- the 3rd letter of the Roman alphabet (同)c
- (music) the keynote of the scale of C major
- a general-purpose programing language closely associated with the UNIX operating system
- of the period coinciding with the Christian era; preferred by some writers who are not Christians; "in 200 CE" (同)C.E., Common Era
- carbonの化学記号
Wikipedia preview
出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2016/12/05 12:43:23」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
- Capacitance Electronic Disc(CED Video Disc) - 米国のRCAが開発したビデオディスク方式。→RCAおよび英語版参照。
- Communications Excellence DENTSU(CED) - 電通が1987年に制定した企業スローガンおよび当時の社章に用いた英略称。
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[Wiki en表示]
CED may stand for:
- The UC Berkeley College of Environmental Design
- Capacitance Electronic Disc, a playback-only video medium
- Classical electrodynamics
- Community economic development
- Collective Earth Defense from the video game Descent³
- Collins English Dictionary
- Conjugate eye deviation
- In economics, Cross (price) elasticity of demand
- Committee for Economic Development
- Camurati-Engelmann disease, a rare genetic syndrome
- The Canadian Eskimo Dog
- Cumulative Energy Demand is suited to determine and compare the energy intensity of processes
- Short form of CygnusEd
UpToDate Contents
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- 1. アポトーシスと自己免疫疾患apoptosis and autoimmune disease [show details]
…identification of genes that regulate this process. Ced-3 is a downstream effector of the apoptotic program It is activated by ced-4, which is inhibited by ced-9. In turn, ced-9 is inhibited by egl-1. It follows from …
- 2. 細隙灯検査slit lamp examination [show details]
…appearance of a CED often gives the examiner a clue to its etiology . Infiltrates that are seen under white light but not seen with the cobalt blue filter are subepithelial and are not CEDs. This test …
- 3. 神経有棘赤血球症neuroacanthocytosis [show details]
…gene . The function of the XK protein is not known, but it shares homologies with the ced-8 protein in C. elegans. Ced-8 has an important role in caspase-mediated cell death (apoptosis). The XK protein is…
- 4. 遺伝性出血性毛細血管拡張症(オースラー・ウェーバー・ランデュ症候群)の臨床症状と診断clinical manifestations and diagnosis of hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia osler weber rendu syndrome [show details]
…mean cumulative effective dose (CED) of radiation over an 11-year period was 51.7mSv, and in 26 patients, CED exceeded 100mSv . CT scans accounted for 46 percent of the CED, and interventional procedures…
English Journal
- Technological and life cycle assessment of organics processing odour control technologies.
- Bindra N1, Dubey B2, Dutta A1.
- The Science of the total environment.Sci Total Environ.2015 Sep 15;527-528:401-12. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2015.05.023. Epub 2015 May 14.
- As more municipalities and communities across developed world look towards implementing organic waste management programmes or upgrading existing ones, composting facilities are emerging as a popular choice. However, odour from these facilities continues to be one of the most important concerns in t
- PMID 25981938
- PMID 25898090
- Towards increased recycling of household waste: Documenting cascading effects and material efficiency of commingled recyclables and biowaste collection.
- Cimpan C1, Rothmann M2, Hamelin L2, Wenzel H2.
- Journal of environmental management.J Environ Manage.2015 Jul 1;157:69-83. doi: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2015.04.008. Epub 2015 Apr 14.
- Municipal solid waste (MSW) management remains a challenge, even in Europe where several countries now possess capacity to treat all arising MSW, while others still rely on unsustainable disposal pathways. In the former, strategies to reach higher recycling levels are affecting existing waste-to-ene
- PMID 25884890
Japanese Journal
- The Simpler The PIC, The Better The Analysis Of The Subject Island
- コンパニオン診断薬 : 先進医療から保険導入へ (AYUMI コンパニオン診断 : 診断薬開発から臨床応用へ)
- Exclusion of the Edge Condition and the Generalized Inactivity Condition from the Analysis of the Subject Condition
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- CEDの端末は24時間起動中ですので,自習も含め,割り当てられた端末をsshで利用してください. 2020/09/29更新 後学期における CED の利用について※大事なお知らせなので必ず読んでください. 自宅でCEDのデスクトップ(GUI)を利用 ...
- CEDファイルとは何ですか? CEDファイル形式は、デジタルビデオカメラのラインのためにJVCによって開発されました。このファイル形式は、破損したビデオデータを保存するためにJVCレコーダーで使用されます。これらのCEDファイルは、デバイスのメモリカードに問題がある場合に、これらのJVC ...
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- Ellis-van Creveld syndrome
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- エリス・ファン・クレーフェルト症候群
- 英
- cephradine、cefradine, CED
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- 抗菌薬
多腺性自己免疫症候群1型。autoimmune polyendocrinopathy-candidiasis-ectodermal dysplasia
- 同
- autoimmune polyendocrinopathy-candidiasis-ectodermal dystrophy syndrome