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- 1. 電撃傷と雷撃:評価とマネージメントelectrical injuries and lightning strikes evaluation and management [show details]
…injury have visible electrical burns . Other types of burn patterns from electrical injury include: "Kissing burns" – These are a unique type of burn seen with electrical injuries that occur at flexor …
- 2. 小児の中等度から重度の熱傷:救急治療moderate and severe thermal burns in children emergency management [show details]
…children The care of minor thermal burns, smoke inhalation, chemical burns to the skin and eye, electrical injuries, and ongoing burn management, are discussed separately. Local injury, systemic …
- 3. 熱傷再建の原則:四肢および所属リンパ節領域principles of burn reconstruction extremities and regional nodal basins [show details]
…fingers following burn injuries . One of the more devastating burns to the upper extremity is the electrical burn. The electrical source is grasped by the hands (94 percent) and the current exits through the…
- 4. 手術室の安全性safety in the operating room [show details]
… General precautions to prevent electrical injury in the OR – Regulations for OR environments mandate institutional risk management for potential electrical injuries by using one of two methods in each …
- 5. 脊髄に影響を与える疾患disorders affecting the spinal cord [show details]
…cladribine, and carmustine have also been reported, but these appear to be rare . High-voltage electrical injury can be associated with a variety of neurologic complications, including spinal cord injury. …
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- 電気 水や物理的手段 などによる治療法です。 指 指の靱帯損傷によって出てきた症状を早く治すには、 2~3週間程度の固定と安静が基本 腫れや炎症、痛みを抑えるために湿布や鎮痛作用のある内服薬を用いる
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- 英
- electrical injury、electric injury, electrical damage
- 同
- 電気損傷
- 関
- 感電事故死、電撃症、electrical burn
- 英
- injury, lesion
- 同
- 傷害
- 損傷 injury:組織の生理的な連絡が絶たれる、または機能が傷害された状態 → 機能障害が含まれる。
- 機械的なエネルギーにより生じた損傷。
- 外力によって生じた組織損傷を総括して創傷と言うが、皮膚や粘膜の連続性が離断した開放性損傷を<創>、連続性が保持された閉鎖性損傷を<傷>と区別して用いることがある(SLE.12)
- http://www.jaam.jp/html/dictionary/dictionary/word/0906.htm
- http://www.med.nagoya-cu.ac.jp/legal.dir/lectures/newest/node4.html
- 英
- electricity、electro、electric
- 関
- エレクトロ、電気的
- 英
- wound
- 関
- 創傷、傷つける