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- 1. 大腸癌の臨床症状、診断、および病期分類clinical presentation diagnosis and staging of colorectal cancer [show details]
… there is emerging interest in using fecal immunochemical tests for occult blood (FIT) using a low threshold of fecal hemoglobin… including the brain. Although brain metastases are exceedingly uncommon,…
- 2. 治療適応成人における急性骨髄性白血病に対する導入療法induction therapy for acute myeloid leukemia in medically fit adults [show details]
…considering intensive chemotherapy for patients who are ≥70 to 75 years old. Induction therapy for medically-fit adults with de novo AML will be reviewed here. Other topics related to initial management of AML are …
- 3. 急性高山病および高地脳浮腫acute mountain sickness and high altitude cerebral edema [show details]
…vasodilation causes an increase in brain volume, diminished compliance, and transient increases in ICP . According to the "tight fit" hypothesis, persons with a larger brain-to-cranial vault ratio (ie, less …
- 4. 高齢者における膀胱癌のマネージメントの概要overview of the management of bladder cancer in older adults [show details]
…treatment-related complications, survival outcomes for medically fit older patients appear to be similar to results in younger patients . For medically fit older patients with non-muscle invasive bladder cancer …
- 5. 骨髄異形成症候群の治療の概要overview of the treatment of myelodysplastic syndromes [show details]
…itself (eg, infection due to neutropenia, heart failure exacerbated by anemia). Medically-fit – Medically-fit patients are those who are considered able to tolerate intensive treatment for acute myeloid …
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- 英
- cerebral herniation, brain herniation, cerebral hernia
- 同
- 脳嵌入、脳嵌頓、圧迫円錐 pressure cone
- 関
- a 帯状回ヘルニア
- b 正中ヘルニア
- c 鉤ヘルニア
- d 上行性ヘルニア
- e 大後頭孔ヘルニア
- 英
- invagination、impaction、intrusion、impact、invaginate
- 関
- 影響、陥入、衝撃、侵入、腸重積症、腸重積、陥入部、インパクト