- 英
- coated pits
- 同
- 被覆ピット
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- 1. アスピリンの無効および耐性nonresponse and resistance to aspirin [show details]
…did not respond to enteric-coated aspirin subsequently did respond to one of the following: re-exposure, serial dosing with enteric-coated aspirin, change to non-enteric-coated aspirin, or addition of aspirin …
- 2. 外科の最新情報whats new in surgery [show details]
…paclitaxel-coated devices were used in patients with peripheral artery disease. Now, a meta-analysis of randomized trials that included over 3700 limbs treated with either a paclitaxel-coated or plain balloon …
- 3. 成人の院内肺炎や人工呼吸器関連肺炎の危険因子と予防risk factors and prevention of hospital acquired and ventilator associated pneumonia in adults [show details]
…VAP incidence did not reach statistical significance. We do not use silver-coated endotracheal tubes (ETTs). Silver-coated ETTs may reduce the incidence of VAP but have no clear impact on other important …
- 4. 経皮的冠動脈インターベンションを受ける出血リスクの高い患者high bleeding risk patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention [show details]
…rather than a DES due to high bleeding risk were randomly assigned to a polymer- and carrier-free drug-coated stent that transfers umirolimus (biolimus A9) into the vessel wall over one month or a similar BMS …
- 5. バルプロ酸中毒valproic acid poisoning [show details]
… Valproic acid (VPA) is available in immediate-release and enteric-coated,… concurrently taking VPA has been found to decrease serum VPA concentrations, leading to warnings in the package insert . While this knowledge has prompted a few clinicians to treat patients with acute VPA ingestion…
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- 英
- coverage、blanket、coated、covering
- 関
- 適用範囲、被覆度、報道範囲、カバー度、毛布、ブランケット
- 関
- 滑液包、嚢、嚢状、ブルサ
- 英
- packet
- 関
- パケット