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- 胆管系
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- 1. 悪性胆管閉塞に対する内視鏡下ステント留置術endoscopic stenting for malignant biliary obstruction [show details]
…SEMS allows for drainage from the contralateral biliary system. When technically feasible, bilateral stents are placed. Common complications of biliary stents include stent occlusion (secondary to tumor …
- 2. Intraductal ultrasound for evaluating the pancreaticobiliary ductal systemintraductal ultrasound for evaluating the pancreaticobiliary ductal system [show details]
…guidewire to help advance the catheter in patients with proximal biliary strictures. IDUS produces high quality imaging of the biliary system and surrounding structures, such as the right hepatic artery …
- 3. カテーテル型の高周波数超音波内視鏡検査high frequency catheter endoscopic ultrasonography [show details]
…catheters consist of a probe that contains a number of fixed ultrasound transducers (ie, no rotating system) at their tips. These transducers transmit signals via microwires to the image processor. Electronic … High-frequency ultrasound (HFUS) catheters have been described in staging esophageal, gastric, pancreatic, biliary, and colorectal cancers. High-frequency miniprobes are best suited for determining tumor extension …
- 4. 胆嚢嚢胞biliary cysts [show details]
…with biliary cysts, including malignancy, pancreatitis, cholangitis, and obstructive jaundice. Serum liver tests are often normal in patients with biliary cysts. This reflects absence of biliary obstruction …
- 5. 自然免疫系の概要an overview of the innate immune system [show details]
…in the adaptive immune system . The innate immune system protects the host during the time between microbe exposure and initial adaptive responses. The importance of such a system can be appreciated by …
Japanese Journal
- 胆路系疾患における十二指腸ファーター乳頭部のX線学的・臨床的研究
- 笹本 登貴夫
- 千葉医学会雑誌 44(5), 613-630, 1969-01
- The papilla of Vater of the duodenum showed various reactive changes in pancreatic and biliary tract diseases. The author studied the radiologic signs of the papilla of Vater by hypotonic duodenograph …
- NAID 110007350145
- 佐藤 直義
- 千葉医学会雑誌 42(3), 196-208, 1966-09
- A) Clinical study. This study is based on 164 cases of biliary disease that were admitted to our clinic. The species of microorganism in the bile obtained from the patients, complaints of the patients …
- NAID 110007348205
- 肝胆路系疾患の血清鉄銅に関する臨床ならびに実験的研究
- 宮部 浩
- 千葉医学会雑誌 41(1), 76-90, 1965-05
- Serum iron and serum copper were determined togeter with other clinical test on 271 patients with hepatic and biliary diseases, the diagnosis of which was established mainly by liver biopsy, autopsy, …
- NAID 110007347802
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- 胆道の病気と治療について. 肝臓から十二指腸までの胆汁の通り道を総称して「胆道(たんどう)」といい、肝内胆管(かんないたんかん)、肝外胆管(かんがいたんかん)、胆嚢(たんのう)、十二指腸乳頭(ファーター乳頭、とも言います)に分けられ ...
- (二)胆路 胆路は肝臓内の小葉間胆間に始まり、この管が合して肝管を作る。 左、右肝管の結合によって成立する総胆管は胆嚢につづく胆嚢管と合して大きな総胆管となり、小網の肝十二指腸間膜の中で門脈の前、固有肝動脈の右側を通って十二指腸下行部の後内側縁を下る。
- 家庭医学館 - 胆道(胆管、胆嚢)のしくみとはたらきの用語解説 - 胆道のしくみ 胆汁(たんじゅう)は、肝臓(かんぞう)で合成されて十二指腸(じゅうにしちょう)まで流れます。その胆汁の流れる経路のことを胆道(たんどう)といいます。 肝細胞(かんさいぼう)で合成された胆汁は ...
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- 英
- biliary tract, biliary system
- 関
- 胆道系、胆道 bile duct、肝外胆路 extrahepatic bile duct、胆路系
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- 一連、菌株、緊張、系統、系列、シリーズ、歪み、連続、システム、体系、体制、方式、筋挫傷