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- constitutive secretion
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- エクソサイトーシス
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- 1. 赤血球細胞膜:構造、機構、動態red blood cell membrane structure organization and dynamics [show details]
…density of spectrin varies across the RBC membrane, perhaps related to the amount of membrane stress. Functions of spectrin include maintaining the membrane composition of other proteins and lipids as well …
- 2. 血液-血液透析膜の相互作用に関与する生化学的機序biochemical mechanisms involved in blood hemodialysis membrane interactions [show details]
…cellulose membranes and the composition and high adsorptive capacity of synthetic membranes generally lead to a decrease in the intensity of blood-membrane interactions. Synthetic membranes are made from …
- 3. Burr 細胞、有棘赤血球、標的細胞:赤血球膜の障害burr cells acanthocytes and target cells disorders of red blood cell membrane [show details]
…cell (RBC) disorders affect the shape of the cells by altering the plasma membrane composition or the ratio of plasma membrane to intracellular volume. Three of the most common morphologies are burr cells …
- 4. ミトコンドリアの構造、機能、および遺伝学mitochondrial structure function and genetics [show details]
…compartments : The outer membrane, which is permeable to certain ions and small molecules. The intermembrane space, which has a composition similar to that of the cytosol. The inner membrane, in which are found …
- 5. サラセミアの病態生理pathophysiology of thalassemia [show details]
… may be reduced . Membrane preparations from individuals with Hb H disease reveal a large concentration of membrane-bound globin not present in control RBCs . Cytoskeletal composition – Preparations of …
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- している乳腺上皮細胞から分泌され,乳中に存在する膜小 胞について紹介したい. 2.分泌膜小胞の種類と形成・分泌機構 細胞から分泌される膜小胞は,その形成と分泌機構から 2種類に大別される.図1に推定される形成・分泌機構を
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- 一方、外部刺激による調節を受けない分泌様式を構成性分泌と呼び、成長因子、膜蛋白質、 アルブミン等の血清蛋白質はこの経路によって分泌される。図2. ペプチドホルモンの活性化 ホルモンは分泌顆粒内で塩基性アミノ酸対でPC1/3に ...
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- 英
- constitution、structure、construction、composition、context、constitute、construct、comprise、compose、constructional
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- 気質、建設、構造、構築、合成、作成、作成物、状況、成分、前後関係、組成、体質、成る、網羅、仕組み、脈絡、体格、組み立てる、コンストラクト、構造物、構造体、文脈、構築物、構築上、構成上
- 関
- エレメント、基本、元素、構成、構成成分、組成、部分、要素、コンポーネント、構成物、構成要素