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- 1. キノコ中毒の臨床症状および評価clinical manifestations and evaluation of mushroom poisoning [show details]
…brain-like appearance and are often confused with morels (Morchella esculenta) Was any ethanol ingested with the mushroom? – Certain mushroom species (eg, Coprinus) can cause a disulfiram-like reaction… mushroom is found in North America, northern Europe, and Japan, where it is sometimes added to miso soup. Boiling the mushroom appears to extract the toxin. Case series describe delayed encephalopathy … provide a food history that implicates the typical source of food poisoning (eg, undercooked meat, eggs, rice, salads, home-canned vegetables), and mushrooms are found not to have been consumed. However, sometimes…
- 2. 穀物アレルギー:アレルゲンおよび穀物の分類grain allergy allergens and grain classification [show details]
… protein. Approximately 80 percent of the total protein content in rice grain corresponds to oryzenins, which are a type of glutelin (prolamin-like proteins). Of the remaining proteins, 15 percent represent salt-soluble …
- 3. ヒトの疾患に関連する頻度が低いビブリオ属およびビブリオ属類似菌minor vibrio and vibrio like species associated with human disease [show details]
… diagnosis and treatment of the six minor Vibrio and Vibrio-like species that have been associated with human disease.… with eating raw oysters and other shellfish, including crayfish . In a large Thai outbreak, "fish soup" was implicated as the vehicle of transmission , and infection has been linked to consumption of raw …
- 4. 血清病および血清病様反応serum sickness and serum sickness like reactions [show details]
…the responsible drug is stopped. This topic review will discuss serum sickness and serum sickness-like reactions (SSLRs), with an emphasis upon the biology and clinical features of serum sickness. A detailed …
- 5. 2型糖尿病治療のためのGlucagon-like peptide-1受容体拮抗剤glucagon like peptide 1 receptor agonists for the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus [show details]
… Research has focused on GLP-1-like agonists that are resistant to DPP-4 degradation and on agents that increase GLP-1 via inhibition of DPP-4. Synthetic glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor agonists …
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- a. (1)(2)(3)
- b. (1)(2)(5)
- c. (1)(4)(5)
- d. (2)(3)(4)
- e. (3)(4)(5)
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