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- 1. 抗結核薬:概要antituberculous drugs an overview [show details]
… (in settings where serum drug concentrations can be obtained). Data to establish a target range associated with efficacy are lacking for many agents; rather, target concentrations are based on the known …
- 2. 輸血を拒否する患者への対応the approach to the patient who declines blood transfusion [show details]
… oncology, a second tier treatment might be pursued to avoid a myelosuppressive drug . Some patients may be willing to accept blood products when a licensed physician determines that death is likely without …
- 3. 急性および慢性腎臓病における高血圧の概要overview of hypertension in acute and chronic kidney disease [show details]
… serum creatinine concentration. Attainment of goal blood pressure in patients with CKD typically requires multidrug therapy . As with goal blood pressure discussed above, the choice of agent depends in part …
- 4. 成人における急性下部消化管出血に対するアプローチapproach to acute lower gastrointestinal bleeding in adults [show details]
… presence of blood on rectal exam, heart rate, systolic blood pressure, and hemoglobin concentration were the features used to determine safe discharge.… appropriate fluid and blood product resuscitation, and management of coagulopathies, anticoagulants, and antiplatelet agents.…
- 5. 肝臓の有機アニオン輸送能および薬物代謝能の検査tests of the livers capacity to transport organic anions and metabolize drugs [show details]
… artery and portal vein blood and in hepatic vein blood, respectively. ICGa is the same as the ICG concentration in peripheral venous blood since other organs do not clear ICG.… An ideal drug for use in a breath test of hepatic drug-metabolizing capacity should have the following characteristics: The test drug must be metabolized primarily…
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- 血中薬物濃度 検索 blood drug concentration 投与した薬物の血液中の濃度。測定法には免疫学的な方法や高速液体クロマトグラフィー法(HPLC)などがある。血液中の薬物濃度は、血球中薬物濃度、血漿中薬物濃度に区分される。多く の ...
- TDM(血中薬物濃度測定)のわかりやすい解説と、対象薬物のゴロ合わせを紹介します! 血中薬物濃度測定=TDMは薬剤師だけでなく、臨床検査技師が担うこともあります そのため臨床検査技師国家試験にも見かける事が多いので最低限の知識と、TDM対象の薬は覚えてしまいましょう!
- 薬物血中濃度の治療効果と副作用とが密接に関連する時、投与設計の指標となります。 また、以下のような場合にはTDM が非常に有用です。 ①有効血中濃度域が狭く、中毒等の副作用が出やすい薬剤を使用する時。 ②肝機能、腎機能 ...
Related Pictures

- 英
- plasma drug concentration
- 同
- 薬物血中レベル、血中薬物濃度
- 関
- 薬物血中濃度モニタリング
- 英
- drug, medication, medicament
- 同
- 薬
- 関
- 薬物中毒、薬物依存、薬物濫用
- 剤、処方、ドラッグ、麻薬、薬剤、薬剤負荷、薬物療法、薬物適用、薬品
- 英
- in blood、blood
- 関
- 血液、血液中、血
- 英
- concentration、conc.
- 関
- 集中、濃縮
- 英
- degree
- 関
- 温度