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- 1. 小児期や思春期のアスリートにおける頸髄および頸部末梢神経損傷の概要overview of cervical spinal cord and cervical peripheral nerve injuries in the child or adolescent athlete [show details]
…trampolining. Spinal cord injuries can also occur in ice hockey, where the typical mechanism involves being body-checked from behind and falling head-first into the boards . Spinal cord injuries may be complete …
- 2. 脊髄に影響を与える疾患disorders affecting the spinal cord [show details]
…demonstrating vacuolar myelopathy at autopsy have symptoms during life . AIDS myelopathy most often occurs in late stages of AIDS; most patients die within six months of developing symptoms of myelopathy. HIV-related …
- 3. 脊髄放射線照射の合併症complications of spinal cord irradiation [show details]
…progressive myelopathy. Late myelopathy – Chronic progressive myelopathy is an ominous late complication of radiation. Unlike transient myelopathy, it is usually irreversible. Radiation myelopathy is typically …
- 4. 急性外傷性脊髄損傷acute traumatic spinal cord injury [show details]
… authors believe that the main effect of methylprednisolone on the spinal cord recovery was the inhibition of lipid peroxidation, and that late administration of steroids may have little effect on lipid peroxidation …
- 5. 脊髄損傷および疾患の慢性合併症chronic complications of spinal cord injury and disease [show details]
… progressive intramedullary cystic degeneration complicates 3 to 4 percent of traumatic SCI as well as other acute myelopathies. The interval since SCI can vary from several months to many years . Postulated …
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Related Pictures

- 英
- delayed palsy
- 同
- 遅発麻痺、遅発脊髄症 delayed myelopathy
- 英
- spinal cord (M)
- ラ
- medulla spinalis
- 成人の脊髄は大後頭孔からL1-L2の椎骨まで達する (M.279)
- 英
- delayed、late
- 関
- 後、後期、後発性、遅延型、遅延性、遅発型、遅発性、遅発的、晩発、晩発性、遅い
- 英
- sis, pathy
- myelo
- 英
- myelopathy
- 同
- ミエロパシー、ミエロパチー