- a pattern of symptoms indicative of some disease
- a complex of concurrent things; "every word has a syndrome of meanings"
- (疾患の徴候となる一群の)症徴候,症候群 / (事件・社会的状態などのパターンを示す)徴候形態
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Millard–Gubler syndrome |
Pons |
Classification and external resources |
Specialty |
neurology |
ICD-10 |
G46.3 |
ICD-9-CM |
344.89 |
eMedicine |
pmr/189 |
[edit on Wikidata]
Millard–Gubler syndrome is a lesion of the pons. It is also called ventral pontine syndrome.[1]
- 1 Presentation
- 2 Diagnosis
- 3 Eponym
- 4 See also
- 5 References
- 6 External links
Symptoms result from the functional loss of several anatomical structures of the pons, including the sixth and seventh cranial nerves and fibers of the corticospinal tract. Paralysis of the abducens (CN VI) leads to diplopia, internal strabismus (i.e., esotropia), and loss of power to rotate the affected eye outward), and disruption of the facial nerves (CN VII) leads to symptoms including flaccid paralysis of the muscles of facial expression and loss of the corneal reflex. Disruption of the corticospinal tract leads to contralateral hemiplegia of the extremities.
This syndrome is easier to diagnose today thanks to the technical advances in brain imaging (CT, MRI). It can also be identified based on the symptoms described above.
Millard–Gubler syndrome is named after two French physicians, Auguste Louis Jules Millard (1830–1915), who first identified the disorder in 1855, and Adolphe-Marie Gubler (1821–1879), who described the disease in a medical paper one year later.
See also
- ^ Anatomy 530a at UWO (Functional Neuroanatomy)
External links
- synd/1692 at Who Named It?
Cerebrovascular diseases (G45–G46 and I60–I69, 430–438)
Brain ischemia/
cerebral infarction
(ischemic stroke/TIA) |
- precerebral: Carotid artery stenosis
- cerebral: MCA
- Amaurosis fugax
- precerebral: Anterior spinal artery syndrome
- Vertebrobasilar insufficiency
- Subclavian steal syndrome
- brainstem: medulla
- Medial medullary syndrome
- Lateral medullary syndrome
- pons
- Medial pontine syndrome/Foville's
- Lateral pontine syndrome/Millard-Gubler
- midbrain
- Weber's
- Benedikt
- Claude's
- cerebral: PCA
- Lacunar stroke
- Dejerine–Roussy syndrome
General |
- cerebral: Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis
- Binswanger's disease
- Transient global amnesia
Intracranial hemorrhage
(hemorrhagic stroke) |
Extra-axial |
- Epidural
- Subdural
- Subarachnoid
Cerebral/Intra-axial |
Brainstem |
Aneurysm |
- Cerebral aneurysm
- Intracranial berry aneurysm
- Charcot-Bouchard aneurysm
Other/general |
Lesions of spinal cord and brain
Spinal cord/
vascular myelopathy |
- sensory: Sensory ataxia
- Tabes dorsalis
- motor: Motor neurone disease
- mixed: Brown-Séquard syndrome
- cord syndrome (Posterior
- Anterior
- Central/Syringomyelia)
- Subacute combined degeneration of spinal cord (B12)
- Cauda equina syndrome
- Anterior spinal artery syndrome
Brainstem |
Medulla (CN 8, 9, 10, 12) |
- Lateral medullary syndrome/Wallenberg
- Medial medullary syndrome/Dejerine
Pons (CN 5, 6, 7, 8) |
- Upper dorsal pontine syndrome/Raymond Céstan syndrome
- Lateral pontine syndrome (AICA) (lateral)
- Medial pontine syndrome/Millard-Gubler syndrome/Foville's syndrome(basilar)
- Locked-in syndrome
- Internuclear ophthalmoplegia
- One and a half syndrome
Midbrain (CN 3, 4) |
- Weber's syndrome
- Benedikt syndrome
- Parinaud's syndrome
- Nothnagel's syndrome
- Claude's syndrome
Other |
Cerebellum |
- lateral (Dysmetria
- Dysdiadochokinesia
- Intention tremor)
- medial (Cerebellar ataxia)
Basal ganglia |
- Chorea
- Dystonia
- Parkinson's disease
Cortex |
- ACA syndrome
- MCA syndrome
- PCA syndrome
- frontal lobe: Expressive aphasia
- Aboulia
- parietal lobe: Receptive aphasia
- Hemispatial neglect
- Gerstmann syndrome
- Astereognosis
- occipital lobe: Bálint's syndrome
- Cortical blindness
- Pure alexia
- temporal lobe: Cortical deafness
- Prosopagnosia
Thalamus |
Other |
- Subclavian steal syndrome
- Upper motor neurone lesion (Clasp-knife response)
- Lower motor neurone lesion
English Journal
- Pure ipsilateral central facial palsy and contralateral hemiparesis secondary to ventro-medial medullary stroke.
