- 英
- hypomanic episode
- 関
- 軽躁状態
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Japanese Journal
- Duloxetine投与後に躁/軽躁病エピソードをきたした症例
- 10.慢性疲労症候群(CFS)として治療中10年目に軽躁病エピソードを生じた双極II型障害の1例(一般演題,第62回日本心身医学会中部地方会演題抄録)
- 双極性障害の早期診断と治療(シンポジウム:うつ病の診断・治療上の問題点とコツ,2008年,第49回日本心身医学会総会(札幌))
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- 英
- hypomania
- 関
- 軽躁
- 気分障害
- A. The mood is elevated or irritable to a degree that is definitely abnormal for the individual concerned and sustained for at least 4 consecutive days.
- B. At least three of the following signs must be present, leading to some interference with personal functioning in daily living:
- (1) increased activity or physical restlessness;
- (2) increased talkativeness;
- (3) distractibility or difficulty in concentration;
- (4) decreased need for sleep;
- (5) increased sexual energy;
- (6) mild over-spending, or other types of reckless or irresponsible behaviour;
- (7) increased sociability or over-familiarity.
- C. The episode does not meet the criteria for mania (F30.1 and F30.2), bipolar affective disorder (F31.?), depressive episode (F32.?), cyclothymia (F34.0), or anorexia nervosa (F50.0).
- D. Most commonly used exclusion clause. The episode is not attributable to psychoactive substance use (F10?F19) or to any organic mental disorder (in the sense of FOO?F09).
- 英
- mania
- 同
- マニア
- 関
- 抗躁薬、気分障害
- F30.1 Mania without psychotic symptoms
- F30.2 Mania with psychotic symptoms
- F30.8 Other manic episodes
- F30.9 Manic episode, unspecified
- 英
- disease、sickness
- 関
- 疾病、不調、病害、病気、疾患
- 英
- epi
- 関
- 上
- 英
- hypomania
- 関
- 軽躁病