- an undulating curve (同)undulation
- a persistent and widespread unusual weather condition (especially of unusual temperatures); "a heat wave"
- set waves in; "she asked the hairdresser to wave her hair"
- a movement like that of a sudden occurrence or increase in a specified phenomenon; "a wave of settlers"; "troops advancing in waves"
- one of a series of ridges that moves across the surface of a liquid (especially across a large body of water) (同)moving ridge
- (physics) a movement up and down or back and forth (同)undulation
- the act of signaling by a movement of the hand (同)waving, wafture
- a hairdo that creates undulations in the hair
- something that rises rapidly; "a wave of emotion swept over him"; "there was a sudden wave of buying before the market closed"; "a wave of conservatism in the country led by the hard right"
- the 21st letter of the Roman alphabet (同)u
- a member of the womens reserve of the United States Navy; originally organized during World War II but now no longer a separate branch
- (chiefly British) of or appropriate to the upper classes especially in language use
- (前後左右・上下に)『揺れる』,ひらめく,ひらひらする / (波形に)『起伏する』,うねる / (手・旗などを振って)『合図する』,手を振る;(…のために,…に向かって)手を振る《+in(to, at)+名》 / (に向かって)‘…を'振る,揺り動かす,ひらめかす《+名+at+名》 / 《方向を表す副詞[句]を伴って》(手・旗などを振って)〈人〉‘に'『合図する』 / ‘…を'起伏させる,うねらせる:〈頭髪〉‘を'ウエーブさせる / 『波』,波浪 / (…の)『波のような動き』,うねり《+of+名》 / (感情・景気などの一時的な)高まり,強まり;(寒暑の)急激な波《+of+名》 / (手・旗などを)振ること,振ってする合図;(…を)振ること《+of+名》 / (髪の)縮れ,ウエーブ / (光・音・電気などの)波
- uraniumの化学記号
- 上流の,上流階級にふさわしい / (映画が)児童観覧用の
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2013/03/07 23:52:15」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
An electrocardiogram of an 18-year-old man showing U waves, most evident in lead V3.
The U wave is a wave on an electrocardiogram that is not always seen. It is typically small, and, by definition, follows the T wave. U waves are thought to represent repolarization of the papillary muscles or Purkinje fibers.[1]
Prominent U waves are most often seen in hypokalemia, but may be present in hypercalcemia, thyrotoxicosis, or exposure to digitalis, epinephrine, and Class 1A and 3 antiarrhythmics, as well as in congenital long QT syndrome, and in the setting of intracranial hemorrhage.
An inverted U wave may represent myocardial ischemia or left ventricular volume overload.[2]
A U-wave could normally be seen in younger, athletic individuals. Reference: EKG-boken Ylva Lind, Lars Lind, Liber, 2011
- ^ Pérez Riera AR, Ferreira C, Filho CF, et al. (2008). "The enigmatic sixth wave of the electrocardiogram: the U wave". Cardiol J 15 (5): 408–21. PMID 18810715. http://www.cardiologyjournal.org/en/darmowy_pdf.phtml?indeks=86&indeks_art=1123.
- ^ Conrath C, Opthof T (2005). "The patient U wave". Cardiovasc Res 67 (2): 184–6. doi:10.1016/j.cardiores.2005.05.027. PMID 15979057.
Cardiovascular system, physiology: cardiovascular physiology
Heart |
Volumes |
- Stroke volume = End-diastolic volume – End-systolic volume
- Cardiac output = Heart rate × Stroke volume
- Frank–Starling law of the heart
- Cardiac function curve
- Venous return curve
- Aortic valve area calculation
- Ejection fraction
- Cardiac index
Dimensions |
- Fractional shortening = (End-diastolic dimension – End-systolic dimension) / End-diastolic dimension
Interaction diagrams |
- Cardiac cycle
- Wiggers diagram
- Pressure volume diagram
Tropism |
- Chronotropic (Heart rate)
- Dromotropic (Conduction velocity)
- Inotropic (Contractility)
- Bathmotropic (Excitability)
- Lusitropic (Relaxation)
Conduction system /
Cardiac electrophysiology |
- Cardiac action potential
- Atrial action potential
- Ventricular action potential
- Effective refractory period
- Pacemaker potential
- P wave
- PR interval
- QRS complex
- QT interval
- ST segment
- T wave
- U wave
- Hexaxial reference system
Chamber pressure |
Central venous pressure/right atrial pressure → Right ventricular pressure → Pulmonary artery pressure → Pulmonary wedge pressure/left atrial pressure → Left ventricular pressure → Aortic pressure
Other |
Vascular system/
Hemodynamics |
Blood flow |
- Compliance
- Vascular resistance
- Total peripheral resistance
- Pulse
- Perfusion
Blood pressure |
- Pulse pressure
- Mean arterial pressure
Regulation of BP |
- Baroreflex
- Kinin–kallikrein system
- Renin–angiotensin system
- Vasoconstrictors/Vasodilators
- Autoregulation
- Myogenic mechanism
- Tubuloglomerular feedback
- Cerebral autoregulation
- Paraganglia
- Aortic body
- Carotid body
- Glomus cell
noco/cong/tumr, sysi/epon, injr
proc, drug (C1A/1B/1C/1D), blte
anat (a:h/u/t/a/l,v:h/u/t/a/l)/phys/devp/cell/prot
noco/syva/cong/lyvd/tumr, sysi/epon, injr
proc, drug (C2s+n/3/4/5/7/8/9)
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- メディア掲載レビューTM NETWORK 宇都宮隆、元REBECCA 土橋安騎夫、作詞家 森雪之丞を中心に結成したプロジェクト、U_WAVEのファースト・アルバム。アルバム限定未発表曲、ポエムリーディングを含む、全16トラックを収録。 (C)RS
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- 英
- U wave
- 関
- 心電図
- T波に続いてみられる波で、プルキンエ線維や心室の拡張が原因と考えられる。(心電図パーフェクトマニュアル.40)
- 通常T波と同じ向きにふれ、振幅はT波を超えることはない。(心電図パーフェクトマニュアル.40)
- 一番、V2,V3で振幅が高いとされる。(心電図パーフェクトマニュアル.40)
- 振幅は1mm以下で波は丸い
- aVR以外は陽性U波、aVRは陰性U波
- 振幅は肢誘導<1mm、胸部誘導<2mm
- 著しく増高したU波はトルサード・ド・ポワンツ型の心室性頻拍を来たしやすさの指標となる(HIM.1391)
- 低カリウム血症
- 薬剤性:defetilide, amiodarone, sotalol, quinidine, procainamide, disopyramide(HIM.1391)