land utilization, CO(2) sequestration, self-purification if coupled with wastewater treatment and does not trigger food versus fuel feud. Despite having all these 'theoretical' advantages, review on problems and issues related to energy balance in microalgae biofuel are not clearly addressed until now. Base on the maturity of current technology, the true potential of microalgae biofuel towards energy security and its feasibility for commercialization are still questionable. Thus, this review is aimed to depict the practical problems that are facing the microalgae biofuel industry, covering upstream to downstream activities by accessing the latest research reports and critical data analysis. Apart from that, several interlink solutions to the problems will be suggested with the purpose to bring current microalgae biofuel research into a new dimension and consequently, to revolutionize the entire microalgae biofuel industry towards long-term sustainability.
- Biotechnology advances.Biotechnol Adv.2012 May;30(3):673-90. Epub 2011 Dec 6.
- Culturing of microalgae as an alternative feedstock for biofuel production has received a lot of attention in recent years due to their fast growth rate and ability to accumulate high quantity of lipid and carbohydrate inside their cells for biodiesel and bioethanol production, respectively. In addi
- PMID 22166620
Japanese Journal
- A heuristic algorithm based on Lagrangian relaxation for the closest string problem
- Tanaka Shunji
- Computers & Operations Research 39(3), 709-717, 2012-03
- … Computational experiments will show that the proposed algorithm can find good approximate solutions very fast. …
- NAID 120003255722
- 岩田 愛実,吉原 弘峰,柳澤 政生,戸川 望
- 情報処理学会研究報告. EMB, 組込みシステム 2012-EMB-24(7), 1-6, 2012-02-24
- 補間演算は既知のデータ列を基にして各区間の範囲内を埋める数値または関数を求める演算で,画像の拡大,縮小や魚眼画像の補正といった処理に利用される.キュービックスプライン補間は周囲 4 点から 3 次関数を用いることで補間を行うため精度が高く,より滑らかな補間ができるため実用的に用いられる.しかし,キュービックスプライン補間では扱う既知データが多く,計算が複雑なために処理に時間がかかる.そのため,補間 …
- NAID 110008791172
- 2コアプロセッサL1キャッシュ構成の正確で高速なシミュレーション手法
- 多和田 雅師,柳澤 政生,戸川 望
- 情報処理学会研究報告. EMB, 組込みシステム 2012-EMB-24(3), 1-6, 2012-02-24
- 近年,複数のコアをもつ組込みプロセッサが増えている.アプリケーションが限定される組込みシステムでは,速度や電力,面積の点で最適なキャッシュメモリが存在する.限定されたアプリケーションに対して複数のキャッシュ構成それぞれで動作シミュレーションを行うことで,キャッシュメモリ設計時に最適なキャッシュ構成を判定できる.マルチコアキャッシュ構成のシミュレーションは複雑になりシングルコアキャッシュ構成のシミュ …
- NAID 110008791168
- QEMUとSystemCを用いたNoC向け仮想プラットフォームの開発
- 中島 啓太,稗田 拓路,谷口 一徹,冨山 宏之
- 情報処理学会研究報告. EMB, 組込みシステム 2012-EMB-24(1), 1-6, 2012-02-24
- 多数のコアを用いて性能向上を図るメニーコア化が進むにつれ,スケーラビリティに優れた NoC(Network-on-Chip) が注目を集めている.本研究では,オープンソースの CPU シミュレータである QEMU と,業界標準のシミュレーション言語である SystemC を用いて,高速な NoC 向け仮想プラットフォームを開発した.開発した仮想プラットフォームを利用することで,NoC 上で動作する …
- NAID 110008791166
Related Links
- カスタムアンプの最高峰・FAST(ファスト)の公式ホームページ FASTのオーディオアンプ のシンプル且つ力強い性能が常識を覆す音域の再現力を実現します。
- 株式会ファストは、パソコンを通じて安心・安全・快適なサービスを提供できるように 心がけてまいります。
- FAST CORPORATION. ... で一人ひとりが環境に配慮して行動し、より豊かな生活文化 に貢献していきます。 more · 環境方針 · プライバシーポリシー · 会員規約 · サイトマップ. Copyright(c)2004 FAST CORPORATION. All right reserved. tel +81-46-272-8680.
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- 次の文を読み、63~65の問いに答えよ。
- 67歳の男性。交通事故で受傷したため搬入された。
- 現病歴:道路を歩いて横断中、自動車に衝突され跳ね飛ばされ転倒した。直ちに救急車が要請された。救急隊到着時、意識は清明で右殿部を痛がり、歩行不能であった。四肢に明らかな麻痺はなかった。救急車で救命救急センターに搬送された。
- 既往歴:高血圧症で内服治療中。
- 生活歴:妻と2人暮らし。定年退職後は無職。日常生活は自立し毎朝の散歩を日課にしていた。
- 家族歴:父親が高血圧性脳内出血で死亡。母親が認知症。
- 現症:病院到着時は不穏。体温3 6.0℃。心拍数 136/分、整。血圧 70/38mmHg。呼吸数 32/分。SpO2 95%(リザーバー付マスク10L/分100%酸素投与下)。右腰部に皮下出血がみられ、仙骨部に圧痛を認める。腹部は平坦で、軽度の反跳痛を認める。外尿道口から出血を認める。
- この患者にポータブルエックス線撮影を指示した。
- 次に優先すべき検査はどれか。
- a 腰椎MRI
- b 頭部単純CT
- c 腹部血管造影
- d 骨盤部造影CT
- e 迅速超音波検査(FAST)
※国試ナビ4※ [109E062]←[国試_109]→[109E064]
- 英
- hepatorenal recess (Z)
- 同
- モリソン窩, Morison窩, Morrison's pouch、肝腎陥凹
- 仰臥位で最も低く、腹水がたまりやすい。エコーで確認したい部位の一つ。 → FAST
- 肝臓の下方かつ、腎臓と副腎の前方にある(M.158,159)
- 仰臥位(背臥位)になると、網嚢の中の液体がここに流れ込む
- 仰臥位については体位]参照
- 同
- 研修医当直御法度 第5版 p.203
- 1. 心窩部
- 2. 右肺底部
- 3. 左肺底部
- 4. 右季肋部
- 5. 左季肋部
- 6. ダグラス窩
- 配列の類似性を検索するソフトウェア
- プログラム単体で実行することができるが、ほとんどの人はwwwブラウザ越しに行う。
- 早い、急速な(opp. slow)
- すばやい、敏捷な。手の早い
- 短期間の
- 時間のかからない、手間の要らない
- (時間が)早い、進んでいる。(はかりが)実際より大きな値を示す。夏時間の
- 高速用の、敏速な動きに適した
- 固着した、しっかりした、ぐらつかない(opp. loose)
- 固く締まった。しっかりした(縫い目・握り方など)
- 心の変わらぬ(constant)、忠実な
- (色が)あせない、色あせしない、堅牢な。耐…性の。(菌)(破壊または染色に対して)耐性のある
- acid-fast bacteria 抗酸菌
- 関
- fasted、fasting、food deprivation、high speed、high-performance、high-speed、highperformance、quick、rapid、swift