- 英
- osteoclastic bone resorption
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- 1. 骨格の正常な発達および骨形成ならびに骨吸収の調節normal skeletal development and regulation of bone formation and resorption [show details]
… the skeleton. Removal of bone (resorption) is the task of osteoclasts. Formation of new bone is the task of osteoblasts. Both of these processes are controlled by the osteocytes . Growth of the skeleton …
- 2. 骨転移の機序mechanisms of bone metastases [show details]
… Induction of osteocyte apoptosis is sufficient to increase resorption and bone loss , suggesting that osteocyte apoptosis underlies pathologic conditions involving enhanced bone resorption. The mechanisms …
- 3. 骨粗鬆症の病因pathogenesis of osteoporosis [show details]
… apoptotic, or dysfunctional osteocytes and probably their affected neighbors (paracrine senescence), stimulate osteoclastogenesis, matrix degradation, focal bone resorption, and cortical porosity. Autophagy …
- 4. ビスホスホネートの薬理学pharmacology of bisphosphonates [show details]
… of inhibition of bone resorption. In normal bone remodeling, bone resorption and formation are coupled. Changes in resorption drive formation, so when bone resorption decreases,… osteoblasts. In a murine model of glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis, bisphosphonates prevented osteocyte and osteoblast apoptosis . The mechanism of this effect involves connexin 43, a gap junction protein …
- 5. 糖尿病における骨疾患bone disease in diabetes mellitus [show details]
…alters osteocyte number and function, all of which contribute to reduced bone quality . Osteocytes secrete bone-specific proteins, including sclerostin, which inhibit bone formation. Osteocyte death… diabetes, bone turnover is low with a reduction in both bone formation and, to a lesser degree, bone resorption . In a systematic review and meta-analysis of 66 studies evaluating bone metabolism in patients …
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- 成熟破骨細胞による骨吸収活性は,まず7日齢の日本 白色ウサギの長管骨より未分画全骨細胞を調整し,コラー ゲンゲル上に播き,各種酵素処理(pronase E, collagenaseなど)によって破骨細胞のみの細胞浮遊液 (純度95%以上)を
- そして、その破骨細胞前駆細胞を破骨細胞へ分化させるためには、骨芽細胞が密接に関わってきます。 骨芽細胞は 副甲状腺ホルモン(PTH) 、 活性型ビタミンD あるいは プロスタグランジン(PGE) などの骨吸収促進因子の刺激を受けると、 マクロファージコロニ一刺激因子(M-CSF) を合成 ...
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![図175 ] 破骨細胞 ヒトの歯槽壁](https://1mg.info/0/5/o/2556.jpg)

- 英
- osteoclast OC
- ラ
- osteoclastus
- 関
- 骨芽細胞
- 英
- absorption
- 関
- 水分は小腸で80-90%、大腸で10-20%吸収される (YN.A-12)
- 英
- bone resorption, resorption of the bone
- 同
- 骨溶解 osteolysis
- 英
- osteocyte, bone cell
- ラ
- osteocytus
- 関
- 骨吸収
- 英
- cellularity、cellular、cell-mediated
- 関
- 細胞