後乳頭筋 posterior papillary muscle
- the 16th letter of the Roman alphabet (同)p
- parking
- phosphorusの化学記号
- parts per million
Wikipedia preview
出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2015/10/28 19:09:08」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
- 経済学
- Product Portfolio Management - 「プロダクト・ポートフォリオ・マネジメント」の略。
- Project Portfolio Management - 「プロジェクト・ポートフォリオ・マネジメント」の略。
- 工学
- Prediction by Partial Matching - データ圧縮アルゴリズムの1つ。
- Pulse Position Modulation - 「パルス位置変調」のこと。
- Peak Programme Meter - ピーク時の音量を表すコンソール。
- コンピュータ
- Perl Package Module - ActivePerlにおける拡張モジュールをインストールするツール。
- Portable PixMap - コンピュータの画像ファイルフォーマットのひとつ。PNM (画像フォーマット)を参照。
- ニンテンドーDSiウェアの「うごくメモ帳」で作成されたメモのファイル形式。通常の画像ファイルフォーマットとは異なるためコンピュータ上のソフトウェアで読み込むとエラーが発生して開けない。
- 音楽
- Peter・Paul&Mary - アメリカ合衆国のフォークソングユニット「ピーター・ポール&マリー」の略。
- 企業
- Pivot Plus Music - 株式会社スポットの関連会社・株式会社ピボットサウンド所属の音楽グループ「ピボット・プラス・ミュージック」の略。
- 雑誌
- PPM - 日本工業新聞社が1970年9月に創刊した月刊の専門雑誌。主に環境問題について技術面、経済面から取り上げた。1997年『月刊地球環境』に改名し、2010年『Business i. ENECO』に合併される形で終刊。
- 政党
- Progressive Party of Maldives - 「モルディブ進歩党」の略。
- parts per million - 百万分率のこと。100万分の1を基準とする割合の単位。主に濃度を表すのに使われる。
- page per minute - プリンターなどにおける、1分あたりの印刷可能枚数の単位。
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[Wiki en表示]
Look up ppm in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
PPM is an initialism that may refer to:
- 1 Arts and entertainment
- 2 Organisations
- 3 Science and technology
- 3.1 Astronomy
- 3.2 Computing
- 3.3 Management
- 3.4 Medicine
- 3.5 Measurement
- 3.6 Units (x ppm)
- 4 Other uses
Arts and entertainment
- Peter, Paul and Mary, a 1960s folk music trio
- Picture Postcard Monthly, a magazine for collectors of postcards
- Please Please Me, the first album by The Beatles
- Mauritanian People's Party, Mauritanian political party
- Partido Popular Monárquico (People's Monarchist Party), Portuguese political party
- Persekutuan Pengakap Malaysia, the Scouts Association of Malaysia
- Progressive Party of Maldives, a political party in the Maldives
- Parry People Movers, a British company manufacturing lightweight railbuses
Science and technology
- PPM Star Catalogue An astrometric catalogue of 378,910 stars
- Perl package manager, a software utility for distributing pre-compiled Perl modules
- Permutation parity machine, a form of neural network for cryptography
- Probabilistic Packet Marking, an IP traceback method
- Portable pixmap, a graphics file format, see Netpbm format
- Prediction by partial matching, an algorithm for data compression
- "Processor Power Management", an update of Advanced Configuration and Power Interface
- Puppy Package Manager, the package management system of Puppy Linux
- Planning and Performance Management, the name of a part of an organisation
- Product Portfolio Management, an aspect of Product Management
- Project Portfolio Management, methods for analyzing and collectively managing projects
- Project Procurement Manager, A person responsible for procurement activities in a project
- Permanent pacemaker or artificial pacemaker
- Persistent pupillary membrane, a condition in the eye
- Physician practice management, e.g. Caremark Rx
- PowerPerformance Management, hospital software for calculating the cost of service delivery
- Peak programme meter, a type of audio level meter
- Portable People Meter, created by Arbitron to measure radio broadcast audiences
- Proton precession magnetometer, which measures the strength and/or direction of a magnetic field by measuring the resonance frequency of protons (hydrogen nuclei) in the magnetic field
- Pulse-position modulation, a modulation scheme
Units (x ppm)
- Pages per minute, a measurement of printing speed
- Parts per million, a way of quantifying small concentrations, usually mass
- pixels per meter, analogue of dots per inch for displays
- Points per minute, commonly used in video games to quantify points earned per minute
- Temperature coefficient, expressed as ppm/K or ppm/C meaning "parts per million per kelvin" or "...per degree Celsius" respectively
Other uses
- Planetary Peace Movement, an initiative to help the world by spreading meditation for peace and illumination.
