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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2019/06/13 15:40:39」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
- 海洋無酸素事変(Oceanic Anoxic Event)の略称。
- エイジ・オブ・インライトゥメント管弦楽団(The Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment)の略称。
- 耳音響放射 (otoacoustic emission) の略称。蝸牛を参照。
- オムニエアインターナショナル - アメリカ合衆国のチャーター便運航会社のICAO航空会社コード。
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[Wiki en表示]
OAE could refer to:
- Oceanic Anoxic event, in which the Earth's oceans become completely depleted of oxygen below the surface levels.
- Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment, a British period instrument orchestra.
- Otoacoustic emissions, involved in testing hearing.
- Omni Air Express, United States (ICAO operator designator)
- Operation Active Endeavour
- Oddworld: Abe's Exoddus a platform game made by Oddworld Inhabitants released in 1998
OAE also can refer to Old Antarctic Explorer, anyone who has worked or spent significant time on the continent of Antarctica. Term coined in or around the International Geophysical Year.
See also
UpToDate Contents
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- 1. 新生児における難聴スクリーニングscreening the newborn for hearing loss [show details]
… techniques meet these criteria: Automated auditory brainstem responses (AABR) Otoacoustic emissions (OAE) Both AABR and OAE techniques are inexpensive, portable, reproducible, and automated. They evaluate …
- 2. 小児の難聴:聴覚検査および評価hearing loss in children screening and evaluation [show details]
…canal. The test is quick and noninvasive. The presence of OAE suggests normal cochlear function. Sedation is not necessary for OAE testing. OAE tests are commonly used in newborn hearing screening programs …
- 3. 耳鳴の病因および診断etiology and diagnosis of tinnitus [show details]
…tympanometry, auditory reflex testing, determination of speech discrimination abilities, and otoacoustic emissions testing. These tests identify asymmetries between the two ears and indicate abnormalities …
- 4. プラチナベースの化学療法の神経学的合併症の概要overview of neurologic complications of platinum based chemotherapy [show details]
…electrophysiologic techniques, such as brainstem auditory-evoked response . Another option, distortion product otoacoustic emissions (DPOAEs) testing, is also more sensitive than conventional audiometry. Pharmacologic …
- 5. 小児における身体的診察:HEENTthe pediatric physical examination heent [show details]
…the United States; newborns may be screened for hearing with auditory brainstem response or otoacoustic emissions. Gross hearing can be evaluated by observing an infant physical response to sound; a startle …
English Journal
- Prophylactic Occlusion Balloon Placement in the Abdominal Aorta Combined with Uterine or Ovarian Artery Embolization for the Prevention of Cesarean Hysterectomy Due to Placenta Accreta: A Retrospective Study.
- Liu J, Wang Y, Jiao D, Zhang W, Han X.
- Cardiovascular and interventional radiology. 2019 Jun;42(6)829-834.
- To evaluate the outcomes of uterine-conserving surgery with the occlusion balloon technique followed by uterine or ovarian artery embolization (OAE) in women with placenta accreta. A total of 31 consecutive patients, who were diagnosed with placenta accreta through grayscale ultrasonography or magne
- PMID 30701289
- Onchocerciasis-associated epilepsy: another piece in the puzzle from the Mahenge mountains, southern Tanzania.
- Kaiser C, Mmbando BP, Siewe Fodjo JN, Suykerbuyk P, Mnacho M, Kakorozya A, Matuja W, Hendy A, Greter H, Makunde WH, Colebunders R.
- Infectious diseases of poverty. 2019 May;8(1)35.
- In a study from the onchocerciasis-endemic area of Mahenge in southern Tanzania, Mmbando et al. [Inf Dis Poverty. 2018;7:64] demonstrate that in four selected villages the overall epilepsy prevalence was high, and significantly more elevated in the two villages of higher onchocerciasis endemicity co
- PMID 31122275
- Multiatlas Fusion with a Hybrid CT Number Correction Technique for Subject-Specific Pseudo-CT Estimation in the Context of MRI-Only Radiation Therapy.
- Boukellouz W, Moussaoui A, Taleb-Ahmed A, Boydev C.
- Journal of medical imaging and radiation sciences. 2019 May;().
- To propose a hybrid multiatlas fusion and correction approach to estimate a pseudo-computed tomography (pCT) image from T2-weighted brain magnetic resonance (MR) images in the context of MRI-only radiotherapy. A set of eleven pairs of T2-weighted MR and CT brain images was included. Using leave-one-
- PMID 31128942
Japanese Journal
- 聴覚検査(ABR、OAEなど) (NICU最前線 家族への説明に使える! 新生児の検査・検査値 まるわかり基本マスター)
- 西田 浩輔,藤岡 一路
- Neonatal care = ネオネイタルケア 31(11), 1061-1066, 2018-11
- NAID 40021739405
- A Case of Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss Associated with Phosphodiesterase Type 5 Inhibitors
- Hayashi Yuji,Okada Masahiro,Yamada Hiroyuki,Hato Naohito
- 耳鼻咽喉科臨床 補冊 152(0), 6-7, 2018
- … DP-OAE elicited no responses in the right ear. …
- NAID 130007404632
- Auditory Neuropathy Spectrum Disorder 1症例の言語発達経過について
- 木場 由紀子,山本 美樹
- 音声言語医学 59(2), 178-187, 2018
- … <p>新生児聴覚スクリーニング(NHS)で自動聴性脳幹反応(自動ABR)により難聴が疑われ,聴性脳幹反応(ABR)では重度難聴という結果であったが,耳音響放射(OAE)は,反応良好でAuditory Neuropathy Spectrum Disorder(ANSD)と診断された女児1例の言語発達について報告する.<br>本症例は,早期に発見され,療育を受けていたにもかかわらず,5歳10ヵ月でわれわれが出会った時点で大幅に言語の遅れを呈していた.純 …
- NAID 130007384508
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- OAEは泣いていなければ検査可能である。 慣れた検査者が検査する方が、要再検率が低くなるので、検査を担当する人はできるだけ少人数に限定することが望ましい。 出生直後は中耳に未だ液体が貯留していることが多いため、検査は ...
- OAEは内耳蝸牛の外有毛細胞の機能を検査する。小さなスピーカーとマイクを内挿してあるプローブを外耳道に挿入し、刺激音を出して、これに反応して得られた音を集音して記録する。2種類のタイプがあり、歪成分耳音響放射Distortion ...
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- 2か月の乳児。新生児聴覚スクリーニングで精密検査が必要となり、両親とともに来院した。家族の呼びかけや周囲の音への反応はほとんどない。身長・体重は月齢相当である。外耳道と鼓膜とに異常を認めない。側頭骨CTでは中耳・内耳に異常を認めない。聴性脳幹反応(ABR)は両耳とも無反応である。耳音響放射(OAE)では、両耳で低中音部に残存聴力が確認された。
- 医師から両親への説明として適切なのはどれか。
- a 「機能性難聴です」
- b 「補聴器装用を開始しましょう」
- c 「副腎皮質ステロイドで治療します」
- d 「人工内耳埋込み術をすぐに予定します」
- e 「1歳6か月児健康診査まで様子をみてください」
※国試ナビ4※ [114A016]←[国試_114]→[114A018]
- 英
- otoacoustic emission OAE
歪成分耳音響放射 distortion product otoacoustic emission
- 同
- 食道入口部