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- 1. 尋常性ざ瘡の病因、臨床症状、および診断pathogenesis clinical manifestations and diagnosis of acne vulgaris [show details]
… eruption with lesions in varying stages seen with acne vulgaris) Medications associated with drug-induced acne are listed in a table Glucocorticoid-induced eruptions are also referred to as "steroid folliculitis …
- 2. 尋常性ざ瘡:マネージメントの概要acne vulgaris overview of management [show details]
… and selection of lotion, cream, or other drug formulations designed to minimize skin irritation, when feasible. Special consideration for patients with acne-induced, postinflammatory hyperpigmentation is …
- 3. 尋常性ざ瘡:思春期および成人における中等度から重度にきびのマネージメントacne vulgaris management of moderate to severe acne in adolescents and adults [show details]
… isotretinoin-induced acne flares Oral isotretinoin is also appropriate for less severe acne vulgaris that has failed to respond to other therapies or is associated with scarring or acne-induced psychologic…therapies for acne vulgaris are reviewed in detail separately. Oral isotretinoin is a retinoid that counteracts acne vulgaris. It is the only acne medication that combats all four factors in acne pathogenesis…
- 4. 乳幼児および思春期前のざ瘡(にきび)acne in infants young children and preadolescents [show details]
… onset; history of acne in parents and siblings; and medical and medication history, including use of oral, inhaled, or topical corticosteroids and other agents that may elicit acneiform drug eruptions (eg …
- 5. 思春期に生じる多嚢胞性卵巣症候群の治療treatment of polycystic ovary syndrome in adolescents [show details]
… There is variable absorption of this medication. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved this combination for the treatment of acne.… Antiandrogens act by inhibiting the androgen-induced transformation of vellus to terminal hairs. Thus, the maximum effects of these agents usually are not appreciated for 9 to 12 months,…
Related Links
- ざ瘡の治療では,皮脂産生,面皰形成,炎症,および細菌数を抑制し,角化を正常化させることを目的として,多岐にわたる外用薬および全身薬を使用する( Professional.see figure ざ瘡治療における様々な薬剤の作用機序 ざ瘡治療におけ
- 尋常性痤瘡治療ガイドライン2016は,維持療法と薬 剤耐性菌回避のための抗菌薬治療の一層の適正化対策 を推進し,さらなる治療レベルの向上を目指すものと
- ニキビ(尋常性ざ瘡)は、皮脂が毛穴(脂腺性毛包)につまり、炎症を起こす慢性の炎症性皮膚疾患。 ニキビは炎症の状態、アクネ菌の増殖具合などによって適切な治療薬がある。
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- 英
- acneiform eruption, acne-like eruption, acne like eruption
- 同
- 薬剤性ざ瘡, drug-induced acne, acne medicamentosa
- 関
- 尋常性ざ瘡、ざ瘡
- 英
- drug、agent、pharmaceutical preparation、medicine
- 関
- 薬物、薬、作用薬、剤、ドラッグ、媒介物、病原体、麻薬、薬物、代理人、医薬品、薬品
- 英
- drug-induced
- 関
- 薬物性、薬剤誘発、薬物誘発
- 英
- acne
- 同
- にきび acne vulgaris