- 英
- hypertrophy of tongue papillae
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- 1. 小児における閉塞性睡眠時無呼吸のためのアデノイド口蓋扁桃摘出adenotonsillectomy for obstructive sleep apnea in children [show details]
… lingual tonsillectomy has emerged as a safe and effective technique to treat tongue base obstruction due to lingual tonsil hypertrophy in children with OSA. A retrospective case series described the use of this …
- 2. 成人における閉塞性睡眠時無呼吸の外科的治療surgical treatment of obstructive sleep apnea in adults [show details]
… decayed effect (due to fibrosis between stimulating lead and hypoglossal nerve, for example), tongue hypertrophy, hypoglossal weakness, or device breakdown. In a retrospective review of the US Food and Drug …
- 3. 血管浮腫の概要:臨床的特徴、診断、およびマネージメントan overview of angioedema clinical features diagnosis and management [show details]
…tightness, and difficulty swallowing. Assessment and treatment are discussed below. The lips, tongue, and uvula are other structures that can be affected by angioedema and result in airway compromise …
- 4. 乳児や小児の舌小帯短縮(舌たらず)ankyloglossia tongue tie in infants and children [show details]
… connecting the floor of mouth and mobile tongue. In such infants, portions of the genioglossus can be drawn up into the fold, creating a "posterior" tongue-tie when the tongue is elevated. Branches of the lingual …
- 5. 舌裂傷の評価および修復evaluation and repair of tongue lacerations [show details]
… initially occur with the tongue at rest rather than protruding. Subsequently, the clinician should ask the patient to stick out the tongue, move it side to side, and place the tip of the tongue on the roof of the …
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Related Pictures

- 英
- nipple, papilla
- ラ
- papilla mammae
- 関
- 乳房
- 鎖骨中線のあたりであって、T4-T5肋骨の間、すなわち第4肋間隙にある(♂)、と思われる。
- 上記の位置は、性差・個体差あり(KL.265)
- 胸骨圧迫(心臓マッサージ):圧迫部位は両乳頭のを結ぶ線と胸骨が交わる部位である。胸骨のやや下部となる。
- 英
- papilla of tongue (Z), lingual papilla (Z), lingual papillae, papillae of the tongue
- ラ
- papillae linguales
- 関
- 糸状乳頭、茸状乳頭、葉状乳頭、有郭乳頭、舌
- 英
- hypertrophy
- ラ
- hypertrophia
- 関
- 過形成、増殖
- 英
- macro
- 関
- マクロ