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- てんかん気質、体型
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- 1. 乳児疝痛:評価およびマネージメントinfantile colic management and outcome [show details]
…control children according to the Toddler Temperament Scale. The discrepancy between the caregiver perception of the child temperament and the child actual temperament may reflect the long-term effects of colic …
- 2. 産前(妊娠)うつ病:新生児や小児に発育異常が生じるリスクantenatal depression risks of abnormal infant and child development [show details]
…studies from the same research group suggest that antenatal depression is associated with difficult temperament in neonates: One study enrolled pregnant women with antenatal depressive symptoms but no postpartum …
- 3. 成人における社会不安障害:疫学、臨床症状および診断social anxiety disorder in adults epidemiology clinical manifestations and diagnosis [show details]
… Psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy for the disorder are discussed separately. A childhood temperament that has been operationally defined by researchers to refer to young children who manifest fear …
- 4. 産後うつ病:子どもに発育異常が生じるリスクpostpartum depression risks of abnormal child development [show details]
…and left temporal lobe. Postnatal depression appears to be associated with difficult infant temperament : In a prospective study that included mother-infant pairs (n >15,000) and controlled for potential …
- 5. 乳児疝痛:臨床的特徴および病因infantile colic clinical features and diagnosis [show details]
…crying is seen as a problem. Psychosocial theories of colic focus on temperament, overstimulation, and parental variables. Temperament – Healthy behavior and development are believed to be predicted on …
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- この疾患と関連の深い気質・性格類型はどれか?
- a. (1)(2)(3)
- b. (1)(2)(5)
- c. (1)(4)(5)
- d. (2)(3)(4)
- e. (3)(4)(5)
- 英
- body type, habitus
- 同?
- 体格
- 関
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- somatotype
- 英
- temperament、constitution、humor、humour、temperamental
- 関
- 構成、構造、組成、体液、体質、体格、ユーモア、気性
- パーソナリティー(個人の感情、意志、行動などの特徴)のうち先天的なもの。
- 英
- adhesion、cohesion、adhesive、adherent
- 関
- 固着、接着、接着剤、接着性、粘着性、付着、付着性、癒着、粘着剤
- 英
- quality
- 関
- 品質