- (botany) a tiny outgrowth on the surface of a petal or leaf
- a small nipple-shaped protuberance concerned with taste, touch, or smell; "the papillae of the tongue"
- a small projection of tissue at the base of a hair or tooth or feather
- of or relating to or resembling papilla (同)papillose
- 乳頭;(毛根・歯根などにある)微小乳頭状突起物
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The term papilla (plural: papillae) generally means a nipple-like structure, and may refer to:
- Mammary papilla, or nipple
- Amphibian papilla and basal papilla, part of the inner ear of the frog.
- Interdental papilla, part of the gingiva between teeth
- Dental papilla, cells involved in a developing tooth
- Renal papilla, in the kidney
- Lacrimal papilla, on the eyelid
- Major duodenal papilla, the opening of the pancreatic duct and common bile duct into the duodenum
- Minor duodenal papilla, the opening of the accessory pancreatic duct into the duodenum
- Dermal papillae, at the base of every hair follicle
- Papillary thyroid cancer, a type of disease
- Papilloma, a benign epithelial tumor
- Papillary muscle, a muscle in the heart
- Cuticular papilla, a raised thickening in plant cuticle, not large enough to be considered a trichome or hair
On the tongue
- Circumvallate papillae (contains taste buds)
- Fungiform papilla (contains taste buds)
- Filiform papilla (does not contain taste buds)
- Foliate papillae (contains taste buds)
On a fish
- Genital papilla, a small tube on fish anatomy, through which eggs or sperm are released
- Papilla (fish mouth structure), small lumps of dermal tissue found in the mouth which hold taste buds
- The sensory papillae of the Amblyopsidae (cavefishes)
On a sea cucumber
- Papillae, conical fleshy protuberances on a sea cucumber.
On a mushroom
- papilla (mycology), an acutely nipple-shaped protrusion in the center of the cap
See also
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English Journal
- Neuroendocrine tumor of the ampulla of Vater with distant cystic lymph node metastasis: a case report.
- Tsukagoshi M1,2, Hosouchi Y2, Araki K3, Mochida Y1, Aihara R1,2, Shirabe K4, Kuwano H1.
- Surgical case reports.Surg Case Rep.2016 Dec;2(1):73. doi: 10.1186/s40792-016-0202-1. Epub 2016 Jul 25.
- BACKGROUND: Neuroendocrine tumors (NETs) of the ampulla of Vater are rare and difficult to diagnose. We report a rare case of a small NET of the ampulla of Vater with metastasis to distant lymph nodes.CASE PRESENTATION: The patient was a 54-year-old man complaining of epigastric pain and melena. Upp
- PMID 27457078
- The arc of Buhler: special considerations when performing pancreaticoduodenectomy.
- Kageyama Y1, Kokudo T2, Amikura K1, Miyazaki Y1, Takahashi A1, Sakamoto H1.
- Surgical case reports.Surg Case Rep.2016 Dec;2(1):21. doi: 10.1186/s40792-016-0149-2. Epub 2016 Mar 7.
- A 74-year-old female was diagnosed as having a carcinoma of the papilla of Vater. Preoperative computed tomography showed stenosis of the celiac trunk and an enlarged artery arising from the superior mesenteric artery (SMA) joining the root of the splenic artery. Since this artery communicated with
- PMID 26951124
- The Novel NF-κB Inhibitor, MTI-II Peptide Anti-Inflammatory Drug, Suppresses Inflammatory Responses in Odontoblast-Like Cells.
- Nakayama K1, Hirata-Tsuchiya S1, Okamoto K2, Morotomi T1, Jimi E3, Kitamura C4.
- Journal of cellular biochemistry.J Cell Biochem.2016 Nov;117(11):2552-8. doi: 10.1002/jcb.25548. Epub 2016 Apr 4.
- Regulation of inflammation is important for pulp wound healing, including protective responses by odontoblast-like cells. However, methods for directly regulating pulp inflammation have not yet been described. The inflammatory response is mediated by a transcription factor, nuclear factor-κB (NF-κ
- PMID 27012464
- Histochemical Study of Heparin-positive Mast Cells in the Terminal Part of Porcine Ductus Choledochus and Papilla Duodeni Major.
- Stefanov IS1, Vodenicharov AP2, Tsandev NS2, Sevrieva D3.
- Anatomia, histologia, embryologia.Anat Histol Embryol.2016 Oct;45(5):386-91. doi: 10.1111/ahe.12207. Epub 2015 Sep 22.