- Planned Preventive Maintenance, a schedule/program for building maintenance
- Private Placement Memorandum, the initial offering document for a private placement, also known as prospectus
- Public Performance Measure, the punctuality of trains in Britain
- Partially Permeable Membrane
UpToDate Contents
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English Journal
- Development of a cobinamide-based end-of-service-life indicator for detection of hydrogen cyanide gas.
- Greenawald LA1, Snyder JL2, Fry NL3, Sailor MJ3, Boss GR4, Finklea HO5, Bell S5.
- Sensors and actuators. B, Chemical.Sens Actuators B Chem.2015 Dec 31;221:379-385.
- We describe an inexpensive paper-based sensor for rapid detection of low concentrations (ppm) of hydrogen cyanide gas. A piece of filter paper pre-spotted with a dilute monocyanocobinamide [CN(H2O)Cbi] solution was placed on the end of a bifurcated optical fiber and the reflectance spectrum of the C
- PMID 26213448
- High pressure treatments accelerate changes in volatile composition of sulphur dioxide-free wine during bottle storage.
- Santos MC1, Nunes C2, Rocha MA1, Rodrigues A3, Rocha SM1, Saraiva JA1, Coimbra MA1.
- Food chemistry.Food Chem.2015 Dec 1;188:406-14. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2015.05.002. Epub 2015 May 2.
- The impact of high hydrostatic pressure (HHP) treatments on volatile composition of sulphur dioxide-free wines during bottle storage was studied. For this purpose, white and red wines were produced without sulphur dioxide (SO2) and, at the end of the alcoholic fermentation, the wines were pressurise
- PMID 26041211
- In2O 3 Nanotower Hydrogen Gas Sensors Based on Both Schottky Junction and Thermoelectronic Emission.
- Zheng ZQ1, Zhu LF, Wang B.
- Nanoscale research letters.Nanoscale Res Lett.2015 Dec;10(1):1002. doi: 10.1186/s11671-015-1002-4. Epub 2015 Jul 15.
- Indium oxide (In2O3) tower-shaped nanostructure gas sensors have been fabricated on Cr comb-shaped interdigitating electrodes with relatively narrower interspace of 1.5 μm using thermal evaporation of the mixed powders of In2O3 and active carbon. The Schottky contact between the In2O3 nanotower an
- PMID 26173676
Japanese Journal
- Controlled functionalization of a double-junction n
- Controllable p- and n-type doping of poly[2-methoxy-5-(2′-methyl-hexyloxy)-p-phenylenevinylene] films prepared by evaporative spray deposition using ultradilute solution
- Determination of the type of stacking faults in single-crystal high-purity diamond with a low dislocation density of <50 cm
Related Links
- 濃度・含有量・組成換算表 - ppb(ピーピービー)、ppm(ピーピーエム)、%(パーセント)、重量濃度(グラム、ミリグラム)、水溶液濃度(リットルあたり、ミリリットルあたり) ... ppb(ピーピービー) ppm(ピーピーエム) ≒ mg/l(水溶液1 ...
- ppmとmg/Lはどう違うのでしょうか?そんな疑問をすっきりと ... 皆さん ppm って 知っていますか? 私はこの前まで聞いたことはありましたが・・・ よく分かっていませんでした。
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- 英
- posterior papillary muscle, PPM
- 関
- 乳頭筋
- 関
- parts per million