- 関
- prostaglandin G
- the 16th letter of the Roman alphabet (同)p
- parking
- phosphorusの化学記号
- parental guidance(映画の観客指定で)親の認可[映画]
Wikipedia preview
出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2016/02/16 20:38:27」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
PGG may refer to:
- Pentagalloyl glucose
- PGG-glucan, a type of beta-glucan
pgg may refer to :
- Group pgg, a wallpaper group
- Pangwali language ISO 639-3 code
English Journal
- Building trust: Heart rate synchrony and arousal during joint action increased by public goods game.
- Mitkidis P1, McGraw JJ2, Roepstorff A2, Wallot S2.
- Physiology & behavior.Physiol Behav.2015 Oct 1;149:101-6. doi: 10.1016/j.physbeh.2015.05.033. Epub 2015 May 31.
- The physiological processes underlying trust are subject of intense interest in the behavioral sciences. However, very little is known about how trust modulates the affective link between individuals. We show here that trust has an effect on heart rate arousal and synchrony, a result consistent with
- PMID 26037635
- Association between Polymorphisms of the AKT1 Gene Promoter and Risk of the Alzheimer's Disease in a Chinese Han Population with Type 2 Diabetes.
- Liu SY1,2, Zhao HD3, Wang JL3, Huang T4, Tian HW5, Yao LF6, Tao H1, Chen ZW2, Wang CY2, Sheng ST7, Li H8, Zhao B9, Li KS1.
- CNS neuroscience & therapeutics.CNS Neurosci Ther.2015 Aug;21(8):619-25. doi: 10.1111/cns.12430. Epub 2015 Jul 14.
- AIMS: Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a multifactor disease that has been reported to have a close association with type 2 diabetes (T2D) where the v-akt murine thymoma viral oncogene homolog 1 (AKT1) plays an important role in the protein synthesis pathways and cell apoptosis processes. Evidence has be
- PMID 26178916
- Preliminary study on brominated dioxins/furans and hydroxylated/methoxylated PBDEs in Baltic cod (Gadus morhua) liver. Comparison to the levels of analogue chlorinated co-occurring pollutants.
- Roszko M1, Szymczyk K2, Rzepkowska M3, Jędrzejczak R2.
- Marine pollution bulletin.Mar Pollut Bull.2015 Jul 15;96(1-2):165-75. doi: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2015.05.032. Epub 2015 May 19.
- Low pg levels of PBDD/Fs in 0.8-38.9pgg(-1) (fat) range (mean 14.2pgg(-1)) observed in the tested cod liver samples were significantly lower than levels of their chlorinated analogues (25.1-95.9 range, 37.7 mean pgg(-1) fat). Brominated furans dominated the congener profile. Elevated levels of OH-/M
- PMID 26002098
Japanese Journal
- 子音環境と発話速度による母音無声化の促進・抑制効果 : 声門開大運動パタンの検討
- 藤本 雅子
- 音声研究 16(3), 1-13, 2012-12-30
- Effects of consonantal environment and speech rate on vowel devoicing are examined from glottal opening patterns of an Osaka subject. Results demonstrated that for the initial consonant of /CVC/, the …
- NAID 110009578062
- 24pGG-5 アトラス検出器を用いた重心系エネルギー7TeVでの陽子・陽子衝突におけるミューオンを伴う事象でのウィークポゾンの生成断面積の測定(24pGG 素粒子実験領域,ビーム物理領域合同,若手奨勧賞受賞記念講演,素粒子実験領域)
- 24pGG-3 キャピラリー放電管を用いたGeV級レーザー電子加速(24pGG 素粒子実験領域,ビーム物理領域合同,若手奨勧賞受賞記念講演,素粒子実験領域)
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- ミリオンゴッドPGG(確率1/8192)は何回転で引けるか運試し すろ天から皆様に神の降臨を祈願! 遂に登場した5号機版ミリオンゴッド。1度は引きたいPGG(プレミアムゴッドゲーム)の確率は1/8192。いったいいつ頃引けるのか、己のヒキを試して ...
- PGGと言えば「プチュン!」となるフリーズ。この演出は今作でも踏襲され、フリーズ=PGGとなる。 これに加えて今作では「第一停止フリーズ」も存在。レバーONで演出が発生せずに油断しているところで突如フリーズ。これは想像する ...
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- 関
- 英
- prostaglandin G、PGG
- 同
- プロスタグランジン