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- 1. 集中治療後症候群(PICS)post intensive care syndrome pics [show details]
… risk of ICU-related psychiatric symptoms, as well as female gender, age <50 years, lower education level, pre-existing disability/unemployment, premorbid alcohol abuse, ICU sedative and analgesia use, recollection …
- 2. 小児に急性発症する精神病の救急外来での評価emergency department evaluation of acute onset psychosis in children [show details]
… underlying medical cause rather than psychiatric disease. Even patients with symptoms suggestive of a primary psychiatric diagnosis should undergo a medical… Benzodiazepine (sedative) withdrawal – Withdrawal syndromes are an important and potentially life-threatening cause of psychosis in children receiving benzodiazepines and other sedatives chronically…
- 3. 苦痛緩和のための鎮静palliative sedation [show details]
… These include: Administration of the lowest effective dose of the sedative agent chosen that provides adequate comfort; Monitoring… psychological adaptation and coping are common. The standard treatment approaches to address severe psychological symptoms or existential distress…
- 4. 大麻の使用:疫学、薬理学、合併症、副作用cannabis use epidemiology pharmacology comorbidities and adverse effects [show details]
… Psychological factors – Depressed mood, anxiety, abnormal negative mood regulation, persisting conduct problems as a child or adolescent , or a pre-existing psychiatric disorder are… commonly used psychoactive substance worldwide, after alcohol and tobacco . Its euphorigenic (“high”), sedative, and analgesic properties are primarily due to one cannabinoid: delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC); …
- 5. 危篤状態の成人における鎮静鎮痛剤:選択、開始、維持、および離脱sedative analgesic medications in critically ill adults selection initiation maintenance and withdrawal [show details]
… to implementation of daily interruption of continuous sedative-analgesic infusions . These concerns include the possibility of long-term psychological sequelae (eg, posttraumatic stress disorder [PTSD]) …
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- 精神安定剤とは、興奮を抑えて、リラックスさせる働きの薬です。 一般的に医療の現場で使用される精神安定剤とは、ベンゾジアゼピン系と呼ばれる薬剤が多く使用されています。脳の神経に作用して、脳の興奮を抑えることで、抗不安作用や鎮静作用があ...
- 現在、厚生労働省で保険診療による使用が認められているベンゾジアゼピン系抗不安薬(精神安定剤)は、16種類あります。(1) 16種類もあるベンゾジアゼピン系抗不安薬ですが、一体、どこがどのように違うのでしょうか?
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- 英
- tranquilizer、ataractic
- 同
- 精神抑制薬、精神鎮静薬
- 関
- 静穏化、鎮静薬、トランキライザー、静穏剤、精神安定剤
- 英
- sedative, sedatives, sedative drug
- ラ
- sedativa
- 同
- 鎮静剤
- 関
- 中枢神経抑制薬。鎮静
[show details]
鎮静剤 : 約 605,000 件
鎮静薬 : 約 301,000 件
- 英
- drug, agent
- 同
- 薬物
- 関
- 作用薬、剤、ドラッグ、媒介物、病原体、麻薬、薬剤、薬物、代理人、薬品
- 英
- sedation