- Ahdab R1, Saade HS, Kikano R, Ferzli J, Tarcha W, Riachi N.
- Journal of the neurological sciences.J Neurol Sci.2013 Sep 15;332(1-2):154-5. doi: 10.1016/j.jns.2013.06.028. Epub 2013 Jul 9.
- Medullary infarcts are occasionally associated with facial palsy of the central type (C-FP). This finding can be explained by the course of the facial corticobulbar (F-CB) fibers. It is believed that fibers that project to the upper facial muscles decussate at the level of the facial nucleus, wherea
- PMID 23849262
- Neurocysticercosis presenting as Millard Gubler syndrome.
- Prasad R1, Kapoor K, Srivastava A, Mishra O.
- Journal of neurosciences in rural practice.J Neurosci Rural Pract.2012 Sep;3(3):375-7. doi: 10.4103/0976-3147.102634.
- Neurocysticercosis is a common childhood neurological illness in India. A variety of presentations have been reported in the literature, including weber syndrome. Neurocysticercosis, manifesting as Millard Gubler syndrome, have not been reported in literature. Therefore, we report a child presented
- PMID 23189006
- Pontine cavernoma hemorrhage leading to Millard-Gubler syndrome.
- Kesikburun S1, Safaz I, Alaca R.
- American journal of physical medicine & rehabilitation / Association of Academic Physiatrists.Am J Phys Med Rehabil.2011 Mar;90(3):263. doi: 10.1097/PHM.0b013e3181e29e8e.
- PMID 20531153
Japanese Journal
- 上眼瞼延長術後に糸状角膜炎を生じた Large-Angle Strabismus の1例
- 木下 慎介,柿崎 裕彦,岩城 正佳
- あたらしい眼科 = Journal of the eye 23(8), 1051-1053, 2006-08-30
- NAID 10018835031
- 16. Weber syndrome(上交代性片麻痺)とMillard Gubler syndrom(下交代性片麻痺)(第1020回千葉医学会例会・第18回神経内科教室例会)
Related Links
- Millard‐Gubler 症候群 Millard‐Gubler syndrome 「概念」 橋下部レベルの血管障害のこと。 別名で、橋下部内側症候群と呼ぶ。 「病因」 椎骨脳底動脈系の閉塞による。 「病理」 錐体路を障害し、第6脳神経と第7脳神経を障害。
- Gub·ler syn·drome (gū-blār'), a form of alternating hemiplegia characterized by contralateral hemiplegia and ipsilateral facial paralysis. Synonym(s): Gubler paralysis, Millard-Gubler syndrome Gub·ler syn·drome (gū-blā' sin'drōm) A ...
Related Pictures

- 英
- Millard-Gubler syndrome
- 同
- Millard-Gubler症候群、顔面神経交代性片麻痺 hemiplegia alternans facialis、下交代性片麻痺 hemiplegia alternans facialis inferior
[show details]
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ミヤール・ギュブレール症候群 : 50 件
ミヤール・グブラー症候群 : nothing
ミラール・ギュブレル症候群 : 4 件
ミラール・ギュブレール症候群 : 1 件
ミラール・グブラー症候群 : 6 件
- 病変:橋
- 病変部位と同側の顔面神経麻痺と対側の上下肢麻痺
- 英
- pons
- 同
- 橋脳、脳橋、ヴァロリオ橋 Varolian pons
- 脳出血-橋出血:意識障害、四肢麻痺、呼吸不全、眼球異常(pinpoint pupil)