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- 1. 神経筋接合部に作用する毒素の概要overview of neuromuscular junction toxins [show details]
… The diagnosis of tick paralysis usually relies on the finding of a tick attached to the patient. Tick paralysis is a rare, but easily remedied, cause of ascending paralysis.… A delayed symmetrical motor axonal polyneuropathy, termed "organophosphorus agent-induced delayed neuropathy" (OPIDN),…
- 2. 新生児における横隔膜麻痺diaphragmatic paralysis in the newborn [show details]
… may be delayed in infants receiving assisted ventilation. These patients usually do not become symptomatic until weaning from the ventilator is attempted. Newborns tolerate diaphragmatic paralysis less well …
- 3. 手術室外での小児への迅速導入気管挿管(RSI):導入法rapid sequence intubation rsi outside the operating room in children approach [show details]
…coordinated, sequential process of preparation, sedation, and paralysis to facilitate safe, emergency tracheal intubation. Pharmacologic sedation and paralysis are induced in rapid succession to quickly and effectively …
- 4. 世界各地における蛇咬傷:臨床症状および診断snakebites worldwide clinical manifestations and diagnosis [show details]
…predominantly postsynaptic paralysis . When associated with significant improvement, anticholinesterases can also provide treatment for paralysis when administration of antivenom is delayed or antivenom is in …
- 5. 世界中でのヘビ咬傷:マネージメントsnakebites worldwide management [show details]
…toxins. If antivenom therapy is delayed awaiting progression of paralysis beyond early signs of ptosis or gaze paralysis, it may then be too late to prevent major paralysis. Intubation and ventilation are …
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- 胸・腰椎圧迫骨折による下肢の痺れ (胸・腰椎骨脆弱性骨折による遅発性麻痺). 体幹の疾患, 胸・背部, 腰. 圧迫骨折は骨折による腰や背中の痛みを伴いますが、. まれに骨折のタイプによって、. 骨片が神経を圧迫し、下肢の痺れをていすることが ...
- 骨粗鬆症性椎体圧潰による遅発性麻痺の病態と手術治療選択 Pathology and Surgical Treatments of Late Neurological Deficits in Patients with Osteoporotic Vertebral Collapse 伊東 学
- これにより骨折後しばらく時間が経ってから、下肢の筋力低下、歩行困難、臀部から下肢にかけての シビレや痛み、排尿障害などを呈することがあります。これを遅発性脊髄神経麻痺といいます。
Related Pictures

- 英
- delayed palsy
- 同
- 遅発麻痺、遅発脊髄症 delayed myelopathy
- 英
- delayed、late
- 関
- 後、後期、後発性、遅延型、遅延性、遅発型、遅発性、遅発的、晩発、晩発性、遅い
- 英
- paralysis, palsy
- 関
- (comb form)plegia。不全麻痺 paresis