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English Journal
- Coexistence of Ankylosing Spondylitis and Klinefelter's Syndrome.
- Kobak S1, Yalçin M, Karadeniz M, Oncel G.
- Case reports in rheumatology.Case Rep Rheumatol.2013;2013:543953. doi: 10.1155/2013/543953. Epub 2013 May 21.
- Ankylosing spondylitis is a chronic inflammatory disease characterized by inflammatory lower back pain and morning stiffness and accompanied by spine and sacroiliac joint involvement. Klinefelter's syndrome is a genetic condition that only affects males. Affected males have an extra X chromosome. Th
- PMID 23762731
- Whipple's Disease: Our Own Experience and Review of the Literature.
- Bureš J1, Kopáčová M, Douda T, Bártová J, Tomš J, Rejchrt S, Tachecí I.
- Gastroenterology research and practice.Gastroenterol Res Pract.2013;2013:478349. doi: 10.1155/2013/478349. Epub 2013 Jun 17.
- Whipple's disease is a chronic infectious systemic disease caused by the bacterium Tropheryma whipplei. Nondeforming arthritis is frequently an initial complaint. Gastrointestinal and general symptoms include marked diarrhoea (with serious malabsorption), abdominal pain, prominent weight loss, and l
- PMID 23843784
- Khaled A, Souissi A, Zeglaoui F, El Fekih N, Daghfous R, Fazaa B.
- La Tunisie médicale.Tunis Med.2012 Oct;90(10):749-51.
- PMID 23096521
Japanese Journal
- Takahashi Shinji,Sugita Akira,Tsutsumi Yutaka,Fukuda Yoshitaka,Ohashi Akira
- 北関東医学 52(4), 283-285, 2002
- … We started salazopyrine as the treatment of collagenous colitis but observed no effect, then changed to prednisolone 30mg per day. …
- NAID 130000874606
- 国崎 主税,小林 俊介,今井 信介,原田 博文,森脇 義弘,笠岡 千孝
- 日本消化器内視鏡学会雑誌 38(3), 906-911_1, 1996
- 症例は61歳の男性で腹部膨満感,便秘,体重減少を主訴に来院した.白血球数64300/μl, CRP11.0rng/dl, G-CSF152pg/mlと上昇していた.下部消化管造影検査で直腸から横行結腸中間まで全周性連続性にcobblestone appearanceを認めた.内視鏡検査で数珠状連続性にcobblestone appearanceを認めたが,明らかな発赤,潰瘍はなかった.病理組織学 …
- NAID 130004253953
- 右膝関節膿腫と不明熱で発症しHLA‐B27抗原陽性であった一症例
- 橋本 彰二,河野 邦治
- 整形外科と災害外科 43(3), 1146-1148, 1994
- … Treatment with salazopyrine for inflammation and fever was qiven. …
- NAID 130001631700
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