- the 14th letter of the Roman alphabet (同)n
- nitrogenの化学記号
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2016/08/21 18:17:44」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
- ノンプレイヤーキャラクター - テーブルトークRPGおよびオンラインゲームにおける用語。
- 核膜孔複合体 - 細胞生物学・分子生物学の用語で、細胞の核に存在する構造。Nuclear pore complex の略。
- ニュージーランド州代表選手権 - ニュージーランドのラグビートップリーグ。National Provincial Championshipの略称。
- ナウル・リン鉱石会社 - ナウル共和国の国営企業。
- 日本パーキング株式会社 - コインパーキングの会社。または、NPC24H。
- 株式会社エヌ・ピー・シー - 真空包装機や太陽電池製造装置などを手がける株式会社(東証マザーズ・6255)。
- ニーマン・ピック病C型 - コレステロール輸送の異常によって起こる先天性代謝異常の一つ。
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[Wiki en表示]
NPC may stand for:
- 1 Computing
- 2 Corporations
- 3 Games
- 4 Medical
- 5 Political organizations
- 6 Research centers
- 7 Student organizations
- 8 Sports
- 9 Miscellaneous
- 10 See also
- 11 References
- Non-deterministic polynomial-time complete (NP-complete)
- Non-printing character
- Nearest prototype classifier
- National Petrochemical Company of Iran
- Nauru Phosphate Corporation
- Nevada Power Company
- non-profit company[1]
- Non-player characters in video games and role-playing games
- The compilation Nintendo Puzzle Collection
- New Play Control!, a series of Nintendo GameCube games rebranded for the Wii
- Non-playing captain in Duplicate bridge (see Sports below)
- Niemann–Pick disease, type C
- Nasopharyngeal carcinoma, a common tumour of the nasopharynx
- Near point of convergence (optometry), a measure of the eyes ability to converge on a close object
Political organizations
- Northern People's Congress, a political party in Nigeria
- Nobel Peace Center in Oslo, Norway
- National Peace Council in the United Kingdom
- National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China
- Nationalist People's Coalition, a political party in the Philippines
- National Petroleum Council in the United States
Research centers
- Netherlands Proteomics Centre in the Netherlands
Student organizations
- National Panhellenic Conference, an umbrella organization for college sororities
- National Postgraduate Committee, the representative body for postgraduates in the United Kingdom
- Nam Pai Chuan, a style of kung fu
- National Paralympic Committee
- The National Physique Committee, a bodybuilding organization in the United States
- National Provincial Championship, a former domestic rugby competition in New Zealand
- Non-playing captain of a team in various sports, including Golf, Tennis and Bridge
- National Paralegal College
- NATO Programming Centre of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization
- Neighbourhood Police Centre, a mid-sized police station in Singapore
- Niagara Parks Commission
- Non Paying Customer, a euphemism for shoplifter
- Northern Provincial Council, provincial council for the Northern Province in Sri Lanka
- Not politically correct
- NPC (cable system), underwater cable connecting Japan and the United States
- Nuclear pore complex, in molecular biology
- Network Parameter Control (in ATM networks)
- Neutral Point Clamped, a topology used in power supplies and active filters
See also
- Fujicolor Pro 160C, a photographic film formerly known as Fujicolor NPC 160
- ^ http://www.gov.za/node/727559
UpToDate Contents
全文を閲覧するには購読必要です。 To read the full text you will need to subscribe.
English Journal
- Polymorphism in mature microRNA-608 sequence is associated with an increased risk of nasopharyngeal carcinoma.
- Qiu F1, Yang L1, Zhang L1, Yang X1, Yang R1, Fang W1, Wu D1, Chen J1, Xie C1, Huang D1, Zhou Y2, Lu J3.
- Gene.Gene.2015 Jul 10;565(2):180-6. doi: 10.1016/j.gene.2015.04.008. Epub 2015 Apr 8.
- Accumulative evidences indicated that microRNAs (miRNAs) can function as tumor suppressors and oncogenes, in which genetic variations are implicated in various cancer susceptibilities. However, it remains unclear whether single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in mature miRNA sequence alter nasophary
- PMID 25861865
- iTRAQ-Based Quantitative Proteomic Analysis of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma.
