- the 3rd letter of the Roman alphabet (同)c
- (music) the keynote of the scale of C major
- a general-purpose programing language closely associated with the UNIX operating system
- carbonの化学記号
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2015/11/25 05:11:23」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
- 合同任務部隊 (Combined Task Force) の略称。タスクフォースを参照。
- Commander Task Force - 第7艦隊 (アメリカ軍)のタスクフォースに付与される略号。
- Cable Termination Frame - 光ファイバ終端装置。主配線盤を参照。
- Capture The Flag - 互いに相手陣地の旗を奪い合う野外ゲーム。派生して、ファーストパーソン・シューティングゲームなどのeスポーツのルールの一形態や、コンピュータセキュリティ技術の競技の意味でも用いられる。キャプチャー・ザ・フラッグを参照。
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[Wiki en表示]
CTF can mean:
Organizations and associations
- Cambridge Theological Federation
- Canadian Taxpayer's Federation
- Canadian Teachers' Federation
- Canadian Tenpin Federation, Canada's national tenpin bowling organization. member of World Bowling
- Child Trust Fund, a UK child savings scheme
- Children's Tumor Foundation
- Clean Technology Fund
- Cyprus Tennis Federation
Science and technology
- Charge trap flash
- Chlorine trifluoride, a highly corrosive chemical
- Collaborative Translation Framework Loader, a Microsoft Windows process relating to the ctfmon.exe file, which monitors active windows and provides text support for speech and handwriting recognition, keyboard, translation, and other technologies
- Columnar thin film, in fingerprinting
- Computer to film, an imaging technology used in lithographic printing
- Conduction transfer functions, a method used in HVAC to calculate heat transfer
- Contrast threshold function, in physiological imaging
- Contrast transfer function, in general imaging (see also Modulation transfer function)
- Controlled thermonuclear fusion
- Cut-through switching, a methodology used in network hardware
- Canadian Television Fund
- Capture The Flag, a traditional outdoor game often played by children. Or an information security competition. Or a game mode in video games (inspired by the outdoor game).
- Combined Task Force, a name for one of several multi-national task forces
- Commander Task Force, as per, for example 'Commander Task Force 150', can also mean 'Combined Task Force,' with the initialism's meaning becoming 'Commander Combined Task Force' (CCTF).
- Communauté des télévisions francophones ("French-speaking Television Community"), regrouping television broadcasters throughout the Francophonie (France, Belgium, Switzerland, Canada)
- Compania de Transport Feroviar (CTF), a rail transport company in Romania
- Contamana Airport, Contamana, Loreto Region, Peru (three-letter ICAO airport code)
- Controlled Traffic Farming, a soil protection driving strategy on agricultural surfaces, which confines all machinery loads to the least possible area of permanent traffic lanes
- Core Technology Facility, a biotech grow-on space owned by the University of Manchester Incubator Company
- Correctional Training Facility at Soledad, California; also called Soledad, or Soledad State Prison
- Countering Terrorist Financing
English Journal
- Effects of TRPV1 and TRPA1 activators on the cramp threshold frequency: a randomized, double-blind placebo-controlled trial.
- Behringer M1,2,3, Nowak S4, Leyendecker J4, Mester J4.
- European journal of applied physiology.Eur J Appl Physiol.2017 Aug;117(8):1641-1647. doi: 10.1007/s00421-017-3653-6. Epub 2017 Jun 1.
- PMID 28573374
- Efficient 3D-CTF correction for cryo-electron tomography using NovaCTF improves subtomogram averaging resolution to 3.4 Å.
- Turoňová B1, Schur FKM1, Wan W1, Briggs JAG2.
- Journal of structural biology.J Struct Biol.2017 Jul 22. pii: S1047-8477(17)30127-2. doi: 10.1016/j.jsb.2017.07.007. [Epub ahead of print]
- PMID 28743638
- Cleavage of the Interleukin-11 receptor induces processing of its C-terminal fragments by the gamma-secretase and the proteasome.
- Lokau J1, Flynn CM1, Garbers C2.
- Biochemical and biophysical research communications.Biochem Biophys Res Commun.2017 Jul 20. pii: S0006-291X(17)31458-4. doi: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2017.07.106. [Epub ahead of print]
- PMID 28735867
Japanese Journal
- 情報リテラシとセキュリティの導入教育のための初心者向けのハッキング競技CTFによる大会イベント : 大会運営サーバBeeConの設計と実装 (教育工学)
- 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 = IEICE technical report : 信学技報 115(223), 53-60, 2015-09-12
- NAID 40020617362
- ハッキング競技CTFを取り入れたセキュリティを意識させる情報リテラシ教育の大会イベント : 大会運営サーバの機能と初心者向けの問題設定 (教育工学)
- 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 = IEICE technical report : 信学技報 114(513), 39-44, 2015-03-14
- NAID 40020429093
- Cytoplasmic Fragment of Alcadein alpha Generated by Regulated Intramembrane Proteolysis Enhances Amyloid beta-Protein Precursor (APP) Transport into the Late Secretory Pathway and Facilitates APP Cleavage
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- 協賛企業の募集 JNSAでは、このような取組みを日本でも本格的に始動させるために、関係省庁・組織から協力をいただくほか、民間企業から広く協賛を募り、SECCON 2013を運営します。昨年度のSECCON CTFとCTFチャレンジジャパンの ...
- ようこそ 「サイバー テクニカル フォーラム」 へ サイバー テクニカル フォーラム(Cyber Technical Forum,CTF)は、新しいエネルギー技術を用いた社会システムを追求し、その普及を目指す討論の場です。 CTFは「認定 ...
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- 英
- cytostatic factor、CTF
- 関
- 癌原遺伝子産物c-Mos、c-Mosタンパク質