- causing a dull and steady pain; "my aching head"; "her old achy joints" (同)achy
- the principles and methods of instruction (同)pedagogics, pedagogy
- teaching people to speak and understand a foreign language
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English Journal
- Bilateral femoral neck insufficiency fractures secondary to vitamin D deficiency and concurrent corticosteroid use--a case report.
- Carter T1, Nutt J, Simons A.Author information 1Department of Orthogeriatrics, Birmingham Heartlands Hospital, Birmingham, UK, tjcarter@doctors.org.uk.AbstractWe present a rare case of a 67-year-old Indian female who was found to have bilateral insufficiency of the neck of femur fractures secondary to osteomalacia from vitamin D deficiency, with her symptoms exacerbated by a course of oral steroids prescribed for suspected polymyalgia rheumatica.
- Archives of osteoporosis.Arch Osteoporos.2014 Dec;9(1):172. doi: 10.1007/s11657-014-0172-5. Epub 2014 Feb 11.
- We present a rare case of a 67-year-old Indian female who was found to have bilateral insufficiency of the neck of femur fractures secondary to osteomalacia from vitamin D deficiency, with her symptoms exacerbated by a course of oral steroids prescribed for suspected polymyalgia rheumatica.INTRODUCT
- PMID 24515953
- Presentation of three cases with phyto contact dermatitis caused by Ranunculus and Anthemis genera.
- Uçmak D1, Ayhan E, Meltem Akkurt Z, Haydar Uçak.Author information 1Department of Dermatology, Faculty of Medicine, Dicle University , Diyarbakir , Turkey.AbstractIn addition to being used especially in a systematic way, herbal treatments are preferred topically by the elderly population in some rheumatological and dermatological diseases. Although alternative medicine treatments may have beneficial effects, certain plants are known to cause common contact dermatitis. Protoanemonin and sesquiterpene lactones, which are found in such plant types as respectively Ranunculus and Anthemis, often cause contact dermatitis. In this article, three cases of phyto contact dermatitis, which are the result of topical use of plant types of Ranunculus ve Anthemis as an alternative method of treatment due to myalgia or arthralgia, have been presented.
- The Journal of dermatological treatment.J Dermatolog Treat.2014 Dec;25(6):467-9. doi: 10.3109/09546634.2013.849792. Epub 2013 Nov 5.
- In addition to being used especially in a systematic way, herbal treatments are preferred topically by the elderly population in some rheumatological and dermatological diseases. Although alternative medicine treatments may have beneficial effects, certain plants are known to cause common contact de
- PMID 24188033
- Vaccines against Clostridium perfringens alpha-toxin.
- Nagahama M.Author information Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Tokushima Bunri University, Yamashiro- cho, Tokushima 770-8514, Japan. nagahama@ph.bunri-u.ac.jp.AbstractClostridium perfringens alpha-toxin is thought to be an important agent in gas gangrene, which is a lifethreatening infection with fever, pain, edema, myonecrosis, and gas production. The toxin (370 residues) is composed of an N-terminal domain (1-250 residues, N-domain) in which the catalytic site is found and a C-terminal domain (251-370 residues, C-domain) responsible for binding to membranes. During the past decade, recombinant DNA technology has been employed to develop second-generation vaccines, including site-directed mutants and the C-domain of the toxin, to prevent gas gangrene. These immunities have led to protection against the lethal effects of wild-type C. perfringens in mice. C-domain vaccines are capable of protecting against heterologous clostridia causing clostridial myonecrosis. This article summarizes the current knowledge on vaccines against alpha-toxin.
- Current pharmaceutical biotechnology.Curr Pharm Biotechnol.2014 Nov;14(10):913-7.
- Clostridium perfringens alpha-toxin is thought to be an important agent in gas gangrene, which is a lifethreatening infection with fever, pain, edema, myonecrosis, and gas production. The toxin (370 residues) is composed of an N-terminal domain (1-250 residues, N-domain) in which the catalytic site
- PMID 24372250
Japanese Journal
- 田中 敏郎
- 臨床リウマチ 26(3), 224-233, 2014
- リウマチ性多発筋痛症(Polymyalgia Rheumatica:PMR)は,近位筋の疼痛,朝のこわばりを症状とする滑膜炎を伴う高齢者に多い慢性炎症性疾患であるが,少量のステロイド薬(プレドニゾロン換算で15mg/day)が著効するのが特徴とされる.しかし,ステロイド薬中止後50%の患者で再発が認められ,30~39%の患者において6年以上に及ぶステロイド薬の加療を要し,その結果43-65% …
- NAID 130005067596
- 骨格筋MRIで可逆性病変をみとめたdiabetic lumbosacral radiculoplexus neuropathyの1例
- 松田 希,小林 俊輔,宇川 義一
- 臨床神経学 54(9), 751-754, 2014
- 症例は63歳の男性である.Diabetic lumbosacral radiculoplexus neuropathy(DLRPN)は糖尿病性末梢神経障害のまれな病型で,腰仙部の神経根,神経叢,または末梢神経に微小血管炎を生じ,虚血性軸索損傷をきたす.本例はDLRPNにより下肢の運動感覚障害を生じ,針筋電図で急性脱神経所見をみとめた.骨格筋MRIでは坐骨神経,総腓骨神経,上殿神経の支配筋群にT2高 …
- NAID 130004696178
- A case of cluster headaches preceded by back pain
- Shibata Yasushi
- Neurology Asia 18(4), 413-414, 2013-12
- … His back pain was usually mild, however he sometimes experienced severe stabbing and aching pain. …
- NAID 120005368000
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