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- protein induced by vitamin K absence or antagonist
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Des-gamma carboxyprothrombin (DCP), also known as protein induced by vitamin K absence/antagonist-II (PIVKA-II), is an abnormal form of the coagulation protein, prothrombin. Normally, the prothrombin precursor undergoes post-translational carboxylation (addition of a carboxylic acid group) by gamma-glutamyl carboxylase in the liver prior to secretion into plasma. DCP/PIVKA-II may be detected in people with deficiency of vitamin K (due to poor nutrition or malabsorption) and in those taking warfarin or other medication that inhibits the action of vitamin K.
- 1 Diagnostic use
- 1.1 Hepatocellular carcinoma
- 1.2 Anticoagulant intoxication
- 2 References
Diagnostic use [edit]
Hepatocellular carcinoma [edit]
A 1984 study first described the use of DCP as a marker of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC); it was present in 91% of HCC patients, while not being detectable in other liver diseases. The DCP level did not change with the administration of vitamin K, suggesting a defect in gamma-carboxylation activity rather than vitamin K deficiency.[1] A number of subsequent studies have since confirmed this phenomenon.[2][3][4]
A 2007 comparison of various HCC tumor markers found DCP the least sensitive to risk factors for HCC (such as cirrhosis), and hence the most useful in predicting HCC.[5] It differentiates HCC from non-malignant liver diseases.[6]
Despite many years of use in Japan, only did a 2003 American study reevaluate its use in an American patient series. It also identified HCC at an earlier stage.[4]
Anticoagulant intoxication [edit]
A 1987 report described the use of DCP determination in the detection of intoxication with acenocoumarol, a vitamin K antagonist.[7]
References [edit]
- ^ Liebman HA, Furie BC, Tong MJ, et al. (1984). "Des-gamma-carboxy (abnormal) prothrombin as a serum marker of primary hepatocellular carcinoma". N. Engl. J. Med. 310 (22): 1427–31. doi:10.1056/NEJM198405313102204. PMID 6201741.
- ^ Tsai SL, Huang GT, Yang PM, Sheu JC, Sung JL, Chen DS (1990). "Plasma des-gamma-carboxyprothrombin in the early stage of hepatocellular carcinoma". Hepatology 11 (3): 481–8. doi:10.1002/hep.1840110321. PMID 2155866.
- ^ Cui R, Wang B, Ding H, Shen H, Li Y, Chen X (2002). "Usefulness of determining a protein induced by vitamin K absence in detection of hepatocellular carcinoma". Chin. Med. J. 115 (1): 42–5. PMID 11930656.
- ^ a b Marrero JA, Su GL, Wei W, et al. (2003). "Des-gamma carboxyprothrombin can differentiate hepatocellular carcinoma from nonmalignant chronic liver disease in american patients". Hepatology 37 (5): 1114–21. doi:10.1053/jhep.2003.50195. PMID 12717392.
- ^ Volk ML, Hernandez JC, Su GL, Lok AS, Marrero JA (2007). "Risk factors for hepatocellular carcinoma may impair the performance of biomarkers: a comparison of AFP, DCP, and AFP-L3". Cancer Biomark 3 (2): 79–87. PMID 17522429.
- ^ Lamerz R, Runge M, Stieber P, Meissner E (1999). "Use of serum PIVKA-II (DCP) determination for differentiation between benign and malignant liver diseases". Anticancer Res. 19 (4A): 2489–93. PMID 10470180.
- ^ Lefrere JJ, Gozin D (1987). "Use of des-gamma-carboxyprothrombin in retrospective diagnosis of hidden intoxication of anticoagulants". J. Clin. Pathol. 40 (5): 589. doi:10.1136/jcp.40.5.589-b. PMC 1141034. PMID 3584512.
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English Journal
- Protein Induced by Vitamin K Antagonist-II (PIVKA-II) Is a Reliable Prognostic Factor in Small Hepatocellular Carcinoma.
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Japanese Journal
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Related Links
- PIVKA-II, protein induced by Vitamin K absence or antagonists-II 臨床的意義 血液 凝固因子のうちII、VII、IX、X因子はいずれも肝臓で合成されるが、このときにビタミンK が必要である。また、これらの因子はいずれも活性化の際Ca2+を必要とし、N末端領域 ...
- PIVKA-Ⅱは原発性肝臓がんなどで高値を示すため、それらの診断のほかに、化学療法 や放射線療法の経過観察に用いられています。
Related Pictures

- 英
- protein induced by vitamin K absence or antagonist-II
- 同
- γ-カルボキシル化異常プロトロンビン des-γ-carboxy prothrombin
- 関
- ビタミンK、ワルファリン、肝細胞癌
- ビタミンK依存的にF II, VII, IX, X, Protein C, Protein SのGlu残基がGla(γ-カルボキシグルタミン酸)に変換され、補酵素としてCa2+を利用してリン脂質に結合し、セリンプロテアーゼとしての活性を持つようになる、はずである。ビタミンK非存在下ではこれらの蛋白質はGlu残基のまま、つまり活性を持たないまま末梢血に出現する。これらはそれぞれPIKVA-II,VII,IX,X,PC,PSなどと呼ばれるが、このうちPIVKA-IIがマーカーとして用いられている。
- 肝細胞癌:直径2cm以下の微小肝細胞癌での陽性率は25-30%