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- 1. 成人における低ナトリウム血症の治療の概要overview of the treatment of hyponatremia in adults [show details]
… patients with an acute and marked reduction in the serum sodium concentration. Without time for brain adaptation to occur, affected patients can develop severe neurologic manifestations, including coma, brainstem … and the presence of preexisting intracranial pathology such as recent traumatic brain injury,…
- 2. 短腸症候群の病態生理pathophysiology of short bowel syndrome [show details]
…such as high concentrations of simple carbohydrates. Intestinal adaptation – The ileum has a greater capacity for intestinal adaptation compared with the jejunum . The ileocecal valve acts as a barrier …
- 3. セロトニン再取り込み阻害剤(SSRI)およびセロトニン・ノルアドレナリン再取り込み阻害薬(SNRI)への出生前曝露:新生児の転帰antenatal exposure to selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors ssris and serotonin norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors snris neonatal outcomes [show details]
…neonatal adaptation . Genetic factors – Poor neonatal adaptation may be associated with genetic polymorphisms . Infants who are exposed in utero to SSRIs and then develop poor neonatal adaptation may perhaps …
- 4. 成人における短腸症候群のマネージメントmanagement of the short bowel syndrome in adults [show details]
…It starts immediately after resection and generally lasts for three to four weeks. Adaptation phase – The adaptation phase is characterized by structural and functional changes to the remaining small bowel …
- 5. 成人における低ナトリウム血症および高ナトリウム血症の症状 manifestations of hyponatremia and hypernatremia in adults [show details]
…normally the major protective mechanism against the development of hypernatremia. The cerebral adaptation and clinical manifestations of hyponatremia and hypernatremia will be reviewed here. The etiology …
Japanese Journal
- 内山 貴尭,君野 孝二,山岡 憲夫,赤嶺 晋二,松尾 聡
- 日本呼吸器外科学会雑誌 呼吸器外科 4(3), 311-317, 1990
- … 術例の5年生存率は38.7%, 非形成例のそれは34.6%と差はなく, stage 別生存率はI期66.0%, II期50%, III期9.1%, IV期1例のみ生存し, I+II期が手術適応であった.組織別では扁平上皮癌44.9%, カルチノイドは全例生存しているが, 他の組織型は2年以内に癌死し, 組織学的適応はカルチノイド, 扁平上皮癌である, また, 転移リンパ節の気管支浸潤のための気管支形成は早期遠隔転移をきたし癌死したが気管支形成の意表はあったものと考える. …
- NAID 130003653378
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