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- 1. 骨肉腫のマネージメントにおける化学療法および放射線療法chemotherapy and radiation therapy in the management of osteosarcoma [show details]
…Nevertheless, this trial established that survival was similarly improved by either presurgical or postsurgical chemotherapy and established a benchmark outcome for future studies (five-year event-free survival [EFS] …
- 2. 直腸腺癌への術前化学放射線療法、放射線治療、化学療法neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy radiotherapy and chemotherapy for rectal adenocarcinoma [show details]
… concomitant infusional FU) . Patients in the short-course RT arm also received six courses of postsurgical adjuvant chemotherapy, while those in the conventional fractionation chemoradiotherapy group received four …
- 3. 化学療法後の進行性精巣胚細胞腫瘍への外科的アプローチapproach to surgery following chemotherapy for advanced testicular germ cell tumors [show details]
… surgery after salvage chemotherapy (26 and 31 percent of cases, respectively). The majority of men with residual NSGCT after first-line chemotherapy were given additional chemotherapy. At long-term follow-up …
- 4. 非プラチナ製剤ベースの癌化学療法の神経学的合併症の概要overview of neurologic complications of non platinum cancer chemotherapy [show details]
…disorders. A wide range of neurologic complications is associated with antineoplastic drug treatment , the most common of which is chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy (CIPN) . The site of peripheral nerve …
- 5. 進行非小細胞肺癌への全身化学療法systemic chemotherapy for advanced non small cell lung cancer [show details]
…agents such as bevacizumab with the chemotherapy, or from the use of single-agent chemotherapy as maintenance therapy after the initial platinum-doublet chemotherapy. In addition, better results have been …
Japanese Journal
- 大腸癌肝転移に対する術前術後補助療法 (特集 肝胆膵外科の臨床研究update 2019)
- 黒木 直美,三瀬 祥弘,大庭 篤志,髙橋 祐,齋浦 明夫
- 外科 = Surgery : 臨床雑誌 81(6), 629-635, 2019-05
- NAID 40021899099
- 腹腔洗浄細胞診陽性胃癌に対する胃切除術と術後化学療法の治療成績
- 石岡 大輔,齊藤 正昭,町田 枝里華,田巻 佐和子,小櫃 保,武藤 雄太,鈴木 浩一,清崎 浩一,力山 敏樹
- 自治医科大学紀要 = Jichi Medical University Journal (41), 15-19, 2019-03
- … そこで今回はCY1のみ陽性の胃癌に対する胃切除術と術後化学療法の有用性を考察する目的で,CY1 胃癌切除例の治療成績を後方視的に検討した。 … 生存期間に影響を及ぼす因子につき多変量解析を行ったところ,D2リンパ節郭清と術後化学療法施行が独立した予後規定因子となった。 …
- NAID 120006600920
- 臨床 : 治療 スキルス胃癌に対する術前・術後化学療法 (特集 スキルス胃癌のすべて)
- 秋山 浩利,小坂 隆司,宮本 洋,佐藤 圭,國崎 主税,遠藤 格
- 外科 = Surgery : 臨床雑誌 81(1), 40-44, 2019-01
- NAID 40021766959
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- method、law
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- postoperative、postprocedure
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- chemotherapy
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- 癌化学療法