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- 1. 乳幼児および思春期前の小児における通常の成長パターンnormal growth patterns in infants and prepubertal children [show details]
… association between catch-up growth or rapid growth in infancy or early childhood and subsequent obesity, suggesting that mechanisms that signal and regulate catch-up growth in the postnatal period may …
- 2. 小児や青年の肥満が招く健康上の問題の概要overview of the health consequences of obesity in children and adolescents [show details]
… accompanied by accelerated linear growth and bone age . It is uncertain whether this accelerated growth results in stature different than that… premature development of aortic and coronary arterial fatty streaks and fibrous plaques,…
- 3. 小児の成長測定measurement of growth in children [show details]
… morbidity. Growth measurements should be plotted on growth charts that provide a reference for the population being measured. Serial measurements must be obtained to determine if the growth pattern is …
- 4. 早産児における成長マネージメントgrowth management in preterm infants [show details]
…for poor growth while in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) and after discharge from the NICU. They must be closely monitored and may require interventions to promote better growth. Growth in the preterm …
- 5. 成長ホルモン不感受性症候群growth hormone insensitivity syndromes [show details]
…patients with severe growth failure (height <-3 standard deviations [SD]) and low insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) levels. In young children, measurement of insulin-like growth factor-binding protein …
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