English Journal
- [The role of released membrane microparticles in pathogenesis of systemic inflammatory response].
- Moroz VV, Salmina AB, Fursov AA, Mikhutkina SV, Linev KA, Mantorova NS, Shakhmaeva SV, Ol'khovskiĭ IV, Isakov IV.AbstractThe aim of this work was to evaluate contribution of released membrane particles (RMP) to the development of systemic inflammatory response (SIR) after aortocoronary bypass grafting (ACBG). The number of RMP carrying surface adhesion molecules, CD62L, CD62P, CD62E, was shown to increase in the early postoperative period in parallel with the enhancement of lymphocyte plasma membrane blebbing and elevation of cytokine levels in peripheral blood. It is concluded that (1) activation of plasma membrane blebbing in peripheral blood cells underlies the appearance of RMP in circulation; (2) increased number of RMP expressing CD62L, CD62P, CD62E is a marker of intercellular communication associated with the development of SIR and suggests new mechanisms of RMP involvement in the reaction of organism to massive surgical injury.
- Vestnik Rossiĭskoĭ akademii meditsinskikh nauk / Rossiĭskaia akademiia meditsinskikh nauk.Vestn Ross Akad Med Nauk.2010;(4):3-8.
- The aim of this work was to evaluate contribution of released membrane particles (RMP) to the development of systemic inflammatory response (SIR) after aortocoronary bypass grafting (ACBG). The number of RMP carrying surface adhesion molecules, CD62L, CD62P, CD62E, was shown to increase in the early
- PMID 20545041
- [Aorto-coronary bypass grafting in patients with pronounced left ventricular dysfunction: long-term results and value of detection of viable myocardium].
- Butkuviene I, Ivashkyavichiene L, Nogiene G, Zhidanavichiute Y.AbstractAim of the study was to investigate effect of volume of viable myocardium as detected by stress-echocardiography on functional class and survival of patients with pronounced left ventricular dysfunction after aorto-coronary bypass grafting (ACBG). We made retrospective analysis of clinical and echocardiographic data from 216 patients with pronounced coronary pathology and left ventricular ejection fraction 35%. Stress echocardiography was carried out according to standard method in 70 patients. Mean duration of follow-up after ACBG was 2.5+/-2.3 years (from 0.4 to 9 years). Complete revascularization eliminated symptoms of angina, improved functional class of patients and was associated with high survival (5-year - 85%, 7-year - 78%). No significant effect of volume of viable myocardium on functional class and survival of patients after ACBG was revealed.
- Kardiologiia.Kardiologiia.2009;49(12):39-42.
- Aim of the study was to investigate effect of volume of viable myocardium as detected by stress-echocardiography on functional class and survival of patients with pronounced left ventricular dysfunction after aorto-coronary bypass grafting (ACBG). We made retrospective analysis of clinical and echoc
- PMID 20038280
Japanese Journal
- P448 高脂血症合併した虚血性心疾患患者における冠動脈バイパス術(ACBG)後の二次予防に対する抗脂血療法の効果について
- 原 泰志,笹子 佳門,鬼頭 義次,都島 基夫
- Japanese circulation journal 60(SupplementI), 461, 1996-02-20
- NAID 110002660355
- Hypothermia for the Management of Low Cardiac Output Syndrome after Open Heart Surgery.
- 井畔 能文,豊平 均,下川 新二,梅林 雄介,福田 茂,森山 由紀則,渡辺 俊一,平 明
- 日本心臓血管外科学会雑誌 22(2), 118-122, 1993
- … The patients were consisted of two ACBG, two LV rupture after MVR, MVR with ACBG and AVR with poor LV function. …
- NAID 130003628608
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- 英
- coronary artery bypass grafting, CABG
- coronary artery bypass CAB, coronary artery bypass graft surgery, coronary artery bypass surgery
- 同
- A-Cバイパス術 A-C bypass grafting、ACバイパス術 AC bypass grafting
- 大動脈冠状動脈バイパス術 coronary aortic bypass graft aortocoronary bypass grafting ACBG
- 関
- 冠動脈バイパス、冠動脈バイパス手術、冠状動脈バイパス術、冠状動脈バイパス手術
[show details]
- 冠血行再建術
- 冠状動脈の閉塞、狭窄に対して行われる外科的血行再建術。
- 冠状動脈に75%以上の狭窄がある場合 → この狭窄で運動すると心筋虚血に陥る
- 左冠状動脈主幹部(LMT)に50%以上の狭窄が認められる
- 責任冠状動脈に心筋虚血が認められる。
- 異型狭心症はCABGの対象ではない
- DM合併例の多枝病変ではPCIよりもCABGが推奨される。
- 1. 左冠状動脈主幹部病変例
- 2. 心筋虚血のある3枝病変例
- 3. CCSCのclass III及びIVの狭心症で前下行枝近位部病変を伴った1枝または2枝病変例
- 4. 内科治療抵抗性の不安定狭心症例
- 5. 内科治療抵抗性の心原性ショックを伴った急性心筋梗塞例
- 6. PTCA後の急性冠閉塞により心原性ショックとなった例
- 冠動脈造影上75%以上の狭窄があり、その灌流域の心筋虚血に対し手術効果が大きく、手術の危険性が少ない場合はよい適応となる。
- 1. 冠動脈造影による狭窄度、形態評価
- 2. 心筋虚血の証明:方法として負荷心電図、負荷心筋シンチ、負荷心エコー図、症状などがある。
- 大きな左前下行枝の近位部病変、PTCAの困難な病変形態の場合。PTCA不成功例
- 左前下行枝近位部病変を含む場合。左前下行枝近位部病変がPTCA困難な病変形態の場合。(特に慢性閉塞性病変)危険にさらされた側副血行路の場合。
- 1. 冠動脈疾患におけるインターベンション治療の適応ガイドライン(冠動脈バイパス術の適応を含む)―待機的インターベンション―
- http://www.j-circ.or.jp/guideline/pdf/JCS2000_fujiwara_h.pdf
- 2. 虚血性心疾患に対するバイパスグラフトと手術術式の選択ガイドライン
- http://www.j-circ.or.jp/guideline/pdf/JCS2006_kitamura_h.pdf