- 英
- abstinence、withdrawal
- 関
- 退薬、中止、撤回、離脱、休薬
- the termination of drug taking (同)drug_withdrawal
- the act of ceasing to participate in an activity
- the act of taking out money or other capital
- the act of withdrawing blood, tumors, etc.; "the nurse was expert at the withdrawal of blood"
- the act of withdrawing; "the withdrawal of French troops from Vietnam"
- a retraction of a previously held position (同)backdown, climb-down
- avoiding emotional involvement (同)detachment
- the trait of abstaining (especially from alcohol) (同)abstention
- act or practice of refraining from indulging an appetite
- 引っ込めること,引っ込むこと,退くこと / 引き上げ,回収 / 取り消し,撤回
- (特に宗教的な理由による)(飲食の)禁欲,節制《+『from』+『名』(do『ing』)》
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- 1. 中等度および重度のアルコール離脱症候群のマネージメントmanagement of moderate and severe alcohol withdrawal syndromes [show details]
…severe alcohol withdrawal . The inpatient management of syndromes associated with moderate and severe alcohol withdrawal is reviewed here. The ambulatory management of mild alcohol withdrawal, the initial …
- 2. 緊急時のオピオイド離脱opioid withdrawal in the emergency setting [show details]
… Abrupt cessation or reversal of opioids can produce a withdrawal syndrome. Symptoms of withdrawal can be severe in some cases, and iatrogenic withdrawal (from a reversal agent such as naloxone or naltrexone) …
- 3. 成人のオピオイド離脱:臨床症状、経過、評価、診断opioid withdrawal in adults clinical manifestations course assessment and diagnosis [show details]
… reduce the severity of withdrawal symptoms . This topic describes the clinical manifestations, course, assessment and diagnosis of opioid withdrawal. Medically supervised opioid withdrawal as the first step …
- 4. ベンゾジアゼピンの中毒および離脱benzodiazepine poisoning and withdrawal [show details]
…chronic users can produce withdrawal. Rapid recognition and treatment of BZD withdrawal is crucial because the syndrome can be life-threatening. The symptoms and signs of BZD withdrawal can include any of the …
- 5. 新生児禁断症候群neonatal abstinence syndrome [show details]
…been used interchangeably by some with the term neonatal opioid withdrawal syndrome (NOWS), which is used to describe opioid-only withdrawal symptoms . The term NAS will be used here. The term opioid refers …
Japanese Journal
- 亡国タレント議員は辞職せよ! 総力取材 山本太郎 天皇「手紙テロ」の罪と罰 禁断の全真相
- 独占!禁断インタビュー 敗軍の将、あえて兵を語る 高木守道中日・前監督「私にファンサービスは無理でした」
- かくてアベノミクスは財務省に潰される (禁断の消費増税)
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Related Pictures

- 英
- 関
- 休止、休止期、禁断、懸濁、退薬、中断、停止、撤回、取り除く、浮遊、保留、離脱、流産、退く、退かせる、取り下げる、ポーズ、休薬、吊す、止める、ストップ
- 関
- abort, abstinence, discontinuance, discontinuation, discontinue, disengage, drug withdrawal, pause, stop, suspend, withdraw
- 英
- withdrawal、drug withdrawal、withdraw
- 関
- 禁断、退薬、中止、撤回、取り除く、離脱、退く、退かせる、取り下げる
- 英
- withdrawal、withdraw
- 関
- 禁断、退薬、中止、取り除く、離脱、退く、退かせる、取り下げる、休薬
- 英
- withdrawal、abstinence、disengage
- 関
- 解放、禁断、退薬、中止、撤回、遊離、休薬
- 英
- withdrawal syndrome、substance withdrawal syndrome
- 関
- 禁断症状、退薬症候群、離脱症候群、退薬症候
- 英
- alcohol withdrawal seizure
- 関
- アルコール離脱けいれん発作
- 英
- neonatal abstinence syndrome