- street names for ketamine (同)jet, super acid, special K, honey oil, green, cat valium, super C
- the 11th letter of the Roman alphabet (同)k
- Kelvin / Kindergarten / (チェスの)King / kalium(ラテン語)(=potassium)の化学記号
English Journal
- Different MUC1 gene polymorphisms in German and Japanese ethnicities affect serum KL-6 levels.
- Horimasu Y, Hattori N, Ishikawa N, Kawase S, Tanaka S, Yoshioka K, Yokoyama A, Kohno N, Bonella F, Guzman J, Ohshimo S, Costabel U.SourceDepartment of Molecular and Internal Medicine, Graduate School of Biomedical Science, Hiroshima University, 1-2-3 Kasumi, Minami-ku, Hiroshima 734-8551, Japan.
- Respiratory medicine.Respir Med.2012 Dec;106(12):1756-64. doi: 10.1016/j.rmed.2012.09.001. Epub 2012 Sep 18.
- BACKGROUND: KL-6 is a high-molecular-weight glycoprotein classified as human Mucin-1 (MUC1). KL-6 has been reported to be a sensitive biomarker for interstitial lung diseases (ILDs) in the Japanese population. It is also known that polymorphisms in the MUC1 gene affect serum levels of KL-6. This stu
- PMID 22995277
- Comparison of virulence of Coxiella burnetii isolates from bovine milk and from ticks.
- Kocianová E, Kovácová EI, Literák I.SourceInstitute of Virology, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava. virukoc@nic.savba.sk
- Folia parasitologica.Folia Parasitol (Praha).2001;48(3):235-9.
- Laboratory animals (mice and guinea pigs) were infected with the isolates of Coxiella burnetii (Derrick, 1939) obtained from bovine milk (M18 and M35) and the ticks Ixodes ricinus (Linnaeus, 1758) and Dermacentor marginatus (Sulzer, 1776) (Kl3 and Kl6, respectively), and with the reference strain Ni
- PMID 11699660
Japanese Journal
- KL-6が高値を呈したバルサルタンによる薬剤性肺炎の1例
- 高倉 晃,久保田 勝,大谷 咲子,上遠野 健,山本 倫子,益田 典幸
- 日本呼吸器学会雑誌 = The journal of the Japanese Respiratory Society 49(7), 523-527, 2011-07-10
- NAID 10029372410
- 若年性皮膚筋炎に合併した急速進行性間質性肺炎の1男児例
Related Links
- 血液検査でKL-6(シアル化糖鎖抗原 KL-6)を調べよう。KL-6を調べると間質性肺炎の 病態や程度を把握することができます。血清KL-6の測定は肺の線維化を特徴とする 病変の鑑別や、間質性肺炎の病勢把握・治療経過観察に大変有用です。
- シアル化糖鎖抗原KL-6(シアルかとうさこうげんケーエルシックス、Sialylated carbohydrate antigen KL-6)は、MUC1上に存在しているシアル化糖鎖抗原の1つで ある。MUC1はムチンの1種であり上皮細胞系に発現する膜貫通型の糖タンパク質で ある。
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