- 同
- cerebral herniation
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- 1. 成人における昏迷および昏睡stupor and coma in adults [show details]
…timing is not; deterioration can be precipitous. Two variants are recognized: a central herniation and an uncal herniation syndrome. In the latter, more laterally directed compressive forces lead to asymmetric …
- 2. 小児の頭蓋内圧亢進(ICP):臨床症状と診断elevated intracranial pressure icp in children clinical manifestations and diagnosis [show details]
…is a late sign of impending herniation Transtentorial herniation – In addition to vital sign changes, the earliest clinical signs of transtentorial herniation include : Headache ; Altered level …
- 3. 成人における頭蓋内圧亢進の評価およびマネージメントevaluation and management of elevated intracranial pressure in adults [show details]
…lumbar drain is generally contraindicated in the setting of high ICP due to the risk of transtentorial herniation. Decompressive craniectomy removes the rigid confines of the bony skull, increasing the …
- 4. 脳浮腫を伴う広範な大脳半球梗塞と脳ヘルニアの発症リスクmalignant cerebral hemispheric infarction with swelling and risk of herniation [show details]
…Furthermore, there is clinical evidence that aggressive medical reversal of a single episode of transtentorial herniation in the absence of radiographic evidence of midbrain injury may permit good long-term outcome …
- 5. 中度と重度の急性外傷性脳損傷のマネージメントmanagement of acute moderate and severe traumatic brain injury [show details]
…setting of cerebral herniation . However, prolonged use is potentially harmful and is not recommended. Use of a bolus dose of an osmotic agent capable of transiently reversing cerebral herniation. The two …
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- 嵌頓とは|命に危険が及ぶ危険な状態 鼠径ヘルニアは良性の病気ですが、自然治癒やお薬の治療で治すことは不可能です。鼠径ヘルニアの症状(鼠径部の膨らみや痛み)を放置していると、その症状が増し、日常生活に支障が出るだけでなく時に命に危険が及ぶこともあります。
- デジタル大辞泉 - 脳嵌頓の用語解説 - ⇒脳ヘルニア 今日のキーワード 鋼材 鉄鋼1次製品ともいう。圧延,鋳造,鍛造加工した鋼の1次製品で,形状によって条鋼,鋼板,鋼管などに分類される。
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- 英
- cerebral herniation, brain herniation, cerebral hernia
- 同
- 脳嵌入、脳嵌頓、圧迫円錐 pressure cone
- 関
- a 帯状回ヘルニア
- b 正中ヘルニア
- c 鉤ヘルニア
- d 上行性ヘルニア
- e 大後頭孔ヘルニア