- 英
- soft birth canal, soft parturient canal
- 関
- 骨産道
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- 1. 手術による経膣分娩operative vaginal birth [show details]
… displace the walls of the birth canal or increase the cephalic diameter. We often use ultrasound to determine fetal position and station before operative vaginal birth to confirm our… consist of a soft or rigid plastic cup, a vacuum pump to provide suction between the cup and fetal scalp, and a traction system. A soft vacuum cup is appropriate for most births.…
- 2. 陣痛および分娩:正常な第二ステージのマネージメントlabor and delivery management of the normal second stage [show details]
…presentation undergoes a series of movements that facilitate passage through the pelvis and soft tissues of the birth canal: engagement of the biparietal diameter at the pelvic inlet; descent into the vagina; …
- 3. 帝王切開:肥満患者における問題の概要cesarean birth overview of issues for patients with obesity [show details]
…undergoing cesarean birth, given that pregnancy, cesarean birth, and obesity are all risk factors for postpartum venous thromboembolism (VTE). Virtually all pregnant people undergoing cesarean birth in the United …
- 4. 骨盤位の概要overview of breech presentation [show details]
…buttocks and birth canal. Because the hips are flexed and the knees are extended or flexed in the frank and complete breech presentations, the thighs and trunk pass through the birth canal simultaneously …
- 5. 低出生体重児の単胎分娩delivery of the low birth weight singleton fetus [show details]
… Vaginal birth – Head compression by maternal soft tissues in the vertex LBW fetus is not a major determinant of IVH. For this reason, we suggest avoiding prophylactic episiotomy and low forceps delivery . …
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- 軟産道強靭とは。分娩の際には、子宮頸部、膣、会陰が伸び広がって軟産道を形成してそこを胎児が通って出産しますが、何らかの原因により軟産道の成熟が順調に進まず、分娩がなかなか進まないことを軟産道強靭といいます。年齢 ...
- 軟産道強靭。Rigidity of the soft birth canal. 軟産道強靭の原因は何か子宮の奇形や外傷性の瘢痕(はんこん)が原因になることもありますが、年齢的因子と体質が関係する場合が多いと考えられています。軟産道強靭の症状の現れ方十分強いと ...
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- 英
- rigidity of soft birth canal, rigidity of the soft birth canal
- 関
- 軟産道
- 英
- birth canal damage?, injury of parturient canal?
- 関
- 軟産道
- 英
- birth canal, parturient canal
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- canalis pelvigenitalis
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- street, meatus
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- 管、街路、街角