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- 1. 小児における歯の損傷の評価およびマネージメントevaluation and management of dental injuries in children [show details]
…associated jaw fracture. Dental injuries are suspected based upon clinical findings . In children with dental pain, fracture, luxation, or discoloration after an injury, dental radiographs confirm the …
- 2. 乳房の葉状腫瘍phyllodes tumors of the breast [show details]
…but have been described for phyllodes tumors . Phyllodes tumors may grow slowly or rapidly or exhibit a biphasic growth pattern. As they grow larger, phyllodes tumors can form a visible mass that distorts …
- 3. 小児や青年の乳房腫瘤breast masses in children and adolescents [show details]
…cannot be easily distinguished from phyllodes tumors by physical examination, ultrasonography, or mammography . Phyllodes tumor (previously called cystosarcoma phyllodes) is a rare primary tumor that typically …
- 4. 乳幼児への予防的デンタルケアおよびカウンセリングpreventive dental care and counseling for infants and young children [show details]
… including dental caries, malocclusion, and fluorosis, begin in childhood and can be prevented through early and periodic preventive dental care and counseling. The provision of preventive dental care and …
- 5. 歯の解剖学的構造および発達anatomy and development of the teeth [show details]
…requirements for dental development are differentiation of the oral ectoderm and migration of neural crest cells into the craniofacial region where the tooth buds will ultimately form. Dental development begins …
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- 発情期に限って子宮頸管粘液がシダの葉状の結晶形成をすることがわっかたのは丁度この時期のことです。子宮頸管粘液の精子受容性検査と共に、初めはウマのスタンプスメア法をウシに応用しようとして、頸管粘液の塗抹標本を作成 ...
- 結晶形成の度合は便宜上次の5つ に区分した。冊 羊歯型:肉 眼的に認められる場合が多い。升 樹枝型,放 線樹枝型:こ れも肉眼的に見られる場 合が多く,こ の ~ が定型的結晶形成である。+放 線,小 型樹枝,線 状樹枝,混 合型:肉 眼で
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- 英
- ferning of cervical mucus, ferning
- 同
- 羊歯葉状結晶形成、シダ葉結晶形成
- 関
- 羊歯状結晶 fern leaf phenomenon FLP
- 英
- 関
- 型、形、形式、形態、構造、組成、品種、編成、フォーム、成立、形づくる
- 英
- leafy、foliar、foliate、foliaceous
- 関
- 葉