- The study presented in detail the localization and density of mast cells (MCs) in the intramural part of the common bile duct (CBD) and in the major duodenal papilla (MDP) of domestic swine. MCs' density (number/mm(2) ) in different layers of both of the duct and papilla was evaluated after toluidin
- PMID 26394797
Japanese Journal
- 胆管挿管困難例に対する膵管ガイドワイヤー補助下膵管口切開によるプレカット
- 相浦 浩一
- 日本消化器内視鏡学会雑誌 57(7), 1518-1531, 2015
- 選択的胆管挿管困難例に対するプレカット法は,使用するナイフによりneedle knifeと通常型papillotomeとに大別され,標準化された方法はない.その中で膵管ガイドワイヤー補助下に膵管口を切開するプレカット法は,膵管ガイドワイヤー留置法から引き続きガイドワイヤーを利用して通常型papillotomeを挿入し,膵管口から胆管方向に11時から12時へ滑らかな弧を描くように膵管胆管合流部をOd …
- NAID 130005090154
- 部分内臓逆位症,右肝円索,輪状膵に合併した胆囊総胆管結石症の1例
- 大森 隆夫,濱田 賢司,野口 大介,伊藤 貴洋,大倉 康生,金兒 博司,田岡 大樹
- 日本消化器外科学会雑誌 48(7), 590-595, 2015
- 症例は46歳の男性で,心窩部痛を主訴に受診した.来院時黄疸と,CTにて胆囊結石,右肝円索,輪状膵,多脾症を認めた.また,心臓,肝臓,胃は正位ながら,十二指腸水平脚が上腸間膜動静脈背側を左側から右側に通過,体の左側に上行結腸,右側に下行結腸を認め,十二指腸より遠位消化管の部分内臓逆位症であった.DIC-CTにて総胆管結石を認め内視鏡的治療を試みたが施行不能であり,胆囊摘出術,総胆管切開切石術を予定 …
- NAID 130005088275
- 粘膜下局注法を併用し胆管挿管可能となった傍乳頭憩室の1例
- 原田 英明,勝山 泰志,清水 貴徳,末廣 聡士,長野 青史,早坂 健司
- 日本消化器内視鏡学会雑誌 57(6), 1392-1397, 2015
- 症例は76歳,男性.心房細動の外来治療中に無症候性の総胆管結石を指摘され除去目的に入院となりERCPを施行した.十二指腸主乳頭は傍乳頭憩室内の左側辺縁に位置しており,十二指腸主乳頭は背側方向に向いていたため胆管挿管は不可能であった.十二指腸主乳頭の右側上方にヒアルロン酸ナトリウムを粘膜下局注したところ,十二指腸主乳頭を背側方向から内視鏡画面の正面視方向へと偏位させることが可能となった.そのためER …
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- 片岡 円,来間 佐和子,岩崎 将,森 麻紀子,千葉 和朗,桑田 剛,藤原 崇,小泉 浩一,田畑 拓久,藤原 純子,荒川 丈夫,門馬 久美子,神澤 輝実
- Progress of Digestive Endoscopy 86(1), 228-229, 2015
- … Endoscopic pancreatography via the major duodenal papilla showed a short pancreatic duct with partial acinar filling, and pancreatography via the minor duodenal papilla revealed a stenosis in the dorsal pancreatic duct. … As longstanding stasis of pancreatic juice in the dorsal pancreatic duct caused by the relative stenosis of the minor duodenal papilla might be a factor that promotes pancreatic carcinoma, we should pay heed to changes of the dorsal pancreatic duct in individuals with pancreas divisum. …
- NAID 130005084341
Related Links
- papilla [pah-pil´ah] (L.) a small, nipple-shaped projection or elevation. adj., adj pap´illary. circumvallate papilla 1. vallate papilla. 2. one of the papillae in the area next to a vallate papilla. conical papilla one of the sparsely scattered ...
- papillaとは。意味や和訳。[名](複 -lae 〔-liː〕)1 《解剖》乳頭.2 吹き出物.3 《植物》(ハスなどの葉の)乳頭毛.[ラテン語「乳首」]pa・pil・lar・y[形] - goo英和辞書は14万項目以上を収録し、発音、音声、慣用句、例文が分かる英和 ...
- papilla [pah-pil´ah] (L.) a small, nipple-shaped projection or elevation. adj., adj pap´illary. circumvallate papilla 1. vallate papilla. 2. one of the papillae in ... In addition, asbestos fibers may reach the bile ducts through the papilla of Vater ...
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- 英
- nipple, papilla
- ラ
- papilla mammae
- 関
- 乳房
- 鎖骨中線のあたりであって、T4-T5肋骨の間、すなわち第4肋間隙にある(♂)、と思われる。
- 上記の位置は、性差・個体差あり(KL.265)
- 胸骨圧迫(心臓マッサージ):圧迫部位は両乳頭のを結ぶ線と胸骨が交わる部位である。胸骨のやや下部となる。
- 英
- optic disc (KL), optic disk(HIS)
- ラ
- discus nervi optici, papilla nervi optici
- 同
- 視神経乳頭、乳頭 papilla
- 関
- 視神経
- 眼球の後部の視神経が進入する部分で,色素上皮層がなく白色をし、光受容細胞がなく,まったく光を感じることができない部位
- 関
- nipple、papilla、papillae
- 関
- blind spot、optic disk、optic nerve head
内視鏡的乳頭バルーン拡張術 EPBD