- Cai XZ1, Zeng WQ2,3, Xiang Y3, Liu Y3, Zhang HM3, Li H3, She S3, Yang M3, Xia K1, Peng SF4,5.
- Journal of cellular biochemistry.J Cell Biochem.2015 Jul;116(7):1431-41. doi: 10.1002/jcb.25105.
- Nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) is a common disease in the southern provinces of China with a poor prognosis. To better understand the pathogenesis of NPC and identify proteins involved in NPC carcinogenesis, we applied iTRAQ coupled with two-dimensional LC-MS/MS to compare the proteome profiles of N
- PMID 25648846
- Ribonucleotide reductase M2 subunit expression and prognostic value in nasopharyngeal carcinoma.
- Han P1, Lin ZR2, Xu LH2, Zhong Q2, Zhu XF3, Liang FY1, Cai Q1, Huang XM1, Zeng MS2.
- Molecular medicine reports.Mol Med Rep.2015 Jul;12(1):401-9. doi: 10.3892/mmr.2015.3360. Epub 2015 Feb 16.
- The ribonucleotide reductase M2 subunit (RRM2) modulates the enzymatic activity of ribonucleotide reductase, and is involved in tumor progression. Recently, high levels of RRM2 expression were reported to correlate with poor survival outcomes in patients with colorectal and bladder cancer. However,
- PMID 25695839
Japanese Journal
- ナルコレプシーとさまざまな神経精神症状が出現したニーマンピック病C型の1例
- 異なる直流電圧の電源を用いた単相マルチレベルインバータの波形改善法
- 総投与熱量と3大栄養素 : アミノ酸 (特集 高齢者の静脈栄養法 : プラスαの輸液力を磨く!)
Related Links
- NAVY PERSONNEL COMMAND: 5720 Integrity Drive, Millington TN 38055-0000 This is an official U.S. Navy Website Comments? Suggestions? Call NPC Customer Service: 866-U-ASK-NPC (DSN 882-5672) or Email the ...
- コインパーキング(時間貸し駐車場)、月極駐車場の事なら、日本パーキングにお任せ下さい。きれい、安心、安全な徹底した管理体制ですので、快適にご利用頂けます。日本全国の多くの地域でご利用頂けます。
Related Pictures

- 英
- epipharyngeal cancer, cancer of epipharynx, epipharynx carcinoma
- 同
- 鼻咽頭癌 nasopharyngeal carcinoma NPC, nasopharyngeal cancer, cancer of the nasopharynx
- 関
- 上咽頭悪性腫瘍、咽頭癌、上咽頭
- 初期には乏しく、早期にに頚部転移を生じる
- 鼻閉、鼻出血、難聴、外転神経麻痺、三叉神経麻痺などを呈する。
- 頚部リンパ節腫脹:外側頚三角上部。両側転移例が半数。
- SOTO.483
- 側方進展:耳管の閉塞により滲出性中耳炎を来す()。咽頭側索に浸潤して中陰等に進展。腹咽頭間隙に進展したり、外側咽頭後リンパ節が腫脹するとIX, X, XI, XII脳神経を圧迫し、種々の症状を呈する。
- 前方進展:後鼻孔を閉塞。鼻腔に進展し、鼻閉、鼻出血、軟口蓋の膨隆を来す。
- 上方進展:咽頭陥凹の直上部に破裂孔があり、中頭蓋窩に進展。外転神経を、動眼神経、滑車神経・三叉神経(V1,V2)の順に障害し、ついには[[Garcin症候群を生じる。脳神経症状の出現率は30%。
- 骨、肺、肝
- 遠隔転移の出現率は20%。(SOTO.483)
- 放射線療法、化学療法の組み合わせ。
- 手術療法は解剖学的に困難であるために通常施行されることはない。
- http://ganjoho.jp/public/cancer/data/nasopharynx.html
- 関
- NPC、nuclear pore complex、nucleoporin
- 英
- nuclear pore complex
- 同
- NPC, 核孔
- 関
- 核膜孔
遺伝性非ポリポーシス大腸癌、hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer
遺伝性非ポリポーシス大腸癌 hereditary nonpolyposis colon cancer
- 関
- Niemann-Pick Cl-like protein
- 関
- See Nuclear pore complexes