- 同
- aggregative adherence fimbriae
- the 1st letter of the Roman alphabet (同)a
- the blood group whose red cells carry the A antigen (同)type_A, group A
- アルコール中毒患者更生会
- (映画で)14歳以下の児童観賞禁止の表示 / 14歳以下観賞禁止の
- Automobile Association(英国の)自動車協会
- answer / ampere
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2016/01/28 14:39:05」(JST)
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- Advanced Authoring Format
- アメリカ広告連盟(American Advertising Federation)
- 航跡島(Army Airfield)
- アメリカ陸軍航空軍(U.S. Army Air Forces) -- アメリカ空軍の前身
- アパラチコラ市営空港(Apalachicola Municipal Airport、アメリカ合衆国フロリダ州)のIATA空港コード
- エーグル・アズールのICAO航空会社コード
- アーリンク・アルヘリチ財団Alink-Argerich Foundation国際ピアノコンクールへの助成で知られる。
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AAF may refer to:
In aviation:
- Aigle Azur (ICAO code), a French airline
- Apalachicola Regional Airport (IATA code), in Apalachicola, Florida
In militaries:
- Albanian Armed Forces
- Army Air Field, an operating base for the United States Army Aviation Branch
- Auxiliary Air Force, the original name of the Royal Auxiliary Air Force of the United Kingdom
- United States Army Air Forces, the precursor to the U.S. Air Force
In organizations:
- American Advertising Federation, a U.S. trade association
- Amateur Athletic Foundation, the former name of the LA84 Foundation, a Los Angeles-based nonprofit
- Animals Asia Foundation, a Hong Kong-based charity
- Association of Adventist Forums, the former name of Adventist Forums, a Seventh-day Adventist group
In technology:
- Advanced Authoring Format, an industry standard for high-end exchange of video project data
- Anti-aliasing filter, a filter used to restrict the bandwidth of a signal
In other uses:
- 2-Acetylaminofluorene, a biochemical tool
- Alien Ant Farm, an alternative rock band
- All Aboard Florida, a passenger rail project in Florida
- Aranadan language, a Dravidian language of India
See also
- All pages beginning with "AAF"
- All pages with titles containing AAF
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- 1. 病原性大腸菌 pathogenic escherichia coli
- 2. 食物アレルギー:栄養上の問題 management of food allergy nutritional issues
English Journal
- Surveillance of US Death Rates from Chronic Diseases Related to Excessive Alcohol Use.
- Polednak AP1.
- Alcohol and alcoholism (Oxford, Oxfordshire).Alcohol Alcohol.2016 Jan;51(1):54-62. doi: 10.1093/alcalc/agv056. Epub 2015 Jun 3.
- AIMS: To assess the utility of multiple-cause (MC) death records for surveillance of US mortality rates from chronic causes related to excessive alcohol use.METHODS: The Alcohol-Related Disease Impact (ARDI) resource produced estimates of the population 'alcohol attributable fraction' (AAF) due to e
- PMID 26041609
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- Hall AJ1, Butler BE2, Lomber SG3.
- NeuroImage.Neuroimage.2015 Dec 4. pii: S1053-8119(15)01080-0. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2015.11.056. [Epub ahead of print]
- Sensory systems are typically constructed in a hierarchical fashion such that lower level subcortical and cortical areas process basic stimulus features, while higher level areas reassemble these features into object-level representations. A number of anatomical pathway tracing studies have suggeste
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- Alcohol-Adapted Anger Management Treatment: A Randomized Controlled Trial of an Innovative Therapy for Alcohol Dependence.
- Walitzer KS1, Deffenbacher JL2, Shyhalla K3.
- Journal of substance abuse treatment.J Subst Abuse Treat.2015 Dec;59:83-93. doi: 10.1016/j.jsat.2015.08.003. Epub 2015 Aug 18.
- A randomized controlled trial for an innovative alcohol-adapted anger management treatment (AM) for outpatient alcohol dependent individuals scoring moderate or above on anger is described. AM treatment outcomes were compared to those of an empirically-supported intervention, Alcoholics Anonymous Fa
- PMID 26387049
Japanese Journal
- 27aAF-11 フェロスピンネマティック状態における不純物効果の理論(27aAF フラストレーション系(マルチフェロイック・三角格子系),領域3(磁性,磁気共鳴))
- 27aAF-10 マルチフェロイックCuFe_<1-x>Ga_xO_2の一軸圧力を用いて実現した磁気的単ドメイン状態における磁気励起(27aAF フラストレーション系(マルチフェロイック・三角格子系),領域3(磁性,磁気共鳴))
- 中島 多朗,満田 節生,Haraldsen Jason T.,Fishman Randy S.,Hong Tao,Fernandez-Baca Jamie A.,寺田 典樹,上床 美也
- 日本物理学会講演概要集 67(1-3), 536, 2012-03-05
- NAID 110009566792
- 27aAF-9 3次元中性子偏極解析及び共鳴X線散乱を用いたマルチフェロイックCuFe_<1-x>Ga_xO_2のらせん磁気相における磁気・結晶構造の精密探査(27aAF フラストレーション系(マルチフェロイック・三角格子系),領域3(磁性,磁気共鳴))
- 金子 周史,中島 多朗,満田 節生,吉冨 啓祐,寺田 典樹,脇本 秀一,武田 全康,加倉井 和久,田中 良和
- 日本物理学会講演概要集 67(1-3), 536, 2012-03-05
- NAID 110009566791
Related Links
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- 関
- 2-acetylaminofluorene、acetylaminofluorene