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- 1. アレルギー性鼻炎および結膜炎に対する補完代替療法complementary and alternative therapies for allergic rhinitis and conjunctivitis [show details]
…other allergens were assigned to active treatment or a placebo ointment. Ointments were applied three times daily, each for a 14-day period. No other allergy therapies were allowed. There was a large placebo …
- 2. 成人の皮膚筋炎:概要および初期マネージメントcutaneous dermatomyositis in adults overview and initial management [show details]
… patients were on additional therapeutic agents at the time of treatment. In the uncontrolled study, six patients (five adults and one child) were treated with tacrolimus 0.1% ointment for six to eight weeks …
- 3. ケジラミ症と眼瞼ケジラミ症pediculosis pubis and pediculosis ciliaris [show details]
… to the eyelid margins two to four times per day for 10 days . Petrolatum ointment therapy is favored for the treatment of children . Medications are primarily reserved for patients for whom manual removal …
- 4. 原因不明の外陰部疼痛:治療vulvar pain of unknown cause vulvodynia treatment [show details]
… the two treatments should not be used together. A compounding pharmacist can be an important member of the treatment team because they can suggest hypoallergenic bases for creams and ointments and avoid …
- 5. 角膜剥離および角膜異物:マネージメントcorneal abrasions and corneal foreign bodies management [show details]
… suggest topical antibiotics to prevent superinfection rather than no treatment . An ointment (eg, erythromycin ophthalmic ointment) is theoretically better than drops because it functions as a lubricant …
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- Minimum Essentials 1 皮膚科の治療には外用療法、全身療法、手術療法などがあるが、基本となるのは外用療法である。 2 外用薬にはさまざまな剤型があり、皮膚症状に応じた基剤を選択することが大切である。 3 ステロイド外用剤ではおもに皮膚萎縮、毛細血管拡張などの局所的副作用に注意する ...
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- 英
- topical therapy, topical treatment
- 同
- 軟膏療法、膏薬療法
- 英
- method、law
- 関
- 測定法、測定方法、訴訟、方法、法律学、手法、方式、法律
- 英
- ointment, unction, unguent
- ラ
- unguentum
- 関
- 軟膏剤、ペースト
- 英
- therapy、regimen、cure、remedy、therapeutic