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- 1. 早産児における経腸栄養に対するアプローチapproach to enteral nutrition in the premature infant [show details]
… for enteral feedings sooner compared with those who did not . Infants receiving red blood cell transfusions – In many NICUs, feeds are held for several hours during and after a red blood cell transfusion …
- 2. 乳児期における固形食の導入およびビタミン並びにミネラルの補給introducing solid foods and vitamin and mineral supplementation during infancy [show details]
… studies , but not in all . Feeding cereals to infants at high risk for type 1 diabetes mellitus before three months of age may increase the risk of development of islet cell antibodies. The relationship …
- 3. 鎌状赤血球症のマネージメントおよび予後の概要overview of the management and prognosis of sickle cell disease [show details]
… sickle cell syndromes (eg, HbSC, HbS-beta+ thalassemia) has been associated with sickle cell crisis and multiorgan failure; at least one individual (a hematopoietic stem cell donor for a… for iron deficiency or those who practice breast feeding also should undergo screening and treatment.…
- 4. ヒトTリンパ球好性ウイルスI型:ウイルス学、病因、および疫学human t lymphotropic virus type i virology pathogenesis and epidemiology [show details]
… cells lacking GLUT-1 expression can be infected by HTLV-I . HTLV-I-infected CD4 T cells can produce CCL22, a CCR4 ligand. CCL22 attracts CCR4-expressing CD4 cells,… breast feeding, probably through lymphocytes in milk. Overall, the risk of transmission via breast feeding is estimated to be approximately 16 to 30 percent . A longer duration of breast feeding increases…
- 5. 癌患者における経口栄養補給および経口/経腸栄養補給の役割the role of parenteral and enteral oral nutritional support in patients with cancer [show details]
… 40 patients with inoperable squamous cell carcinoma of the nasopharynx and oropharynx were randomly assigned to oral nutrition or intensive nasogastric tube feedings during RT . Despite the significantly …
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- action、effect、act
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- 影響、行為、効果、行動、効力、作動、措置、働く、効能、条例
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- pinocytosis
- 同
- ピノサイトーシス、飲細胞作用、細胞飲作用、貪飲、細胞飲み込み作用
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- cell
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- cellula
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